Swallowing hard while purring?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 3, 2022
Hello! Our girl Katniss, who we have had a bit over 2 months now, has an odd thing when she purrs in that she swallows loudly, almost like a gulp, sometimes repeatedly, but only while purring or within moments of stopping her purr. Katniss is 8 years old and came to us after 2 months in a shelter. She had good general lab work + vet check from May of this year when she arrived at the shelter. Her intake and output are all good and normal, though she seems a bit skinny to us which we attribute to the stress of her circumstances. She plays like a kitten and is very athletic.

The first time I noticed this was one of the first times she got into my lap and stayed for more than a heartbeat. Settled in and started purring up a storm, shortly thereafter heard these loud gulps now and again. Now I noticed it almost every time she is on my lap purring. She doesn't seem particularly bothered by it.

My girl Hershey, who passed in the spring, began drooling when getting loved at about the age of 10 or 12....and I wonder if Katniss is just having the same kind of saliva response but swallows it instead of letting it out on me (thoughtful of her!). I'm not looking to borrow trouble here, she seems so healthy otherwise, but I was curious if anyone else had noticed something like this in otherwise healthy cats? 😼


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I was curious if anyone else had noticed something like this in otherwise healthy cats?
Poppycat has always been extra drooly, and any dental problems are taken care of right away so it isn't from a issue there :) He can sometimes be a bit gulpy.

Are you feeding her both canned and kibble?

Have you had a chance to try Cat Music for her?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 19, 2017
Ohio, USA
Before I even finished reading what you wrote, I thought it was excessive drooling. :) I have had many happy drooly cats through the years and sometimes it drips out, but usually they just swallow it down, fairly noticeably. lol
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 3, 2022
Yep, it is indeed quite noticeable! Probably could be heard across the room -- however, so can her purr!

Are you feeding her both canned and kibble?

Have you had a chance to try Cat Music for her?
She is getting both canned and kibble. And we did try the cat music, which I really like, but I also made a playlist of easy listening instrumentals that were more to my taste. Katniss has made good progress with us in the last month. She roams the whole house, isn't concerned about the dog (who also ignores her), and gets in my lap almost every evening for as long as 10 minutes to be properly worshipped. I still can't pick her up for more than a moment or two (which I do at least once a day), and her nails are quite dangerous at this moment (to me!) which is frustrating....but I'm working on just touching her paws briefly when she will let me and hopefully we can work our way up to nail trimming with time.

Now she will even come into a room if the TV is on or there is rock-n-roll music playing. :yess: We are all getting to know each other better, and things have relaxed quite a bit. A few more hurdles to clear, want to be able to hold her long enough to get her weighed, and before the end of the year maybe get her into a carrier so my own vet can check her out. Right now we are happy with the progress we've made.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 3, 2022
I'm glad she found you
I am glad, too. Honestly, the first month was hard for all of us. It seemed like much of the time I was just aware of how she isn't like my Hershey, which seemed to compound my grief on some days. And because Hershey and I were so close for so long, sometimes I felt resentful that Kat didn't seem even slightly interested in me, other than to get her food.

My partner and I have talked often about our feelings, and the need for time to get to know Katniss....plus the need to accept her for who she is rather than be disappointed by who she isn't.

Today, I know that I like Katniss and she likes me. I think we are both cautiously optimistic! One morning she came up on the bed to say hello when she heard I was awake, and then settled down next to my belly to purr and be petted...something Hershey did every morning for most of her life.... and I was able to feel sad and glad at the same time. That's progress. 🙂