The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2021

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 6, 2018
NE Ohio
Wonderful update concerning my daughter and the ongoing BMV saga! She had court today to plead to the second ticket. The prosecutor was there and asked the court if he could talk to her outside the courtroom. He said that both cases looked odd to him and that he wanted to see if she had any information before proceeding with the charges. (It seems a bit unorthodox for him to talk to her like that but the court permitted it.) She told him everything and then remembered that I sent her a copy of the police report showing her insurance and copies of the letters from Bell LLC. He looked them over and asked if her license was currently valid. She said, "Honestly, I don't know. It should be, but it should have been both times I was pulled over, too." He had someone run her tag and her license. After they came back as valid, he dropped both charges against her! He suggested to her to have her insurance company reopen the claim and to contact the BMV and make sure they drop the Sr 22 requirement! He said in court that he had never seen anything like it and that she was obviously not at fault! Finally! This has been going on since June!

Oh, and we made cookies for the towing people for dropping the fees. When my daughter took the cookies to the shop on Wednesday, the owner was there and said it is the only cookies anyone has ever brought to the company in the 20 plus years that she has owned it.

tried cooking my first vegetarian type lunch today lentils with grilled cauliflower seasoned with sumac:rolleyes:i feel full like i ate a decent meal maybe:lol:adding chicken or turkey next time for sure
I love sumac! Have you tried ras el hanout on cauliflower by any chance? I make roasted cauliflower with a bit of salt and a good sprinkling of ras el hanout on it. It is a favorite of both my children and is a hit at my mother-in-law's for holidays. She even special requests that I make it. My husband's step-grandfather tried it for the first time this Christmas. (They have been married for four and a half years.) He normally is not a fan of cauliflower, but he asked me for the recipe! Haha! I just sent them a bottle of the seasoning and two movies we talked about at dinner as a surprise.

My children like it a wee bit on the crispy side, but it is even good raw. It would also pair well with lentils. (And chicken!)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 6, 2018
NE Ohio
i dunno if its used in mediterranean resturants i might have unknowingly tried it :lol:thats how i learned about sumac
It is North African, I believe, but they might use it in Mediterranean food, too. Sumac is amazing on potatoes! A couple of others you can try, if you have not already done so, are za'atar, baharat, berbere, and tabil. Za'atar in beef stew is delicious!

I make this one stuff out of sour cream, brown sugar, and vanilla that put it on french toast served with a basted egg with turmeric on it. Sounds weird but soooooo good! (I like my egg on top of my french toast. My family thinks it is gross. They like it on the side, though. Except with over-hard eggs rather than basted.)

game misconduct

TCS Member
Top Cat
May 1, 2020
westcovina california
It is North African, I believe, but they might use it in Mediterranean food, too. Sumac is amazing on potatoes! A couple of others you can try, if you have not already done so, are za'atar, baharat, berbere, and tabil. Za'atar in beef stew is delicious!

I make this one stuff out of sour cream, brown sugar, and vanilla that put it on french toast served with a basted egg with turmeric on it. Sounds weird but soooooo good! (I like my egg on top of my french toast. My family thinks it is gross. They like it on the side, though. Except with over-hard eggs rather than basted.)
yes! sumac with fried diced fried potatoes or grilled cauliflower is tasty


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
My parents got exposed to covid, we have to delay J's party, I'm waiting to hear back from the bakery if we can reschedule her cakes, she was not a happy camper at the doctor today, and it's all made me cranky.

At least the smash cake I made turned out okay.

game misconduct

TCS Member
Top Cat
May 1, 2020
westcovina california
My parents got exposed to covid, we have to delay J's party, I'm waiting to hear back from the bakery if we can reschedule her cakes, she was not a happy camper at the doctor today, and it's all made me cranky.

At least the smash cake I made turned out okay.
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hope your parents are back healthy soon


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
hope your parents are back healthy soon
I don't know if they'll get sick - they were babysitting my nephew who wasn't feeling good, and then found out he, my sister and BIL had been exposed. Obviously I hope my nephew won't get worse and won't feel yucky long. Hopefully everyone else will be okay.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
The blistered fingers healing is progressing but my fingers feel absolutely bizarre! I was about to load the dishwasher (wearing vinyl gloves) when I realized one has opened a bit. It feels even stranger trying to do stuff so now I’m procrastinating.

