Recent Content by Haileyb26

  1. Haileyb26

    Cat Thinks The Carpet Is A Litter Box?

    This carpet was clean before I moved in. I’m really stressing out over if he’s gonna make a mess of this carpet, because I can’t afford to replace it.
  2. Haileyb26

    Cat Thinks The Carpet Is A Litter Box?

    My cat has never lived in a carpeted place before this. I just caught him trying to pee on my bedroom carpet again. His litter box is in the bathroom, but should I put another litter box in my bedroom? I’ve been using just regular cleaner for the carpet messes.
  3. Haileyb26

    Cat Thinks The Carpet Is A Litter Box?

    Hello everyone, I recently moved into a new apartment, and my bedroom is carpeted. My cat ended up pooping on my bedroom floor once, and I regularly catch him trying to dig in the carpet like it's litter. I'm not sure what to do. He's never been one to go outside of his box. He also just had a...
  4. Haileyb26

    Moving With Cat, Long Road Trip

    Hi everyone. I will be moving states with my cat, and I've never taken him on a long car ride before. I'm wondering what type of carrier would be best for him in the car. Any other general traveling tips would be appreciated. Thank you!
  5. Haileyb26

    Cleaning Fhv Eyes?

    My cat constantly has crusty/runny eyes from FHV. Are there any products that work better for cleaning the eyes than others? So far I've used just plain Petco eye cleaning pads, and they don't seem to do much. Also, is there anything I can use to help prevent his eyes from crusting? I took him...
  6. Haileyb26

    Fhv Cats And Vaccines?

    My cat is suspected to have FHV. Are there certain vaccines that FHV cats shouldn't have? Can they have vaccines at all? Thank you.
  7. Haileyb26

    How Important Is Dental Cleaning?

    The vet said my cat might also be part Siamese, and I was reading they're more prone to dental problems, which is another reason I'm considering the cleaning. If he already has gingivitis at three, I'm worried about it getting much worse.
  8. Haileyb26

    How Important Is Dental Cleaning?

    Hi everyone, I'm a relatively new cat guardian. My cat turned three this year, and at his last checkup, the vet said he had gingivitis. I was quoted a price for his dental care, and it could cost anywhere from $195-520. The vet said it depends on if he needs extractions or anything in that...
  9. Haileyb26

    Cat Doesn't Seem As Interested In His Food?

    I switched my cat over to Crave's indoor formula with salmon and chicken, and he never seems to eat the entire portion. I feed the recommended amount on the bag for his weight, and he normally he eats every last bit of his cat food, but not with this brand. He's never really been a picky eater...
  10. Haileyb26

    Should I Get The 2 Pound Or 4 Pound Bag Of Food?

    Hi everyone, My math isn't that great, and I'm trying to figure out if I should buy my cat the 2 pound or 4 pound bag of cat food. I plan on only feeding him 1/3 a cup of the dry food mixed with some wet food. I eventually want to switch to an entirely wet food diet when he's ready, but I wanted...
  11. Haileyb26

    Cat Wand With A Long String?

    My cat loves to play with cat wands, but some of the strings can be rather short. My cat just seems to have a preference for the longer strings. Any recommendations? :) Thanks!
  12. Haileyb26

    L-lysine Treats For Feline Herpes?

    Thank you!! :) I ended up choosing the "Pet Naturals of Vermont L-Lysine Cat Chews" treats. I didn't think he'd eat them, because they have a strange smell, but he gobbles them up with no problem lol. I'm just so grateful for everyone on this forum who has posted about L-Lysine. It's been a...
  13. Haileyb26

    L-lysine Treats For Feline Herpes?

    So, I bought my cat the L-Lysine treats, and I'm shocked. His eyes look a lot better just after one daily dose. I can actually see the color in his eyes instead of just gunk, and I haven't heard him wheeze once today. He's not squinting for once.
  14. Haileyb26

    L-lysine Treats For Feline Herpes?

    How long does a tub last you? :)
  15. Haileyb26

    L-lysine Treats For Feline Herpes?

    I took my cat to the vet, and she said he more than likely had feline herpes. The vet said we could try anti-biotics and an eye cream on him to see if it's just some sort of infection, but I declined since I already tried both of those things on my own. She said if it was truly herpes, the...