Recent Content by Imaplacebo

  1. I

    Does My Cats Breathing Look Labored Or Normal?

    Is it dangerous if it stays that high? If it’s like his anxious stats of mind? This is my 5 month old male cat breathing I don’t know why it’s so fast we just took him to the vet and she said it could be from him getting neutered last week and gave him clavamox and said if it doesn’t improve...
  2. I

    Does My Cats Breathing Look Labored Or Normal?

    Hi, sorry if this seems crazy. I haven’t owned a cat since my parents did when I was a little kid. I adopted this kitten a few mints ago. He is now almost 5 months old. I felt like his heart was beating out of his chest or had labored breathing but I can’t tell if thats just normal for cats. It...