Recent Content by BabbyPig

  1. BabbyPig

    My Kittens Are Lost Outside At Sub Zero Temps

    No need to worry anymore! The cats found their way home! We were so happy to see them they’re warm and safe! Thank you all so much for your help to get them back home!!!
  2. BabbyPig

    My Kittens Are Lost Outside At Sub Zero Temps

    It’s 1 o’clock (PM) and the snow is about 10-15cm. Neighbours have said that they would keep an eye out. We’re waiting for a neighbour to return from hospital so we can find out which garagages belong to people
  3. BabbyPig

    My Kittens Are Lost Outside At Sub Zero Temps

    The kittens are spayed and neutered, they’re 8 months old and it was snowing when we were trying to find them. We’ve called around the neighbourhood at least 5 times and we asked the neighbours to look in their sheds and they haven’t found anything. We’ve placed food and their litter and done...
  4. BabbyPig

    My Kittens Are Lost Outside At Sub Zero Temps

    This is my first post here so please bear with:) The cats went outside yesterday at around 6:30 pm to play in the snow: we were fine with this but they haven’t come back in almost twelve hours. We fear that the cats froze or someone took them. It is the most unusual thing, as one usually comes...