Little peeved no one cleaned up after Mooch threw up earlier (but DD did handle the litter box and her meds today) so… 😕 I’m a little afraid the scrubbing motion might open it more with sensitive skin under it even in gloves. Its like What am I supposed to do? Use my feet?? :paperbag: At least it’s on the already destroyed carpet near the laundry room where the litter boxes are. And DH is talking about replacing the flooring again like we were before covid.
Wonderful update concerning my daughter and the ongoing BMV saga!
I’m sorry I meant to reply to this the other day. I am SO happy to hear things worked out after all the drama/hassle…I don’t know what nice words to use for it! I can’t imagine how relieved you all are!!


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Thinking of getting something like this to use for storage and display:

Might be a purchase for next year if I get a tax refund. Not sure how long I would want a table. I have the space for a long table like the one above (about 6 ft) but can I get the box into the elevator? A smaller table would work just as well. Either way, the cats would still claim it as theirs to climb on :crazy:


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
game misconduct game misconduct hopefully, your sore mouth is a bit better... ouch!! dental stuff.. I remember how it felt with the removal of 2 teeth, an abscess, and an implant-----the latest in my dental saga...

MoochNNoodles MoochNNoodles Yikes... all that from nail polish remover... Wonder if was plain acetone?
I know what you mean about the blistered area not feeling 'right'. The last time I burnt, my thumb, on a hot pan, it blistered. Well, not blistered as much, because I applied an ice cube immediately.. but.. the feeling is still weird.. Kind of numb..
Wishing you well.

Lari Lari , so sorry you have to postpone J's B-day party.. But it is for safety's sake. If you give the bakery enough notice, I trust them to cooperate. These days, that is all you can ask for. I am certain you are not the only one in this situation.
Sending Wishes you family is ok....

Me: did not sleep well last night. tossed and turned.. Geoffrey ended up vomiting 4 times during the night!! OMG...

One was on the kitchen counter, when he was looking for food.

His new vet, thinks he has gastric reflux.. or gastritis. I was giving him Pepcid for a while. I stopped. Now I am noticing, that when I do not leave out enough dry food for him, overnight, he does vomit. The acid must be too much for him. There was not much fur in the vomit.. mostly liquid. He has been drinking a lot of water the past couple of days. Nothing has changed with his food.. He does not get treats.

He was after me to get up... all night! He is a clean cat, so he had done all the vomiting, pooped, peed, and wanted me up to clean and feed him.

I did not play with him, as I usually do... I cleaned things up, and fed him a bit. He only ate the tiny bit, but wanted to play.. not yet...later...

Have lots of laundry to do.... My laundry service got hit with Covid... ugh... hate doing sheets! Towels are ok.. but sheets!!

Covid/Omicron, or the Flu or Colds are devastating this place~the workers are all coming down with something.. No notice yet, as far as it being Covid, but they are all calling out sick, or walking around not looking good... Yes, wearing masks...and distancing..

I do have a couple of things to fix in here~~ kind of afraid to do so.. I think I will wait until next week.. We should know more by then. One thing cannot wait---my faucet...

game misconduct

TCS Member
Top Cat
May 1, 2020
westcovina california
I don't know if they'll get sick - they were babysitting my nephew who wasn't feeling good, and then found out he, my sister and BIL had been exposed. Obviously I hope my nephew won't get worse and won't feel yucky long. Hopefully everyone else will be okay.
ok hoping for negative test resultsthen if they g
game misconduct game misconduct game misconduct game misconduct hopefully, your sore mouth is a bit better... ouch!! dental stuff.. I remember how it felt with the removal of 2 teeth, an abscess, and an implant-----the latest in my dental saga..
thanks things are ok :lol:gotta keep telling myself to quit grinding down on the denture hooks


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
If you give the bakery enough notice, I trust them to cooperate. These days, that is all you can ask for. I am certain you are not the only one in this situation.
They wrote back this morning and we're good for the 16th. Fingers crossed we all stay good before then. I feel a bit bad because it's my other nephew's 13th birthday, but the bakery is closed on Saturdays, so Sunday is best for us and my SIL says he won't mind too much.

ok hoping for negative test resultsthen
Thanks. They both have their booster shots, so I'm not concerned about them getting seriously ill if they did get it. My nephew is too young to be vaccinated, so he's more of a concern. His pediatrician decided not to test him and assume he had it since he was definitely exposed.
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