Recent Content by Ginnyc

  1. Ginnyc

    Grieving Cat Has New Habit Of Waking Me Up Very Early For Attention

    Thanks for those resources, the second link is very helpful and I’ll start trying some of those tactics tomorrow :)
  2. Ginnyc

    Grieving Cat Has New Habit Of Waking Me Up Very Early For Attention

    Hello, I just updated another post in the health forum where I explained how one of my cats, Louie, passed away unexpectedly. His brother Dougie was pretty depressed, as they’d been littermates and were inseparable for 6 years. For a couple weeks he was lethargic and very clingy, prone to sad...
  3. Ginnyc

    Cat Having A Hard Time With Deworming

    Hi guys thank you for your responses but unfortunately he didnt make it. We took him to the vet and shortly after getting there he stopped breathing and couldn’t be revived. Even though this is late now I figured I should update this because of the strangeness of his death, I found only two...
  4. Ginnyc

    Cat Having A Hard Time With Deworming

    These are my first cats, and my first time dealing with a sick pet on my own. I’m just going to say everything and any advice for any of it would be appreciated. My 6 year old cat Louie had been having increasingly worse diarrhea (and missing the litter box too) for a couple weeks when we took...