Recent Content by gunsmoke315

  1. gunsmoke315

    Baby kittens

    The one on the top is the runt and I have to keep him on a heating pad sometimes and the one on the bottom is the mom with all of them. They are doing so much better every day
  2. gunsmoke315

    Baby kittens

    Yes it truly truly is.They are all so precious and cute128077128571
  3. gunsmoke315

    A Gift

    That is so sweet.It makes me think of my dog Goldie who I had for over 13 years and recently lost. She was my best friend and I miss her dearly 128557
  4. gunsmoke315

    My foster kitten!

    Aww! She's so pretty!128525
  5. gunsmoke315

    Baby kittens

    They are so much better and still improving.The mom is taking much better care of them now and I am getting weight put on her and her babies.12857110084️128515
  6. gunsmoke315

    Baby kittens

    Yes I took in the mom and at first I was having to feed them,wash them,etc and she didn't do anything but after me staying up trough the night and feeding the mom and her kittens she seemed more energetic this morning is washing her kittens but I still have to get some weight put on her because...
  7. gunsmoke315

    Baby kittens

    No I do not know how much they weigh maybe 1 pound and possibly not even that129300
  8. gunsmoke315

    Baby kittens

    I am having to take care of five two week old kittens and I know some of how to take care of them but don't know how often I need to feed them kitten formula so can someone please help! I found them almost froze to death and I have them on a heating pad now and they r doing better but ther moms...
  9. gunsmoke315

    What breed is tiger

    He looks like a tabby
  10. The Ace

    The Ace

  11. Pictures-of-Cute-Kittes-3.jpg


  12. gunsmoke315

    Rescued baby cat has breathing problems:(

    you could try giving him a raw egg to help with the diarreha.Thats what I did for my cat when she had diarreaha and it was gone a couple days later.
  13. gunsmoke315

    watery eyes

    Um no they are not concerned about it.They just give me a tube of eye ointment and when that tube runs out they give me another but it never really works
  14. gunsmoke315

    watery eyes

    well I have tried eye wipes and eye rinse and even the medicene from the vets but it always comes back and gets worst.They are outdoor cats and i've been to the vet several times
  15. gunsmoke315

    watery eyes

    I have been having a problem with my cats eyes being all watery and I have tried everything and nothing works it just comes right back.What else can I try?