My baby has cancer.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 20, 2022
My boy, he has oral cancer. It’s in the upper jaw bone .
even though he is on bupropen he wont Eat.
he today is acting like he can’t drink, though I had them give him a 3-4 hydration shot.
He’s going to all his food dishes and water dishes and acting annoyed.
I have to syringe feed him, which he fights me on.
I don’t know what to do.
I’ve had him closer to 16 years.
I …. He doesn’t act too bad, but… what do I do?



TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 29, 2022
First of all. I am so sorry you are going through this. 16 years is such a long time to spend together, my heart breaks for you.

No one can tell you the right or wrong thing to do for your kitty. You know him best, and have to consider his quality of life. Not eating is a big deal for a kitty, as they can go downhill fast from that. How is he tolerating the syringe feeding? Did your vet have any advice?

Your boy is so handsome. What a wonderful 16 years I bet you’ve given him. ❤


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
My boy, he has oral cancer. It’s in the upper jaw bone .
Welcome to TCS albeit I'm sorry your cat was diagnosed with oral cancer. :hugs: Just out of curiosity, did you see a board certified veterinary dental specialist? Did the vet suggest Mirtazapine to help with his appetite? Our last cat had cancer of the mandible so I can empathize with you. When her pain worsened the vet who was treating her, (a dental specialist), recommended using Piroxicam which we had to get from a compound pharmacy. It did help with pain. Did your vet give you a prognosis? If not, I would discuss this with them and also ask for their advice to get him to eat which is very important. If they haven't mentioned giving him Mirtazapine I would discuss this with them too. You can also tempt him with meat baby food, absolutely no seasonings:
Beech-Nut Meats Stage 1 Baby Food Variety Pack

Here are several threads that might have some advice and helpful information for you:
Oral squamous cell carcinoma
Help! Any Input Or Advice On My Cat's Oral Cancer Vs Infection Appreciated
Mandibulectomy experience and expert doctors in Los Angeles?

Best of luck, fingers crossed for your boy and you. :crossfingers: Please keep us updated on his progress.
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  • #4


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 20, 2022
Welcome to TCS albeit I'm sorry your cat was diagnosed with oral cancer. :hugs: Just out of curiosity, did you see a board certified veterinary dental specialist? Did the vet suggest Mirtazapine to help with his appetite? Our last cat had cancer of the mandible so I can empathize with you. When her pain worsened the vet who was treating her, (a dental specialist), recommended using Piroxicam which we had to get from a compound pharmacy. It did help with pain. Did your vet give you a prognosis? If not, I would discuss this with them and also ask for their advice to get him to eat which is very important. If they haven't mentioned giving him Mirtazapine I would discuss this with them too. You can also tempt him with meat baby food, absolutely no seasonings:
Beech-Nut Meats Stage 1 Baby Food Variety Pack

Here are two threads that might have some advice and helpful information for you:
Oral squamous cell carcinoma
Help! Any Input Or Advice On My Cat's Oral Cancer Vs Infection Appreciated

Best of luck, fingers crossed for your boy and you. :crossfingers: Please keep us updated on his progress.
She didn’t mention the appetite medication nor the other pain killer.
A different vet called me and she said she would order more liquids burphenox so I can give him more until I notice him actually eating. She’s thinking the pain injection is starting to wear off and the pain is what’s stopping him from eating, as he is desperately trying to eat, he just can’t.
It’s heart breaking to watch him try so hard to eat.
but as I’m typing this, I added water to his favorit kibble that’s sitting on a plate, and he began to drink up the water excitedly, hopefully the kibble softens up soon so he can eat it.
I will keep you all updated on him! Thank you for the meaningful response.
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  • #5


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 20, 2022
First of all. I am so sorry you are going through this. 16 years is such a long time to spend together, my heart breaks for you.

No one can tell you the right or wrong thing to do for your kitty. You know him best, and have to consider his quality of life. Not eating is a big deal for a kitty, as they can go downhill fast from that. How is he tolerating the syringe feeding? Did your vet have any advice?

