Recent Content by AceCluck

  1. AceCluck

    Help. Cat Seems To Have Developed Separation Anxiety Since Her Injury

    The white noise machine and treat dispenser toy are great ideas, we will probably look into getting them this Friday. I hadn't thought of how the quiet might be making her more anxious. I'm really glad her and I have bonded so much, it's an amazing experience to see her begin to trust and love...
  2. AceCluck

    Help. Cat Seems To Have Developed Separation Anxiety Since Her Injury

    I assumed thatmight be the probably solution, but was hoping it wasn't. Thank you. Hopefully she will be able to calm down a bit after a while.
  3. AceCluck

    Help. Cat Seems To Have Developed Separation Anxiety Since Her Injury

    I apologize for all the typos- I'm not sure how to edit.
  4. AceCluck

    Help. Cat Seems To Have Developed Separation Anxiety Since Her Injury

    My cat, Aditya, broke her jaw and fractured her cheek in December 2017. Since her I injury she has been very attached to me- probably because for about 3 months I was spoon feeding her every two hours and giving her medication multiple times a day, and even slept on the floor with her during the...
  5. AceCluck

    Tips For Making Cat Happy When Confined To A Small Room?

    Thanks! Here are a few more photos, since I love to show her off haha.
  6. AceCluck

    Tips For Making Cat Happy When Confined To A Small Room?

    I actually didn't think of that, but it's a great idea. IllI probably put a worn shirt in her box since that is where she sleeps. I ended up making the cabinets under the sink into a litter box area. I'll add a photo :) she seems to like it all so far. Also thank you, that means a lot. We try...
  7. AceCluck

    Tips For Making Cat Happy When Confined To A Small Room?

    We have a nightlight in there, and I just moved all of the cleaning supplies etc into a different room while I was turning the bathroom into a temporary cat room :)
  8. AceCluck

    Tips For Making Cat Happy When Confined To A Small Room?

    She already had a box with a hole cut in it that she absolutely loves, and that is in there for her, and we already have a bathroom nightlight so that is good too :) being able to receive emails from her would definitely take a lot of the stress off leaving her here haha. Hopefully she does...
  9. AceCluck

    Tips For Making Cat Happy When Confined To A Small Room?

    Thank you! It's actually a trip for doctors appointments, otherwise we wouldn't be leaving her here. I just hope she's not too upset about being in there. It's already where we keep her box that she sleeps in, and she prefers to be in there, I'm just worried she won't like it so much with the...
  10. AceCluck

    Tips For Making Cat Happy When Confined To A Small Room?

    My partner and I are going out of town for 3 days (Sunday, March 11- Tuesday March 13) and we are going to have to keep our cat Aditya in the bathroom while we are gone. My partners parents will be here, but they work 6am to 6pm, we have two dogs, and can't leave alone with them. Two months ago...
  11. AceCluck

    Very Picky Cat With Broken Jaw Only Wants Crunchy Food

    Aditya is 3 weeks into recovery from jaw and cheekbone fractures. She has always been a very picky cat - would never touch canned food, pouch food, not even tuna or fish. She only has one specific cat treat she will eat, 2 brands of dry food she likes, and she will eat cooked turkey and chicken...
  12. AceCluck

    Food For A Cat With A Broken Jaw?

    The vet recommended the slurry of baby food, wet cat food and chicken broth. Unfortunately she is getting tired of that. That's a really great idea about crushing up the dry food, I'll try that today. Thank you for the reply and thank you for reassuring that I can ignore the cries for dry food-...
  13. AceCluck

    Food For A Cat With A Broken Jaw?

    Unfortunately her hard food doesn't soften. I'm not exactly sure why, but it seems to be extra crunchy. I might try to switch her to a different one because she won't be able to eat anything extra crunchy even when she is healed, they told us she will have some arthritis. Thank you for your...
  14. AceCluck

    Food For A Cat With A Broken Jaw?

    Hi, About 2 weeks ago my older dog snapped at my cat, Aditya, and broke her jaw. She also has a small cheek fracture. She is doing good now, on antibiotics and metacam and at her last appointment they said she is healing well. My only trouble has been getting her to eat. She wants her regular...
  15. AceCluck

    Please Help, I'm So Worried

    This is my Aditya <3