Recent Content by goat1234567

  1. G

    Found cat dead

    Unfortunately, after a week of her missing, we found our one year old cat laying dead in the woods. She had no marks or wounds, just laying there. What was the cause? She was a bit thin and had a swollen eye but nothing was too alarming and she acted normal. Did she know she was going to die?
  2. G

    Female cat missing for 6 days

    Is it most likely that she'll be back? When she's out of heat? I've checked the shelters but she isn't on them unfortunately.
  3. G

    Female cat missing for 6 days

    Also we were planning on getting her unspayed but of course she goes missing before we were gonna have it done
  4. G

    Female cat missing for 6 days

    She is one year old and hasn t been gone this long, also she s an indoor outdoor cat. Before she left she had a swollen eye and was a bit underweight but I dont think that it s too alarming. We live in the country so putting posters up wouldn t really help. Will she be back?