Recent Content by jenc511

  1. jenc511 visit update

    We did the x-rays today (she's been coughing every now and then and vomiting, but otherwise seems fine - and The vet is also doing a heartworm test and running another blood test to see...
  2. jenc511

    Can We Keep Them? Urgent!

    Cats living in a place that is open 5 days a week during normal working hours and visited on weekends are seeing their humans more than most cats see their working owners. I don't see the problem. Dave and I work full time, come home, go to sleep, and go back to work. My cats don't see us...
  3. jenc511

    I feel really bad because of my cat's new habit.

    I am going on the assumption that this is based in play...? This is most likely a self-correcting behavior. If she gets whacked with a leg enough times, she'll stop (unless this behavior is that fun for her). I don't get the impression you're doing it on purpose. You could always try to...
  4. jenc511

    Animals Asia Against EATING Cats and Dogs

    The meat you buy in a supermarket was raised by someone. They might not care about the animal as much as you would (not to say they necessarily don't), but they still raised it, fed it, and cared for it until it ended up on your plate. I don't really see a difference. I'm all for more humane...
  5. jenc511

    WE need Sleep, Please Help.

    Lucy thinks the alarm clock is the dinner bell. It has forced me to wake up earlier, since I refuse to be a slave to her belly, so I make her wait between half an hour and an hour after the alarm goes off before feeding her. It hasn't worked, so I doubt I'm much help. She swats our legs and...
  6. jenc511

    Want to breed my Siamese girl, but need advice...

    Just wanted to chime in with the people who insisted that traditional/applehead Siamese are not "faults". If/when I actually buy a Siamese, I'm not buying a wedgie show Siamese. I think they're nice and all, but I like the traditional Siamese cats. I also love the Oriental shorthairs, because...
  7. jenc511

    Does Connie have asthma?

    Talked to the vet this morning, and Connie is going in for x-rays on Thursday.
  8. jenc511

    Does Connie have asthma?

    Thanks. I have been racking my brain and driving my vet crazy over this vomiting thing - I am cleaning up vomit two or three times a day every single day. Some of the descriptions of asthma symptoms describe it as almost sounding like the cat is trying to get a hairball up and that vomiting...
  9. jenc511

    Does Connie have asthma?

    She has been vomiting a lot, but I'm starting to wonder if it's respiratory and not digestive...? I am setting up a vet appointment, regardless, but wondering what, if anything, I need to ask about. My vet is a cat-only vet, but I need to get Connie's vomiting under control, and I wonder if I...
  10. jenc511

    How much should he eat?

    Lucy eats raw, but Connie eats dry. I still don't free-feed either one of them. Connie eats enough dry in the designated mealtimes to maintain a good weight. You can feed dry without free-feeding it. If you're trying to track their intake, it's okay to pick up the food after each mealtime...
  11. jenc511

    Best kitty drinking fountain?

    I have the Petmate, and I love it. So do the cats.
  12. jenc511

    How do you feed your cat?

    Lucy eats two meals of raw daily. She eats either Nature's Variety or Aunt Jeni's twice per day. Connie, the dry addict, eats two meals of dry per day. She is now eating California Natural, but was on Nature's Variety Raw Instinct chicken variety each day. I am trying to figure out whether...
  13. jenc511

    Please help me find Jasper Columbo a loving home (Alexandria, Virginia).

    Patricia, Unfortunately, I cannot help you with a home for Jasper, but here in Alexandria (my zip code is Arlington, but I look out my window and see Alexandria - just moved from Alexandria-proper), Jasper needs to be an indoor-only cat. This is an urban area, and it's just not safe for him to...
  14. jenc511

    Yet Another Litter Box Question

    In addition to other suggestions, try two boxes, since some cats prefer to pee in one and poop in the other.
  15. jenc511

    littermaid vs scoop free automated litterboxes...

    Personally, I hate the LitterMaid. My mom has had several of the things (along with several other automatic litterboxes available in pet stores), and they all seem to have issues. She's got two of my former foster kittens, and the male is very bad about covering his poop, so he's always...