Recent Content by karenmoon

  1. K

    How do I get my feral kitty to eat in my presence?

    Little Bailey has been with us for a month now and she's doing so great! The best thing I did was to initiate physical contact with her. I could see that she was completely nonaggressive, never tried to bite or scratch, so I started with just a gentle finger to her cheek. Then I slowly...
  2. K

    My feral kitten left me a surprise this morning...

    The little poops looked normal to me, just like what I see in her box -- not constipated marbles, not liquidy. I'm attaching my first photo -- I had to take this in her hiding spot because she doesn't come out and pose! Poor baby looks stricken by the flash.
  3. K

    My feral kitten left me a surprise this morning...

    Hi, thanks for the reply. My two cats have not yet met Bailey (feral kitten). I'm keeping them physically separated, though they have been able to smell things of each other's and I've left items of my and my husband's clothing in her space. I thought Bailey exploring the new room was a good...
  4. K

    My feral kitten left me a surprise this morning...

    A second cat box is a good idea. Thanks! :)
  5. K

    My feral kitten left me a surprise this morning...

    Last night we let our new feral kitten (about 5 months old) who's been living in our home about 10 days have a little more space. She stays in a small bathroom, and last night we opened her door to the adjoining room to let her explore. This morning I found the less-than-delightful surprise of...
  6. K

    How do I get my feral kitty to eat in my presence?

    Thanks to everyone for your help and support! Little Bailey has been declared (tentatively) a girl by the vet, since it turns out she's spayed. I believe her to be the offspring of another feral (who we're now feeding) who was TNRed over the summer along with two of her kittens. My neighbor...
  7. K

    How do I get my feral kitty to eat in my presence?

    Hi, everyone. I'm new to this site, and I'm here because I've just taken in a feral kitten from my neighborhood. He/she (don't even know the sex yet) appears to be between 4 to 6 months old. I have a mobile vet visit for him tomorrow and then we need to get him spayed/neutered. We could...