Recent Content by jenni

  1. J

    What do you have as your computer screen wallpaper right now?

    This is mine at the moment.
  2. J

    Miss Rosie funny face

    That first one of rosie made me laugh out load. They looked like they were having fun with them bows.
  3. J

    What kind of cake should I bake

    Definately chocolate icing.
  4. J

    The wanderer returns!!

    Well, we've been to the vets and he has a clean bill of health apart from a few fleas so we've got some frontline. Apart from that he's just great. I've had him microchipped now aswell.
  5. J

    Look what I got from a friend!

    They are just lovely.
  6. J

    The wanderer returns!!

    He looks absolutely wonderful and is actually fatter than when we last saw him so someone has obviously been taking good care of him. I have a vets appointment for tomorrow so he can get a once over but he does look very healthy. He sat on my lap all evening last night and purred and purred and...
  7. J

    The wanderer returns!!

    I am absolutely over the moon. My cat Bobby has returned after being missing for 8 months. He is curled up on my lap now purring and i'm absolutely ecstatic, i never thought i would see him again.
  8. J

    Roper in his Winter Sweater

    Roper looks adorable in his sweater. I hope your brother has a good thanksgiving.
  9. J

    a ginger boy's first day home

    What a handsome boy he is.
  10. J

    The new baby

    OMG he is just adorable.
  11. J

    Cat Versus Cow!

    Great pics.
  12. J

    Bengals are such characters

    It wouldn't let me watch it. It said clip unavailable.
  13. J

    Finally decent pics of Tiger!

    He is truly a handsome young man.
  14. J

    Major cattitude

    She is just beautiful and i can't imagine why anyone would want to abandon her. She is so lucky to have found you.
  15. J

    Has anyone needed a Tobie fix? i.e. Tobie pics enclosed...

    That last pic made me laugh out loud. The look on his face is just adorable.