Recent Content by abbyemma

  1. abbyemma

    Bannister Safety Question

    Hi! We moved in November to a new house, and it has a banister and a ledge at the top of the stairs, with very wide rungs. The floor underneath is tile (so very hard), it is our front entrance. When we moved in the cat was obsessed with sitting on the edge of the ledge, and it made us nervous...
  2. abbyemma

    Cat struggling with moving

    Hello- I have a three year old female cat, I adopted her as a kitten. She is extremely social, comes when her name is called, and is always with my fiancé and I. She also loves food and playing. There is never a time where she won’t play. On Saturday we moved from a town house to a much larger...
  3. abbyemma

    Cat Obsessed With Ice/water

    My cat loves her fountain. She was never a fan of still water, so I was worried that she wasn’t getting enough. She now loves to drink moving water, and also just sits at it a lot and stares at it obsessively. I rinse it out about every week, and do a full clean and very 2 weeks, and that seems...
  4. abbyemma

    Cat Obsessed With Ice/water

    It’s funny too because my bf will be like, “don’t let her have an ice cube it’s going to get water all over the house!” And I’m like it’s an ICE CUBE amount of water we willl live lol. Guess who usually wins!
  5. abbyemma

    Cat Obsessed With Ice/water

    Oh my gosh you are literally describing my exact morning!!
  6. abbyemma

    Cat Obsessed With Ice/water

    My cat sits in the shower too! She waits outside, runs in, and always comes out wet lol
  7. abbyemma

    Cat Obsessed With Ice/water

    My one year old little lady, Emma, is absolutely obsessed with ice and water. We have an ice maker in the fridge, and she will come running from anywhere in the house when she hears it. If we have glasses of water she tries to sneakily hit it with her paw. She’s also quite obsessed with faucets...
  8. abbyemma

    Toilet Paper Attacker

    Hahaha! Upstairs she rolls it all out but doesn’t attack it as much but I have a collection of just unrolled long pieces of toilet paper in the drawers that we use!
  9. abbyemma

    Toilet Paper Attacker

    Here is a pic of the toilet paper shredder :crazy:
  10. abbyemma

    Toilet Paper Attacker

    You are right, it definitely is pretty harmless. She is my first cat though so I’m not fully used to all of their odd tendencies. I just wanted to make sure there wasn’t an easy “cure”. From this site I got the idea to give her straws as a kitten to keep her from chewing stuff and it worked like...
  11. abbyemma

    Toilet Paper Attacker

    I have an adopted girl kitty, she just turned one. The one thing that she is obsessed with tearing apart is the toilet paper roll in the downstairs bathroom. That’s where her litter box is, and has been since day one and she never has any accidents and it definitely needs to stay in there. But...
  12. abbyemma

    The Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser

    Relaxing with Emma :yummy: Just made a pita pizza and a little piece of cheese that “fell” made somebody’s day! This website has helped me SO much considering I didn’t know how to even take care of a pet rock! :hellocomputer:
  13. abbyemma

    Cat Behaviours

    I can agree that it definitely would be anxiety provoking, especially for Someone like me that doesn’t have a lot of experienced to know what is “normal” play fighting. Don’t feel bad for being concerned, but I think it also is best to Let them work things out. Probably easier said than done ❤️
  14. abbyemma

    Give Up? On Scared Kitty?

    Maybe one of the moderators can remove the poll? It sounds like you have your answer :)
  15. abbyemma

    Your Fave Pic, One That Sums Up Your Kitty

    Boyfriend won’t love this but he doesn’t have to know