Recent Content by ivashanko

  1. I

    My cat might be pregnant, and I have a few questions

    She's gone through behavioral changes, and while her nipples did look a lot larger last night, she's mostly stopped heat like behaviors (it was on for a bit earlier today but has mostly ended now). I'm still not a hundred percent sure she's pregnant, but that might just be because I'm very...
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  6. I

    My cat might be pregnant, and I have a few questions

    It is 11pm here and I have some stuff to do in the morning, but I will tomorrow. Her stomach isn't too big, but noticeably larger than normal, and her nipples are certainly swollen- no mistaking that.
  7. I

    My cat might be pregnant, and I have a few questions

    I ask because, if all the signs were just misleading me or she's reabsorbed the kittens, I should cut down on how much I'm feeding her.
  8. I

    My cat might be pregnant, and I have a few questions

    So there's no real chance that she's actually in heat and she isn't pregnant then? Again, thank you so much for the help, you are amazing
  9. I

    My cat might be pregnant, and I have a few questions

    Late August. 21-28. Pre or early labour? It seems at least a week, and maybe two, too early.
  10. I

    My cat might be pregnant, and I have a few questions

    My certainty of my cat being pregnant has dropped today. She's making sounds and some motions like she's in heat. Its so strange since her nipples have swollen, she's gone from eating one bowl of food per day to three bowls a day, her tummy looks like she's pregnant, and she's been a lot more...
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    7 month old biter - is it too late for a playmate?

    While it is true that for most cats it gets harder as they get older, some are capable of making friends and playmates very quickly no matter their age. And some, I assume, probably aren't. I know anecdotal evidence isn't the most persuasive, but my cat is about one year old and my roommate and...
  12. I

    Has This Cat's Ear Been Snipped?

    ​I do a lot of work with orphans, and my grandmother was sent to Auschwitz as a child and my grandfather survived the siege of Leningrad; I've heard, seen, and lived through plenty of situations that people could never get over. I'm really sorry you went through those experiences, no one...
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    Has This Cat's Ear Been Snipped?

    ​I'm not disagreeing with you. Personal vigilantism isn't the answer though, especially because a lot of people like that aren't just suffering from bad pasts (many are) but are either neuroatypical (so they simply can't respond to simulation the way most people do) or have had the processes in...