Recent Content by animallover77

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    What else besides boiled rice and chicken?

    Hi folks. Just wanted to let you all know that it appears that it ws the food that was causing the problem. Within 1 1/2 days of me giving Lucky his good ol' Nutro Complete (for Adult cats), his stool went back to normal and has been fine every since. Amazing! Thank-you everyone for your help...
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    What else besides boiled rice and chicken?

    Hmmm. I'll try that pumkin concept. He doesn't seem to like wet stuff but we'll try! As far as food...I was using Nutro Complete for indoor cats and over the holidays my mom who was kitty sitting gave him "Blue Spa Direct" And he had no problems. When I got back, I began mixing Blue Spa /Nutro...
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    What else besides boiled rice and chicken?

    Well the thing is he doesn't eat wet food and with human food (which is normally wet) I think it's the smell (which food processing doesn't help). Problematic I know.
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    What else besides boiled rice and chicken?

    Hi folks. Well Lucky seems to have a mild case of diarrhea. I have heard white rice and boiled chicken can help but he wonâ€8482t eat that (rarely will he eat any human food). Any suggestions? Thank-you!!
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    Cat insurance in NYC?

    oh I would put it on my card or something to get him treated but it would be nice if insurance would then help out! Do most people on this forum have insurance?
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    Cat insurance in NYC?

    I'm in Manhattan. I have a great vet but if something went wrong w/my dear kitty, I don't have extra thousands lying around to cover unlimited costs ya know? Thanks for any/all advice!
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    Cat insurance in NYC?

    Hi folks. Happy New Year! So I've never gotten pet insurance before but living in one of the most expensive cities in the world...I wonder if it would be wise to. What are your thoughts on this? And if you recommend it...anyone have insurance in NYC that they recommend? Thanks so much everyone!
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    The one-room challenge

    Let us know how this goes! I too live in a one room situation and am very very curious to hear your experiences!!!
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    How much does your cat drink?

    Thanks everyone! Looks like Lucky drinks the average amount then. GOOD to know!! (ps I give her dry's what she likes-so that probably gets her more thirsty too). Thanks again everyone!
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    How much does your cat drink?

    Hi folks. Lucky's mom writing. (she's a 1 1/2 year old female that I inherited from my grandmother). She drinks a lot more than my childhood cat but seems healthy and pretty active. I'm just trying to have a gage. She always drinks after she eats and normally then goes to the litterbox about 5...
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    Constantly hungry cat

    Good point. What IS using the bathroom more than normal? My cat Lucky (1 1/2 year old female) who I've had only for about a month...also acts as if I am starving her and drinks a lot of water. Just praying that I'm not missing warning signs or anything.
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    Brotherly Love - Is it lasting?

    I also don't have experience in this but I do highly doubt one trip to the vet would make them forget such an obvious bond. Those pictures are INSANELY cute. I too am in love with your boys. Thanks for the smile!
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    Screensavers for cats?

    Well your Lucky is rather cute! I inherited my Lucky (who's a was her name at the shelter) from my grandmother so she's a bit older...not as cute as yours now...more at the "beautiful" stage I'd like to say I'm going to check out those sites right now. (I'd post a picture but I don't...
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    Screensavers for cats?

    Hi folks. I'm saving up for some of those videos/dvd's of nature to keep my NYC stuck cat a bit more entertained. Any suggestions on good ones? Till then...I am going to try to get a screensaver that might be interesting for her...any suggestions on that front? Btw folks...I'm becoming addicted...
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    How much behavior is "normal?"

    Maybe if it can be used as her scratch post instead of what she has now. Any advice on what ones premote the most activity? She runs around quite a bit when I'm home but I want to get her moving as much as possible. Thanks!