Recent Content by boneboy

  1. B

    Not Sure What To Do About My Sick Old Cat

    Thank you for the advice, I'll decide what to do from here
  2. B

    Not Sure What To Do About My Sick Old Cat

    Yea the vet told me about the other tests, but I really cant afford them right now.. should I consider getting him put down? Its a hard question to ask but I hate to see him in so much discomfort and pain.. he can barely walk anymore
  3. B

    Not Sure What To Do About My Sick Old Cat

    My cat rook (hes around 15 years old, and a tabby i believe) stopped eating after we moved, so we took him to the vet and got some bloodwork and they said he had an infection but we couldnt tell what kind of infection it was and they gave him some antibiotic. It didn't work, he still isn't...