Recent Content by Amberleesunshine

  1. Amberleesunshine

    Overgrooming After Pu Surgery

    My cat is still licking over a year later. Many trips to the vet at this point and I’m taking him back this weekend because half the time I look over he’s got his face in his crotch. He seemed happy but he bit me last night in my sleep and he hasn’t done that since before the surgery.
  2. Amberleesunshine

    Pu Surgery Over A Year Later

    He’s a silly guy. The apartment is rather warm so he likes to lay under the ceiling fan like this. Cracks me up. I think the blood tests were to check for those things but I didn’t check with them and I probably should. I’m going to take him in again next week but I was really hoping he would...
  3. Amberleesunshine

    Pu Surgery Over A Year Later

    i just found this site and I’m wondering if anyone else had a cat with the PU surgery that never really came to terms with it? I’ve taken my cat back to the vet multiple times since his surgery in June of 2017 since he seems to lick a lot and gets bitchy if you try to distract him. Only treats...