Recent Content by babymandm

  1. babymandm

    Cat Carriers

    Thank you so much for sharing! 😊
  2. babymandm

    Cat Carriers

    Thank you so much, I appreciate it! And thanks for sharing the link, very helpful! :)
  3. babymandm

    Cat Carriers

    That's too funny about them disappearing! My cats used to do the same thing, as soon as they seen that carrier coming out, they took off! LOL! Thank you for sharing!
  4. babymandm

    Cat Carriers

    Thank you! Do you have a picture of it, I would love to see it and find one similar. Thank you!
  5. babymandm

    Cat Carriers

    Thank you so much!
  6. babymandm

    Cat Carriers

    Thank you very much! 😊
  7. babymandm

    Cat Carriers

    Would appreciate recommendations on cat carriers for my new kitty. I had one of the duffle bag types and didn't care for it. Seen someone have a nice one that expands on the sides, which was nice, and found another one that's like a baby carrier covered in mesh. Thanks for sharing your...
  8. babymandm

    Swimmers Syndrome

    Thank you so much! The breeder is working with him and getting him exercise and playing and going to get him used to the wheel for strength. The vet didn’t request any kind of therapy, just saying he’s growing so fast and he’s so big and heavy that it was too much and his legs are catching up...
  9. babymandm

    Swimmers Syndrome

    Thank you so much! I want to post a video, I will try to do it from my computer tomorrow. I appreciate the comment and the help!
  10. babymandm

    Swimmers Syndrome

    I agree, most of my pets are rescues and I normally don’t purchase animals from breeders but I always wanted a Bengal and this breeder is very reputable and trust worthy and this is the reason I’m getting him. I appreciate your comment though and I do know how important it is to rescue...
  11. babymandm

    Swimmers Syndrome

    Thank you for your help! And believe me I don’t normally buy from breeders, most of my pets are rescues and I volunteer with a reptile rescue and used to be on the board of our local SPCA. I always wanted a Bengal and there are no Bengal rescues locally, so that is why I am getting a kitten...
  12. babymandm

    Swimmers Syndrome

    Hello, Is anyone here familiar with Swimmers Syndrome in cats? I was informed today that the baby I'm getting in January went for his shots today and he has swimmers syndrome, which the vet said is caused by him being so large and growing so fast and his back legs aren't keeping up with the...
  13. babymandm

    Can You Show Me Some Pictures of Your Snow Bengal Kitties?

    Yeah that’s true. That’s ok, once I have my little guy I will gladly share everything about him and posts lots of pictures! 😊
  14. babymandm

    Can You Show Me Some Pictures of Your Snow Bengal Kitties?

    I get my snow bengal kitten in January, until then would LOVE to see your snow bengal babies photos and videos to keep me content until he's ready to come home! :)
  15. babymandm

    Snow Bengal Pictures and or Videos

    Thank you very much! :)