Recent Content by Knicolai91

  1. Knicolai91

    Pregnant Cat?

    Still no kittens. Still no heat cycle. But still desperately trying to get outside. I don’t know what’s going on.
  2. Knicolai91

    Pregnant Cat?

    Yes, I would like to avoid xrays. Ok, no concerns there. She’s following me like a puppy today.
  3. Knicolai91

    Pregnant Cat?

    Still no kittens, but still no heat cycle. Is it normal for cats to not have a heat cycle this long if they are not pregnant? If she is pregnant I believe this would be her first time. I was told that their first time is usually small like 1-3 kittens. She’s not too big so I’m thinking 1 maybe 2...
  4. Knicolai91

    Pregnant Cat?

    I’m not sure. Is that bad?
  5. Knicolai91

    Pregnant Cat?

    Will her meow be different when labor starts?
  6. Knicolai91

    Pregnant Cat?

    No updates yet. She’s meowing like she’s in heat when we’re not around. She only does it like twice and then she’s done. Could this be her starting contractions? I’m so confused with her behavior. Her nipples were really pink the other morning. I’ll post a picture.
  7. Knicolai91

    Pregnant Cat?

    Ok. Will definitely set her room up for her to stay in. Will also start saving up for the deworming and vaccinations for the kittens. But curiosity.. Is there a reason she is licking the couch, like in the picture?
  8. Knicolai91

    Pregnant Cat?

    She’s quite good at getting outside with the way our house is laid out. We would have to lock her in our room to keep her from going outside. Which that is the plan put in place currently when she gives birth. We get her back inside. She mated around May 6th so I would think she is due next week...
  9. Knicolai91

    Pregnant Cat?

    I’m so confused by her behavior. She keeps trying to get outside but she is not in heat. Her tummy is very hard and she’s still following us around everywhere we go.
  10. Knicolai91

    Pregnant Cat?

    When should we expect kittens if she is pregnant? We’ve had her for about a year now, I would say.
  11. Knicolai91

    Pregnant Cat?

    Here’s a different picture. This was taken yesterday. I also have pictures of her nipples. I’m not sure if this is her first pregnancy or not. If she is pregnant. The vet said she’s about 3 1/2 years old. I’ll post the pictures of her nipples that I have. She seems heavier as well.
  12. Knicolai91

    Pregnant Cat?

    About 3-4 weeks ago I took my cat to the vet because we thought she was pregnant. They said they think she is but she would only be about 2 weeks. Her last heat cycle was around May 6th. She did get outside despite our efforts. The vet said to bring her back for an X-ray in about 2 weeks. We...
  13. Knicolai91

    Is My Cat Pregnant?

    Now she’s acting like she’s in heat. I am so confused. She keeps running outside when we open the door. She won’t stop licking herself. She’s meowing loudly. But her nipples still look bigger than normal and pinkish.
  14. Knicolai91

    Is My Cat Pregnant?

    This is what her nipples look like today. Does this look like it’s pinking up?