Recent Content by Ellexius

  1. E

    What color coat is this? Also, breed?

    An update! She’s definitely a tortie point, or tortimese. This is for people who have similar coat cats and are curious. Her little feet are becoming red, and her eyes are becoming more grey but I have a feeling that’ll change once she’s an adult.
  2. E

    What color coat is this? Also, breed?

    So that’s what it’s called! I’ve been searching “grey” but all that shows up is Russian blues, etc. Tortie point looks like the most similar to her coat. How do I know if her fur will be long vs short?
  3. E

    What color coat is this? Also, breed?

    Thank you! I’m not too sure if she’s long or short-haired. These are the most recent pics of her, and she’s 6w old. She seems a little fluffy, so I’m leaning more towards long but honestly this is my first cat since 2006, I don’t know much of anything.
  4. E

    What color coat is this? Also, breed?

    This is my new kitten. I’m wondering what color coat/breed she may be as I’m having trouble finding similar coats online. She’s predominantly grey, with what seems like some brown? Either way, she’s everything and I’d die for her haha.