My cat's urine is a little pink

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  • #41


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Alpha Cat
Dec 1, 2021
Back from the vet. She had a look at his vital signs, felt his abdomen, and said it was very likely the med, so she switched it to prednisolone and gave him an anti vomiting shot.

We're back home now and I was told I can feed him, but he doesn't seem like he really wants to eat. Probably very nauseous still... he meows for food and then needs encouragement, but only eats very little. Not lethargic though, so let's pray it really is just the medication.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
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May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Back from the vet. She had a look at his vital signs, felt his abdomen, and said it was very likely the med, so she switched it to prednisolone and gave him an anti vomiting shot.

We're back home now and I was told I can feed him, but he doesn't seem like he really wants to eat. Probably very nauseous still... he meows for food and then needs encouragement, but only eats very little. Not lethargic though, so let's pray it really is just the medication.
Usually after vomiting or hacking hairball, they are very tired and so most probably they need to rest the system and therefore not eager to eat.

Hopefully it's the med and with the change, I hope that he'll feel better.
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  • #43


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Dec 1, 2021
Usually after vomiting or hacking hairball, they are very tired and so most probably they need to rest the system and therefore not eager to eat.

Hopefully it's the med and with the change, I hope that'll he'll feel better.
I’m still nervous, but also surprised because I fully expected I’d need to pay for a full abdominal ultrasound again to make sure it wasn’t anything else, but I’ve known this vet for a while and she seemed confident that the medication caused it. Once I explained why I was there and what happened yesterday and this morning, she immediately said “the medication I gave him can cause that, did you check the prescription I gave you?”

My relief is that she didn’t feel anything that concerned her in his abdomen and he had no reaction to her touching him there.

He’s climbed back to the top of his cat tree, so I’ll just leave him be and then offer some food and water slowly.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
I’m still nervous, but also surprised because I fully expected I’d need to pay for a full abdominal ultrasound again to make sure it wasn’t anything else, but I’ve known this vet for a while and she seemed confident that the medication caused it. Once I explained why I was there and what happened yesterday and this morning, she immediately said “the medication I gave him can cause that, did you check the prescription I gave you?”

My relief is that she didn’t feel anything that concerned her in his abdomen and he had no reaction to her touching him there.

He’s climbed back to the top of his cat tree, so I’ll just leave him be and then offer some food and water slowly.
Great that the vet knows her stuff.

Nice to hear that Topaz is up on the cat tree. He's probably relaxing before his next meal. Feed him smaller amounts and top up if he needs more. Get him to eat slower.
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  • #45


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Dec 1, 2021
Great that the vet knows her stuff.

Nice to hear that Topaz is up on the cat tree. He's probably relaxing before his next meal. Feed him smaller amounts and top up if he needs more. Get him to eat slower.
He’s been climbing up and down from it yesterday and today, as normal, which was throwing us all off here given how often he was vomiting. He seemed oddly active (for a cat that threw up over 10x in 24hrs, I mean).

Here’s a pic of him now :)



TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
Great that the vet knows her stuff.

Nice to hear that Topaz is up on the cat tree. He's probably relaxing before his next meal. Feed him smaller amounts and top up if he needs more. Get him to eat slower.
Definitely smaller meals for sure!


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Jun 1, 2022
He’s been climbing up and down from it yesterday and today, as normal, which was throwing us all off here given how often he was vomiting. He seemed oddly active (for a cat that threw up over 10x in 24hrs, I mean).

Here’s a pic of him now :)
WOW, what a beauty!!!!!! ❤
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  • #48


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Alpha Cat
Dec 1, 2021
WOW, what a beauty!!!!!! ❤
He really is such a beautiful animal ❤

Thank you all for the tips. He's eaten 2 sachets today so far (6:30pm now), but I fed him 4 different times, with some extra water added to it. I was more conservative with the amount of water added to the 2nd sachet, though, because I noticed the soup was unappealing for him today. Since his food is already wet, I figure it's important to just get him to eat - but still added a couple of spoons of extra water.

He peed again, a regular sized clump. Honestly surprising, given how much liquid he's thrown up and yesterday's watery stool (he weighted 170g less at the vet today in comparison to Wednesday, to give you an idea), but very nice to see.

I'm supposed to give him half of a prednisolone pill tonight. He's never gotten sick from it, but I'm so anxious about any more throwing up. I know Cerenia is meant to work for 24hrs, but I have no idea of how much damage Meloxydil did to his gut or how long it takes for it to be completely out of his system, so I won't relax until we go a couple of days without vomiting, probably.

I've been thinking about Thursday and Friday, and I think what might have happened was that the "hairball" he threw up on Friday at 1am was probably caused by the medication I gave him on Thursday morning - since there was a significant amount of hair in it (it had been forming, I guess), I just assumed that's what it was, so gave him the medication again at 7am, and his stomach was pretty much empty - because the medication wasn't mixed in the food, it was given to him with a syringe about halfway through his meal. Since his stomach was already irritated, I made it significantly worse and the reaction was slightly faster (by about 6 hours) than it had been after the medication that was given the day before. What's even scarier is that he then went almost 12 hours without any vomiting and started again, and then again a few hours after that.

It sucks.
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TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
He really is such a beautiful animal ❤

Thank you all for the tips. He's eaten 2 sachets today so far (6:30pm now), but I fed him 4 different times, with some extra water added to it. I was more conservative with the amount of water added to the 2nd sachet, though, because I noticed the soup was unappealing for him today. Since his food is already wet, I figure it's important to just get him to eat - but still added a couple of spoons of extra water.

