Recent Content by cyto_girl

  1. C

    Long distance move

    Ok I'm about to drive/move from South Carolina to Colorado with my cat. She's a sleeper when it comes to being in the car. I'm getting her a slightly bigger carrier for this ride but the issue I'm trying to figure out is the litter box issue during the day. If I try to let her out anytime...
  2. C

    Brave New World (or leaving the bedroom door open)

    Chip was actually pretty quiet last night. I think she slept under the bed mostly. Guess she's all grown up now and doesn't do the crazy kitten bit as much. I know one time I woke up and she was sitting on the foot of the bed staring at us. And then she only swatted at my hair once around...
  3. C

    Brave New World (or leaving the bedroom door open)

    Actually I'm already starting to consider solutions in that area because I know when we let Chip in the room last year, she had a habit of waking me up at 2 or 3 a.m. ready to play but that's just because we didn't let her come in enough to know that it's time to sleep. She'll get behind the...
  4. C

    Brave New World (or leaving the bedroom door open)

    Yup, no pressure. It was just so wierd to see her act like that because she's usually never vocal like that. She's out of the cabinet now but she'll still hiss at Chip when she gets too close. I'll wager in a week she'll be in the bedroom rolling all over the bed like it all never happened...
  5. C

    Brave New World (or leaving the bedroom door open)

    I just need some sympathy, and so do our cats right now, one because she's confused and one because she's scared. Here's the story, so far. We have 2 cats, Chip and CoCo. They are the same age but we've had Chip a little longer than CoCo. Chip is naturally inquisitive and CoCo is naturally...
  6. C

    Kitten spayed now won't eat or drink

    She's in no more pain than can be expected from a hysterectomy I guess. She just needs healing time. Just have to make sure she's not dehydrated and is getting something in her tummy (and keeping it there) and she's been pottying normally too. Poor little thing. Thank you for being concerned...
  7. C


    Thank you! Yep they've got personality all right! Chip's a little groggy from getting spayed last week but I think she's starting to bounch back now.
  8. C

    Kitten spayed now won't eat or drink

    Good advice to give a try! Chip is eating more today and she lapping up lots of water so I think she's feeling better. She was standing at our bedroom door this morning like she used to so she's definitely starting to get back into her routine. We'll let you know how the follow-up doctor...
  9. C

    SSscat? Didn't work for our cat

    Well that never worked either. Cause this --> is Chip (the scratching kitten in question). She takes after her mommy (me) and pretends not to hear no matter how loud you are. And water's just like a trip to the waterpark for her! She's like our very own teenager saying...
  10. C

    Another question about getting 2nd cat

    We (paulSC is my hubby) ended up getting a 6 month old female that my dad had raised so far in his barn with her mommy and siblings. He feed her and petted her so she was pretty used to pampering. She (CoCo) and Chip (our siamese-y kitty) are getting along great now! We've had them together...
  11. C

    Kitten spayed now won't eat or drink

    paulSC is my husband and father to Chip and Coco (whose pictures are on a couple other forums but here they are again anyways!). He didn't want to force Chip into her carrier and she stayed hidden under the couch, so he didn't take her to the vet. But he did ask the vet what to do. The...
  12. C

    Molly doesn't like uncarpeted floors

    Sounds like we need to see a couple action shots!
  13. C


    I don't know what CoCo is exactly. I know her mother is calico but that's it. Her brothers and sisters were black/white and total black and there may have been a tabby looking one. but Coco is just a gorgeous dark chocolate brown which is perfect because dark chocolate is my favorite! I...
  14. C

    post your sitting pretty kitties

    Pebbles must be my Tater Chip's long lost twin! I have her picture on page 7 of this post (I believe).