Recent Content by akitty47

  1. A

    Collecting urine suggestions

    So I will need to collect urine from my cat to check if she has UTI. How to do that? The gave less than a teacup of fake plastic kitty litter saying she would fall for it. And I do not see my cat being that gullible. Any clever ideas?
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    Tiny red spiders on my walls

    I am finding a ton of tiny (under 3mm) red spiders on corners of the walls in my apartment. As in, this morning I counted 12 on the door frame to the balcony. My apartment is not on the ground and there are no trees rubbing against the building. What are they? I read about red spider mites and...
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    Where to put a litter box in a small house without it stinking up the place

    My fancy schmancy litter box looks just like Angel's mommy: $5 plastic box I bought at Wal Mart; I put the lid under it so it is always there. Reason for that is it is large enough my cat can use for more than a day if needed. It is placed in my tiny bathroom. I usually scoop it in the morning...
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    Revolution and licking

    When I apply Revolution to my cat, her behaviour is 1. She puts a face hinting she hates the smell 2. She ignores it for some 5 minutes 3. She then starts licking around it for quite a while, sometimes 20 minutes. Expected behaviour?
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    Yesterday News kitty litter

    My cat has a small cut on one of her front paws. The vet hospital suggested trying this kitty litter so to avoid her getting litterbox material on her paw. The one I normally used -- the purina one -- might have some strange stuff in it: if my cat jumps on my bare back, where her paws were will...
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    cat always wags tail

    My cat wags her tail (if sitting/laying down, otherwise just raise it) when I call her name or I talk to her. Or when she is eating and I lay my hand on her. Or when I pet her. Sometimes I use her tail as a moustache...
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    Wants to be held while eating?

    So my cat seems to love if I lay my hand on her back while she eats. As in she purrs and sometimes seems to keep on eating until I take my hand away. I am not saying she won't eat unless I hold her -- she does like to eat while I make my breakfast --  but that seems to make her want to reach for...
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    Cat will only use litter box when I am with him

    My cat does seem to like to use her litterbox while I am in the bathroom. I let her in if I am showering or brushing teeth or shaving, and if she is not laying down on the toilet seat lid or cover, usually when she comes in it is to do her business. While I am at home she will use the litterbox...
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    Cat vacuum

    She has been doing this for a few months. It is not like if, say, I am taking something apart and a screw falls on the floor she will swallow it. But I have caught her eating a piece of plastic clingy wrap (you know, the one used at groceries to wrap say mushrooms inside a paper box) before and...
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    Vet made my cat hate vet visits

    I am not going to say my cat loves going to the vet, but before she would put up with the visit. She would be a bit afraid but if I put her under my shirt she would be fine. I guess you could she was passive, but the bottom line is she never was aggressive towards the vet or staff. Fast forward...
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    Cat vacuum

    My cat seems to be trying to behave like a dog. In today's chapter she not only sniffs everything on the floor (carpet so who knows what is stuck in there). But not only on the floor; she will also sniff my shoes, get into my pants if I leave them on the bed, and so on. And then, she seems to be...
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    cat collars and bells cruel?

    I used to have a collar in my cat and then she figured out how to get it off. I have not put a collar on her for a year. She is indoor but I do wonder what would happen if she escaped. I mean, would it help her if she had a collar since people would realize she is not a stray? She is chipped but...
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    Diatomaceous Earth, 20 mule borax, and cats

    From what I understand, if you apply the (20 mule team) borax on carpet, you should take your pets way from affected area and let it sit there for a few hours (or as long as you want, but no pets of children there) before vacuuming. And then you can let pets back in. What would be the...
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    Flea trap question

    My cat behaves as if she is itching like she did last time she had fleas. I then build a flea trap (also got a commercial one with its own light to make sure I am not screwing it up) and let it sit on each room in my place for a few days. I find no fleas in trap. Inconclusive results based on data?
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    AA/AAA powered cat laser pointer

    Most of the "pet-oriented" laser pointers I have been finding use those button batteries, which do not last much and are rather pricy. Since I have rechargeable AA and AAA batteries, I would like to find a pointer that uses those to power itself. Is there anything special about a cat laser toy...