Recent Content by Bluebear

  1. Bluebear

    Kitten In Need Of Help *urgent!!*

    We went to the vet because even though we were able to et water and food in him, he was still going down hill fast, they thought it was best to put him to sleep, and I didn't want to see him suffer anymore.
  2. Bluebear

    Kitten In Need Of Help *urgent!!*

    When he's been sleeping his third eyelid will come out, but once he wakes up it goes back in. And since he threw up his last water, should I try and give him a bit more in a while to see if he can keep it down?
  3. Bluebear

    Kitten In Need Of Help *urgent!!*

    This morning I tried to give him some water, but he threw it back up afterwards. I was thinking of keeping him if I don't find his previous owners (if there was an owner)
  4. Bluebear

    Kitten In Need Of Help *urgent!!*

    His skin did stand up the first day, but since I've been giving him small amounts of water throughout the day it doesn't anymore!
  5. Bluebear

    Kitten In Need Of Help *urgent!!*

    He looks around 12-14 weeks to me, but it's hard to tell cause of how skinny he is, but here's a picture. And I've been putting a table spoon or so in him every other hour, and he seems to be keeping it down.
  6. Bluebear

    Kitten In Need Of Help *urgent!!*

    I recently found a stray kitten wondering around my yard, I was able to catch him and bring him inside, he ate and drank, but he's so skinny it's like there's no muscle, just bone. He sleeps a lot (which I guess is normal for kittens, but he doesn't have any kitten like energy) and is really...