He peed again, a regular sized clump. Honestly surprising, given how much liquid he's thrown up and yesterday's watery stool (he weighted 170g less at the vet today in comparison to Wednesday, to give you an idea), but very nice to see.

I'm supposed to give him half of a prednisolone pill tonight. He's never gotten sick from it, but I'm so anxious about any more throwing up. I know Cerenia is meant to work for 24hrs, but I have no idea of how much damage Meloxydil did to his gut or how long it takes for it to be completely out of his system, so I won't relax until we go a couple of days without vomiting, probably.

I've been thinking about Thursday and Friday, and I think what might have happened was that the "hairball" he threw up on Friday at 1am was probably caused by the medication I gave him on Thursday morning - since there was a significant amount of hair in it (it had been forming, I guess), I just assumed that's what it was, so gave him the medication again at 7am, and his stomach was pretty much empty - because the medication wasn't mixed in the food, it was given to him with a syringe about halfway through his meal. Since his stomach was already irritated, I made it significantly worse and the reaction was slightly faster (by about 6 hours) than it had been after the medication that was given the day before. What's even scarier is that he then went almost 12 hours without any vomiting and started again, and then again a few hours after that.

It sucks.
I have used prednisolone and cerenia as a combination before, strictly for vomiting and diarrhea, and it has always taken care of the problem. We just had a cat boarding with us that was on prednisolone every other day (tapering) for a GI issue and the cat was perfectly normal the entire time he was here.
Really hoping you see improvement with these meds!!
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  • #50


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Alpha Cat
Dec 1, 2021
We’re almost hitting the 24hrs mark of no more vomiting ♥ god bless Cerenia.

His behavior seems to be fully back to normal now, after a day where he was alert and moving, but seemingly tired. This morning he was excited for food again and ate breakfast as normal - I offered meals in parts yesterday, but today I just gave him his soupy food and he happily ate it in his usual speed, no encouragement needed. It looks like he’s feeling better.

I’m back to giving the anti spasmodic too. Fingers crossed things continue to improve... I’m glad this day without the medication for his bladder didn’t end up causing whatever issue he has with it to worsen. He’s still peeing normally and I’m not seeing any blood. Yesterday’s litter clumps were slightly smaller than the one I saw this morning - which I’m not worried about since he lost so many fluids through vomiting/diarrhea.
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TCS Member
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Apr 29, 2022
gabicards gabicards you have less water too to get some more nutrition in to him. Don't worry too much as long as the pee isn't strong smelling.
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  • #52


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Alpha Cat
Dec 1, 2021
Hello! So, no changes in the bladder situation, I haven't seen any blood or noticed a difference in the smell, and the plan is to try and collect a sample for analysis tomorrow.

He pooped yesterday, too, and hasn't vomited since Saturday morning, so I can finally rest easy knowing for certain all of that was a bad reaction to that god forsaken medication. I'm still confused as to why the hell trying it was worth it at all, given how common those horrible side effects seem to be, but I'll pick my battles.


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Apr 29, 2022
gabicards gabicards unfortunately, with medication for anything it's trial and error and risk vs reward.

Just glad things are going smoothly now 😊
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  • #54


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Dec 1, 2021
Urine sample collected! I cleaned the litter box and added some of the stuff the vet had given me to it, an Topaz seemed really annoyed by it. He always pees in the morning, so I figured my chances were better, but he kept going in and coming out crying - this time I know it was because there was no actual litter inside, though.

I called the clinic to let them know I was gonna have to take him there because he didn't want to use the litter box this way, and then he went. His urine had no smell and it was a very pale yellow color, there was no trace of blood, evidently. He has no symptoms of anything, so I'm curious as to what the analysis will show... wondering also if the urine is too alkaline because of the home cooked diet, but we'll see.

He needed a quick butt + paws bath after that, of course, since he basically stepped in a puddle of his own pee. Poor little thing. He's now comfy in my bed while his fur dries.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
I cleaned the litter box and added some of the stuff the vet had given me to it, an Topaz seemed really annoyed by it. He always pees in the morning, so I figured my chances were better, but he kept going in and coming out crying - this time I know it was because there was no actual litter inside, though.
What stuffs the vet ask to put in the litterbox and there's no actual litter in it? :headscratch:
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  • #58


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Dec 1, 2021
Usually a hydrophobic litter like this: At Home Wellness Test for Cats
Precisely! Though this one you linked actually resembles litter a bit - the one I was given was just some small white balls that looked like plastic. Topaz was not amused.

The results came back clean! No infection and no crystals, nothing. The vet told me that whatever "crisis" it was, it's over now. She didn't even recommend a diet change - which I was going to do through her, with the assistance of a nutritionist that's also a vet... so now I'm gonna go reach out to the other nutritionist I was going to work with (which my vet wasn't thrilled by, but I need someone to help, so too bad).

Well.. good, I guess? I will just keep an eye on him to see if this ever comes back.


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Apr 29, 2022
gabicards gabicards Id have thought the vet would be happy for you to get support.

Personally, I used the store version of Purina Urinary wet food for years without issue. It was what helped my guy. I also steered clear from pine and clay litters which was vital to him. So I always tell people to see what litter works best by trying a new brand in a separate box and seeing what your cat uses/favours.

Good luck with the nutritionist. Let us know how it goes.

PS. Usually, it does come's a very rare case where it doesn't. So take a look at this when you get the chance: Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) | International Cat Care

however, the increase in water could be all your cat needed 🤞


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Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Not uncommon for some vets or human doctors to act less than thrilled that someone else might be involved. Many vets believe that traditional medical care and medication is what is needed and do not consider nutrition to carry a lot of weight. Don't take it personally as consulting a nutritionist is very proactive and really mainstream.