Search Results

  1. J

    What do you have as your computer screen wallpaper right now?

    This is mine at the moment.
  2. J

    Miss Rosie funny face

    That first one of rosie made me laugh out load. They looked like they were having fun with them bows.
  3. J

    What kind of cake should I bake

    Definately chocolate icing.
  4. J

    The wanderer returns!!

    Well, we've been to the vets and he has a clean bill of health apart from a few fleas so we've got some frontline. Apart from that he's just great. I've had him microchipped now aswell.
  5. J

    Look what I got from a friend!

    They are just lovely.
  6. J

    The wanderer returns!!

    He looks absolutely wonderful and is actually fatter than when we last saw him so someone has obviously been taking good care of him. I have a vets appointment for tomorrow so he can get a once over but he does look very healthy. He sat on my lap all evening last night and purred and purred and...
  7. J

    The wanderer returns!!

    I am absolutely over the moon. My cat Bobby has returned after being missing for 8 months. He is curled up on my lap now purring and i'm absolutely ecstatic, i never thought i would see him again.
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    Roper in his Winter Sweater

    Roper looks adorable in his sweater. I hope your brother has a good thanksgiving.
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    a ginger boy's first day home

    What a handsome boy he is.
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    The new baby

    OMG he is just adorable.
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    Cat Versus Cow!

    Great pics.
  12. J

    Bengals are such characters

    It wouldn't let me watch it. It said clip unavailable.
  13. J

    Finally decent pics of Tiger!

    He is truly a handsome young man.
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    Major cattitude

    She is just beautiful and i can't imagine why anyone would want to abandon her. She is so lucky to have found you.
  15. J

    Has anyone needed a Tobie fix? i.e. Tobie pics enclosed...

    That last pic made me laugh out loud. The look on his face is just adorable.
  16. J

    More shameless braggin

    He certainly comes top in the handsome stakes for me, he's gorgeous.
  17. J

    Sophies pleased her mums home!

    Awwww. It's always nice to get a warm welcome. Bless her.
  18. J

    Silly Kitty

    Awww that is just precious. He looks like he's giving you a big cheesy grin.
  19. J

    Roper is back! Pics

    He is gorgeous.
  20. J

    When you shout ... what do your cats do ?

    Bumble jumps out of skin and runs and hides but Bobby just looks at me as if to say 'Are you talking to me?' and then returns to whatever he is doing.