Your boy is so handsome. What a wonderful 16 years I bet you’ve given him. ❤
My vet offered a little bit of advice by getting me more bupjronex oral injections so i can keep him “kitty high” so he will be more likely to eat.
she had mentioned a feeding tube but I can’t see that being a good idea for him, poking and prodding and another sedation?
On a different side of things,
This has been going on for the past 2 weeks.
I am obviously upset, and it’s hard for me to focus on my business I share with my husband, the house has gotten messy and everything is behind. my husband, who is not nor has ever been an “animal person” is starting to be more and more upset with me.
He can’t stand me crying and talking about my cat. He expects me to still do everything in our business like it’s a normal day.
I understand his frustration but I feel like I’m not getting too much understanding.
I have to hear all the “things he’s doing for me” said with a tone.
I don’t want to upset our almost 10 year marriage but I can’t help it my heart is breaking.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 29, 2022
My vet offered a little bit of advice by getting me more bupjronex oral injections so i can keep him “kitty high” so he will be more likely to eat.
she had mentioned a feeding tube but I can’t see that being a good idea for him, poking and prodding and another sedation?
On a different side of things,
This has been going on for the past 2 weeks.
I am obviously upset, and it’s hard for me to focus on my business I share with my husband, the house has gotten messy and everything is behind. my husband, who is not nor has ever been an “animal person” is starting to be more and more upset with me.
He can’t stand me crying and talking about my cat. He expects me to still do everything in our business like it’s a normal day.
I understand his frustration but I feel like I’m not getting too much understanding.
I have to hear all the “things he’s doing for me” said with a tone.
I don’t want to upset our almost 10 year marriage but I can’t help it my heart is breaking.
It’s completely normal and rational to be upset about this. From what I understand, your sweet boy has been in your life longer than you’ve been married. That’s huge. It’s hard to make people who don’t understand such a deep connection with animals see why we are struggling. I lost my furry soulmate unexpectedly in January, and I had multiple clients at my work ask why I took a day off, and how “you can get a day off for anything now”. I actually have a doctors appointment for a referral to therapy tomorrow because I’m struggling so badly. Perhaps try having a serious chat with your husband about how this is effecting you. Also, know you have support in a community here. ❤
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 20, 2022
It’s completely normal and rational to be upset about this. From what I understand, your sweet boy has been in your life longer than you’ve been married. That’s huge. It’s hard to make people who don’t understand such a deep connection with animals see why we are struggling. I lost my furry soulmate unexpectedly in January, and I had multiple clients at my work ask why I took a day off, and how “you can get a day off for anything now”. I actually have a doctors appointment for a referral to therapy tomorrow because I’m struggling so badly. Perhaps try having a serious chat with your husband about how this is effecting you. Also, know you have support in a community here. ❤
I’m sorry you’re going through that. I know it’s hard, I lost my first cat (who I also had for almost 16 years ) to a benign tumor that was taking up 95% of his bladder.
it was very hard to make the call, but he was suffering and couldn’t be operated on.
that was back in 2020.
You just experienced that loss, and I remember it took me about 6 months to feel normal again. You’ll get there with time, as hard and terrible of an answer, you start to just become aware and numb to it, and accept it.
After 6 months you realize that they aren’t ever really gone, they’re just where you can’t see them. No matter what you believe in, I know that all things are made of energy, and, energy can not be destroyed, it simply goes somewhere else. I’m sure your baby is right by your side but can also travel anywhere they want now that they have no earthly body to hold them in place.
And when we expire I’m sure we will reconnect with our little babies again. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that when people are dying, they start to see loved ones and pets coming to check on them, as if getting them ready to take them home.
It’s all like going home in the end, and I have to take solace in that.
“what is grief if not love preserving”?


TCS Member
Aug 13, 2022
Ah, jeez. That’s awful news. He’ll be in my prayers for sure, and I wish him the absolute very best.