Just want peaceful coexistence


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 30, 2023
I’m so sorry that this is long and all over the place. Basically just word vomiting.

Two males cats. Both neutered. Opposite personalities but both act like my little shadows.

10 year old - Cat 1. Gray and white cat in picture.Got him in 2017. We were told that he was a stray that had been rescued and was in a house full of other cats. Must have been neutered after he was more grown though since he’s got more of the tomcat cheeks. Not scared of anything. Very very hard to get engaged with play but sometimes has bouts of high energy where he runs around and plays with a crunchy play mat thing we have and a tunnel or a cat tree.

9 year old - Cat 2. Black and white cat in picture. Got him in 2019. He was a shy and hiding in the corner of the cat room at the shelter. Super sweet but scared of everything. Very very easy to play with and loves toys.

3 litter boxes. Multiple cat trees. Two floor house but we spend most of our time upstairs in a loft like area.

We’ve had these two for four years now and I’m just not sure what to do. They’ve never properly gotten along. I don’t need them to be the best of friends, grooming each other and sleeping together. I just want a peaceful coexistence.

The biggest setback in their relationship is probably my fear. They’re the only cats I’ve ever had so I was always terrified of cat fights and the possibility of Cat 2 being seriously hurt by Cat 1. Because of this, other than stints where I would let them both out while I was getting their food, they weren’t ever really out with each other because Cat 1 would sometimes go after Cat 2 and I didn’t know how to predict it. So, they were swapped every twelve hours with access to the whole house (previously apartment as we moved over two years ago) or a closed off room.

After reading about someone doing a “3 min rule” with their aggressor cat (if he went after the other cat, they’d put him up for no longer than 3 min. I believe it was supposed to be just long enough to calm down and disengage), I recently (within that last few weeks consistently) began to implement that. And having a better ish understanding of their body language. When I’m home and can supervise, I let them both out.

For the most part, Cat 1 shows indifference. He’ll walk past (sometimes in a wide arc to seemingly “avoid”) Cat 2. He has no problem eating around Cat 2. Once when he was eatingCat 2 got in Cat 1’s face and all he did was swat at him to go away and went back to eating.

They have even laid/slept near each other a couple of times (they’re actually doing it now while I type this). Both times, Cat 2 was already up on the couch with me. Cat 1 came up and did not attack Cat 2, nor did Cat 2 run away.

Cat 2 sometimes has no “sense” of personal space (if that’s the correct phrase for cats). Even though he gets scared af when Cat 1 goes after him, he has, on occasion, essentially stuck his nose in Cat 1’s face or back to sniff him.

Now, the attacks. So like I mentioned, I have a hard time getting Cat 1 to play. He likes little peek a boo type games with certain toys but even that is hard to keep him engaged for more than a couple of min. So burning any pent up energy feels almost impossible? I think it’s when he has this energy that he likes to attack Cat 2. I say attacks but sometimes it feels like he just wants to play but is too aggressive with it? Stalks a bit, does the wiggle butt, then chases.

Cat 2 immediately goes on the defensive. Hissing, growling, swatting. Once this starts, Cat 1 is always sitting up tall in a dominant posturing position and is very focused on Cat 2. Most of the time I go over with a blanket and separate their vision (and this is when I do the time out). A couple of times I’ve actually been able to get Cat 1’s attention and he walks away towards me.

Once I put Cat 1 up, Cat 2 acts like nothing happened. He’ll start walking around, not acting scared. Once he went and just started eating. I let Cat 1 back out a couple min later and it’s usually all fine. Back to indifference.

When Cat 1 is chasing Cat 2, they don’t usually engage in a legitimate fight. As in, usually no fur flying. BUT, you would think they are with the way Cat 2 sounds with the hissing and growling and once I heard him yowl even though Cat 1 didn’t touch him in that moment.

Cat 2 has never once chased Cat 1 back in any form of normal play. There is zero back and forth between them.

I think I just need to get more energy out of Cat 1 so he’s less interested in chasing Cat 2 but I’m not sure if that’s the only thing I should be trying? I simply am just wishing for a little less stress that they’ll kill each other when I’m not there.

This was a mind dump but just trying to give as much context and knowledge as possible. Thank you so so much in advance if you read all of this.



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
The best time to break up a cat fight is when there IS a cat fight. So far, yours are just exchanging a few heated words, and a swat or two, which is perfectly normal, and subsides with time, in most cases. By separating them so quickly, they never finish their "heated conversation," and keep starting it over and over again. Some squabbling is normal. Cat 2 is "occasionally" scared, but does not live in terror of Cat 1, which tells me that these two are not mortal enemies. Try letting the discussion continue for a bit longer before breaking this up. Sometimes a cat's gotta say what a cat's gotta say.

