Recent Content by kitty333

  1. K

    Post your sleeping beauties!!!

    Oliver being his adorable self even in sleep.
  2. Post your sleeping beauties!!!

    Post your sleeping beauties!!!

  3. image.jpeg


  4. K

    All Things MAINE COON

    I love them! My parents had a male who lived to be 18. He was super affectionate. He even had a special yowl when he wanted to play with his special toy (my mother was the only one who could give him the toy. Anyone else who tried was ignored.) We have a nephew of his (also Maine coon and 15.)...
  5. K

    Kitty guardians

    During renovations to my home a raccoon decided to visit. This was at night while everyone slept. My cat at the foot of my bed woke me up without making a sound, and pointed out the intruder. She kept a very watchful distance but wouldn't leave my side. Once the raccoon realized I was wake it...
  6. K

    What weird names do you have for your cat? I can't be the only one

    I had a cat named Noodle. I usually called her Noodle-butt or Noodle-bear for some unknown reason. She also responded to Brat. Have also had a cat named Gordo. My mom's cat Jasper we called Fatbutt or Fatty.(he was a pure Mainecoon who weighed in at 15#).
  7. Forming bonds

    Forming bonds

  8. K

    Forming bonds

    I resently got an eight week old kitten. He spent those first 8 weeks were spent as the only kitten in a horde of cats. He also had some doggy friends. Now it's just the 2 of us and he's adjusted well. He is very loving and super soft. He loves to cuddle and play, play, play. He's so well liked...
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  10. K

    Pictionary Game

  11. K


    Well thank you both for your responses I will take them into consideration in my adoption. And Zeus is very cute.
  12. K


    Hi everyone. I have always had kitties in my life recently my cat Noodle disappeared. I was devastated. I am living with my parents who have 2 senior kitties 15 and 16 years old. They're nice but I believe it's time for a love of my own. I am moving soon and am allowed pets at my new...
  13. K

    Senior Kitty Pee

    I have a 15 year old healthy female cat. Lately she has been peeing inside, I will clarify by saying she has no litterbox and usually does her business outside. These events have become deliberate. We hang up towels in the bathroom to dry and she pulls them down and urinates on them. This...