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  3. B

    Do you hang up or listen?

    My neighbor listens to them very politely, especially if it's a Time Share sales pitch. He then asks if he has to bring his wife to see the time share property. Then goes on to say he'd rather bring his girlfriend since he and his wife aren't speaking to each other!!
  4. B

    Can We Keep Them? Urgent!

    Keep the cats! I know of a nursing home that has two cats. They roam around the home and even stand by the elevators waiting for someone to push the buttons to get them to a different floor!
  5. B

    I lost GiGi last Tuesday night.........

    My heart goes out to you. I hope GiGi comes home soon and has just been on a little vacation!
  6. B

    My blinds will never be the same

    I have the same problem with blinds. Also with curtains........would you believe this was once a straight curtain rod?
  7. B

    Two Cats

    In response to your question..........I've had the older cat about 7 years, the younger one I got about 3 years ago. I'll try your suggestions, thanks
  8. B

    Two Cats

    I've had two cats for a couple of years. The younger one suddenly got very aggressive with the older one. She growls & hisses at her every time she tries to come out of hiding, (under my bed) I have to pen the younger one in another room so the older one can eat etc. Any solutions to my problem?