Recent Content by cecekinglove123

  1. cecekinglove123


    Hi! I was volunteering at start 2 and I got a bit of a distemper liquid in my finger when the cat squirmed as it was getting its shot! The lady said it is fine cause it is not red or anything but I am just making sure! Thank you!!
  2. cecekinglove123

    Fliping Bowls

  3. cecekinglove123

    Fliping Bowls

    Hi! My cat, King, for some reason keeps on fliping his water and food bowl over and we tried to see if it is a specific food that he doesnt like so he gets rid of it but that is not the case. He did it 3 times this week alone and i am 99% sure thst it is not to play because he has a bunch of...
  4. cecekinglove123


    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
  5. cecekinglove123


    Hi! I have a 3-5 year ragdoll cat and i was wondering what is the common wieght for a cat of his age. My dad keeps calling him fat!!!!, but he is obviously joking. Please help! 
  6. cecekinglove123

    Walking a Cat

    I don't use a harness, when i tried to put it on him he freaked so i attach the leash to the collar. btw thanks for the advise!
  7. cecekinglove123

    Walking a Cat

    Hi, I take my cat out for a walk in my backyard quite often, although instead of me walking him he walks me! It is like if he wants to stay and i tug on his leash he will not even budge. I have tried everything! Please Help!
  8. cecekinglove123

    Hair Balls

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! I will try Petromalt.
  9. cecekinglove123

    Hair Balls

    How do you control your cat's hair balls besides brushing (how often they cough them up)?  Is there a special food or treats your cat should take? Thank you for anyone who can answer.
  10. cecekinglove123

    Adopted a 5 week old kitten

    well, when it is 14weeks or so but nothing younger you should get it spayed and if you want to get it nuetered it is a good time to do so. also when your cat is young you want to teach it right from wrong, your cat most likely does not like water so take a squirt  botlle and fill it with water...
  11. cecekinglove123

    Do SoftPaws hurt the cat??

    well, your cat will most likely grow out of the stage of having soft paws depending on where you allow him to go. for example if you allow him to climb up trees his paws will get rougher to prevent his paws hurting, if you don't allow him outside then he will most likely have soft paws for...