And yes, walking, either in a stroller or on a harness, might be very good for Cat 1! A harness would be best, of course, but even the stoller would be a major distraction.
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  • #4


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 30, 2023
Hi, and welcome!
Would you be able to take him on walks?
I have previously. He does really well in a harness. I’m just not sure what the right amount of time is for him? Is 10-15 min long enough even if we don’t get far (he’s a chronic stopper)? Especially with it about to get darker and colder, they’ll have to be short walks if we start them up again. I might get more mental mileage out of him with a stroller though. I’ll look into that.

The best time to break up a cat fight is when there IS a cat fight. So far, yours are just exchanging a few heated words, and a swat or two, which is perfectly normal, and subsides with time, in most cases. By separating them so quickly, they never finish their "heated conversation," and keep starting it over and over again. Some squabbling is normal. Cat 2 is "occasionally" scared, but does not live in terror of Cat 1, which tells me that these two are not mortal enemies. Try letting the discussion continue for a bit longer before breaking this up. Sometimes a cat's gotta say what a cat's gotta say.
I agree that Cat 2 doesn’t live in constant fear. It’s only during their confrontations and then it’s back to normal very quickly. So just for clarification. Let’s say they’re in a stale mate with Cat 1 standing over Cat 2 and Cat 2 begins to run away again but Cat 1 chases, catches up, and they go through the whole thing again or even multiple times before I’m able to reach them (they’re so freaking quick sometimes). As long as it’s not legitimate fighting from both parties, leave it alone and see if it subsides (would guess with Cat 1 walking away because he loses interest)? It just feels so dramatic from Cat 1 with the hissing and growling and that he’s then working up Cat 1 who sometimes by the time I get to him, has a big puffy tail which I always took as a bad thing.

Cat language can be so hard to interpret sometimes.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I’m just not sure what the right amount of time is for him? Is 10-15 min long enough even if we don’t get far (he’s a chronic stopper)?
I think yes, if you can get out relatively consistently, but ...
I might get more mental mileage out of him with a stroller though. I’ll look into that.
This could be awesome too 👍


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
What you are describing sounds normal to me. Mingo tends to bully Lily, but he loves her too. He can be too affectionate, and she will growl at him, warning him to stay away. If he persists, she will swat at him, and then sometimes this erupts into a serious cat fight. But it never proceeds to a multicolored ball of fur, both going at it tooth and nail. If it's just a fight, I sometimes shout at them, which surprises both of them and they stop.

They are still good companions. They will share a door or window to look outside. I separate them at mealtimes, and Mingo will wait outside her door until I open it and let her out. I have to do that because Lily will eat all her food, then scarf down Mingo's.

I'd let both of yours continue their discussions and see what happens.
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 30, 2023
Had a good moment earlier today. Cat 2 came down from a cat tree and Cat 1 walked up, sniffed with Cat 2 for a second, then jumped up and took Cat 2’s place. As if they were super chill with each other.

But the “squabbling” happened again just a few minutes ago. I had just finished trying to play with both cats with two separate toys and stopped when Cat 1 wasn’t engaging anymore. Walked away within earshot but couldn’t see them and came back to Cat 2’s paw on Cat 1’s head. Neither moving then Cat 2 runs away and Cat 1 chases. And I don’t know if I specified in the original post but these aren’t just little trots and gallops like you see in videos online demonstrating play. These are full on sprints trying to get away from/reach the other.

I didn’t intervene at first. I truly tried to let it continue to see if Cat 1 could get over it. He did not and it continued downstairs. I followed them down and I would not have stepped in but Cat 1 had fur pulled out of him, indicating Cat 2’s use of claws correct? I didn’t see anything on Cat 2 so I really don’t think Cat 1 was using his? Which could possibly be a good sign that he may not be quite as “deathly” serious, but is still super fixated and worked up. Cat 2 was pinned under a curio cabinet thing with no where to really go so that’s when I pulled Cat 1 away.

Cat 1 just has such a persistence and focus when they’re in the middle of it.

But again, back to it maybe not being as big of a deal as it seems, once I let him out, walk past each other in fairly close proximity with no issues from either. I see the calm moments between them that are becoming more frequent with each day which is giving me some hope that it’ll end up working out but it is a struggle.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Yes, my two chase each other around the house. It's funny to watch. Mingo will chase Lily into the bedroom, then when they come back, Lily is chasing Mingo.

This is normal cat play. Mingo also leaves clumps of black fur around on my beige carpet. It's annoying, but it doesn't mean anything.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Unless and until Cat 2 becomes fearful on a regular, full-time basis, you're fine. And you said something VERY important, that the calm moments are becoming more frequent. If these were "real" attacks, this would not be happening. Things would be getting worse, in a rush!