Recent Content by feralhound

  1. feralhound

    "Screaming" drama cat

    Hi, I have three cats- ranging from 4 to 2(?). I've had my oldest blue tabby Sasha since she was a kitten, then Figs who'll be 3 in January I've had for two years, and just abopted Nova a orange tabby about 6 months ago, after having to let go of my FIV boy. I did the gradual introduction...
  2. Change of behavior - grieving?

    Change of behavior - grieving?

  3. feralhound

    Change of behavior - grieving?

    Thank you for your replies. These cats are the first cats I've ever had, there are still things I am learning from them behavior wise from living with them. I have always been led to believe that all cats are independent solitaire animals, and my boys have proved me wrong. (That's Theo and Figs...
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  5. feralhound

    Change of behavior - grieving?

    About three weeks ago I lost one of my boys, who was best friends with one of my other boy cats Figs. Right after I put him down I gathered my dog and Figs and ended up staying at my dads house since I was petsitting near his house (and couldn't bare to be at home), but left the female cat Sasha...
  6. feralhound

    Depo medrol

    Depo medrol is a long a term acting steroid to reduce inflammation, and as I understand many vets now a day are getting away from it. I would not use it long term on my animals (in fact I try and stay away from it altogether especially with cats. I know some clients who have allergy cats/dogs...
  7. feralhound

    FeLV for these 2 indoor cats with their vaccinated outdoor roommate?

    Felv is a little more contagious Than just bite wounds. It can be passed by close contact (sharing bowls, Mutual grooming) and can be passed through feces/urine as well. Your outdoor cat is more at risk because they tend to fight with other cats for territory. But if the vaccine fails with your...
  8. feralhound

    subQ fluids please help.

    I've had to give sq fluids to some not so nice kitties as well, like betsygee said if you can't get another person to hold her on the floor is the best. In a bathroom is probably best, or I closed room. I guess the main key is to be ready, hand your fluids somewhere high- Gravity is your best...
  9. feralhound

    Immune/health boosting vitamins for FIV cats?

    I haven't asked, I guess that would be a good idea haha. I'm curious if anyone else had any experience in cat vitamins as well.
  10. feralhound

    Cat spay?

    Sometimes it can ozz a little after initial surgery, and the more she moves around the worse it will get. If it looks like a lot or you feel concerned by all means contact your vet. Your best bet is to kkep her in the bathroom with her favorite bed, some water, and before you go to bed feed her...
  11. feralhound

    Immune/health boosting vitamins for FIV cats?

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone has any good vitamin brands they recommend? I had my cat on some chewable vitamins from petsmart, but they've since been hard to find. I'm giving them to my 6yr old FIV kitty, who appart from the occasional bouts of sneezy runny eyes and soft foul smelling stool...
  12. feralhound

    Some kind of marble tabby, Sokoke tabby?

    I honestly thought Sokoke was a color pattern not a breed, my bad on that part. I know that Maui is just your average joe domestic short hair mutt (and I have no problems with that! ;) ), I was just more interested on the correct name of his coat pattern. Like you have the marble tabby, the...
  13. feralhound

    Peeing problem

    Oh yes, definetly get them fixed! Having two cats in a smallish area will sometimes make them stressed, and urinate inappropriatly. They defintly need one litter box per cat, and must be cleaned at least once a day. If you get two litter boxes seperate them, see who's doing it, and make sure...
  14. feralhound

    4 cats with ear infections and allergies

    Florida is not a friendly place for animals with allergies, trust me on that. With all the pollen and weeds and such, plus all the bugs especially fleas. Skin allergies and ear infections go hand in hand, it's not unusual to have skin allergies and ear infections. Sounds to me if she gets better...
  15. feralhound

    Food aggression and obsession

    I've started feeding him 1/4c more a day, so 1 1/2 of a 1/4c scoop twice a day. He gets Chicken Soup for the cats soul, and sometimes I'll give him some solid gold wet food. I haven't tried feeding him three times a day, it's such an ordeal twice a day I don't really think I'm up to handling...