GI issues: Am I overreacting?


TCS Member
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May 8, 2023
My nine month old cat first threw up about a month ago now, it was just clear liquid and he had reduced appetite for a day or two but it seemed to bounce back. About a week or so later he started getting very picky with his wet food, either waiting hours to start eating it or taking a few bites and walking away. I thought maybe be was getting spoiled, but he is normal not picky with food at all. Throughout this time, he has remained interested in dried food. He also went from always pooping twice a day to sometimes pooping once a day. He seems to be peeing normally. A week ago he was vomiting for 24 hours, so I took him to the ER vet as his regular vet could not see him for 2 days. He had foreign body removal surgery 4 months ago, so we were all concerned he had eaten something again. They did a GI ultrasound and bloodwork but didn't find anything, so sent him home on an anti-nausea and fluids, they also suggested the Hills Science I /D and Fortiflora. He ate dinner when we got home that night, but then went 24 hours without eating or drinking anything, I offered many types of food and even boiled chicken. I took him back to the ER where they offered fluids and an appetite stimulant. He ate a dry food breakfast the next morning so they discharged him.

He has remained on the appetite stimulant so now will eat about half of the wet food offered, usually a few bites at a time and some dry food, he is also drinking water again (thank goodness). His activity level seems to have returned to normal after the vomiting episode. The vet suspects he ate something that passed and caused GI upset so wants us to wait and see, however, I feel this has been going on too long for that. Yesterday his regular vet reviewed the bloodwork, did x-rays, did a stool test, and did a physical examination. They could not find anything wrong. They suggest we stay on the appetite stimulant for another week and see if he improves. I am a new cat owner so not sure what else to ask for or if waiting is a good approach, but knowing my little guy just really feel something is off. I am not sure if I am just anxious because he had the GI blockage within the first month of me having him and now I worry or if I should push on the vet to do more. Really appreciate any advice!


TCS Member
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Apr 29, 2022
Hi! What are you feeding him? Do you switch his food frequently?

I don't think you overreacted.

There's a chance something in the wet food upset his tummy. Sometimes recipes change or there are bad batches. You can call the company to let them know about the situation and they can keep an eye out for other cats with tummy upsets.

Pooping only once a day could be a bit of constipation from the dry food. I'd recommend starting to put the dry food out only in food enrichment ways (treat balls or snuffle mats etc. There's lots of DIY videos on YouTube). And offering wet food.

My young cat was put on Purina EN for easy digestion when still a kitten. I didn't try the Hills option. You could also try Royal Canin Mother and Babycat, it's easy to digest.

Your vet did all the tests mine did too. When those came back negative and the symptoms continued, they did tests for his heart and discovered a small murmur. He was given taurine suppliments while he finished growing and they haven't heard it since then.

Calcifer also had an episode when young and my vet gave the appetite suppliments for a week and some recovery food. Then I had to find something similar to the recovery food texture wise for him to eat it, so he began to eat Iams Perfect Portions. He was a picky eater for wet food for awhile because he was scared to be sick again. Now he eats the same as the other cats. We worked him up to it by giving a bit of his "safe" food next to a teaspoon of "new" food.
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TCS Member
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May 8, 2023
Hi! Thanks for all of your input! Normally he is on the Hills Science Kitten both wet and dry food, before he was feeling sick about 75% of his food was wet and 25% was dry mostly for snacks when I was out of the house. This is what he ate at the shelter and it had always seemed to work for him so I never switched it up. I also thought it might be a bad batch but switched to a new case and didn't notice any difference with him. Right now he is on the Hills Science I/D wet food which the vet suggested for easy to digest because we know he likes it because he ate it during his surgery recovery. I guess I can give him a bit more time to level out before seeing what else the vet might recommend for other tests.


TCS Member
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Apr 29, 2022
I guess I can give him a bit more time to level out before seeing what else the vet might recommend for other tests.
I would agree! And no need to change his food if he's eating it now. Those are just other options if he doesn't like what's there.

I would still give the food company a call. It may have been a bad batch and now he won't eat the new batch because the old batch made him feel unwell. That is a survival skill.

How is his eating now?

Another trick can be to pop the food through a blender with a bit of extra water. Just like how we eat soup when we are unwell, this has worked for me and many cats!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 8, 2023
Good point, I will call the company now! He is eating probably half of his usual now even with the appetite stimulant which is why I am still concerned, but maybe he just needs more time to bounce back. I will try the blender trick tonight, maybe that will help entice him to get back to wet food.


TCS Member
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Apr 29, 2022
Good point, I will call the company now! He is eating probably half of his usual now even with the appetite stimulant which is why I am still concerned, but maybe he just needs more time to bounce back. I will try the blender trick tonight, maybe that will help entice him to get back to wet food.
If you are still providing more dry food than usual, remember that it bloats in their tummy as it soaks up water before being digested. This means they feel full longer. (Which is why it was great for snacks while you were gone!)