
May the purr be with you
Thread starter
Dec 22, 2005
I have an appointment with the allergist/immunologist today. And, yes, I'm allergic to cats and dogs but keep it under control thanks to my doctor. 👍 I like my doctor very much. He's not only knowledgeable in his specialty but always spends time with me, listens and is supportive. There have been a few times when I had a semi-emergency while at work and he saw me the same day. He will stay after hours if he still has patients and you don't feel rushed. You can talk to him about any subject and some of my other doctors have told me he's a walking encyclopedia. Which leads me to my Question of the Day.............

DO YOU LIKE OR DISLIKE YOUR DOCTOR AND WHAT IS THEIR AREA OF EXPERTISE, e.g. General Medicine, Cardiology, Neurology, Allergy, Psychology, Nephrology, GI, etc.? WHAT IS IT ABOUT THEM THAT MAKES YOU FEEL THIS WAY?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
I haven't been to the doctor in almost 18 years. Didn't even go to the follow up visit when my youngest was born. My husband, on the other hand, goes all the time and after seeing how it's one visit after the other and more medication on top of more medication, I'm going to stick with not going. I will just keel over one day and no one will have a clue why and I'm fine with that.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I haven't been to the doctor in almost 18 years. Didn't even go to the follow up visit when my youngest was born. My husband, on the other hand, goes all the time and after seeing how it's one visit after the other and more medication on top of more medication, I'm going to stick with not going. I will just keel over one day and no one will have a clue why and I'm fine with that.
I'm with you on that.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
My doctor is retirement age or maybe older. She is sweet but sort of slow and forgetful and as a GP she doesn’t treat much of anything herself except for the basics like diabetes or high blood pressure. She just refers you to specialists if you have any concerns. But I don’t really need much from her, just my med prescriptions so it is fine.

I go once a year, we review all my lab work, she checks my feet because I am diabetic and we do the very stupid Medicare cognitive test (remember three words, draw a clock showing either 11:10 or 10:50) and we are done.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I didn't go to a doctor for years but when I got older I started going at least annually. Things start wearing out and I want to keep the best quality of life possible for as long as possible. I go to a large Ohio State Clinic so it is assembly line medicine but I get the necessary tests done. When I need to go for something that I am not sure will work itself out I go to an urgent care clinic close to where I live and I usually see a nurse practitioner. I go to the pharmacy for vaccinations. Since I don't have any chronic conditions yet I don't have an ongoing relationship with one primary care provider.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
I haven't seen my GP in a couple years, but she's super sweet and a good listener. I should go, but we've moved farther away and I'd have to find someone to watch J, so it's not as easy to just make an appointment as it was when I was childless and she was only 5 minutes away.

The last "doctors" I've seen regularly were the midwives in the practice I went to. I was very happy with my care there and will definitely be going back for another child/well-women visits. It impressed me that I would call and the front desk staff would answer knowing who I was. And they were always timely with results!
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May the purr be with you
Thread starter
Dec 22, 2005
I didn't go to a doctor for years but when I got older I started going at least annually. Things start wearing out and I want to keep the best quality of life possible for as long as possible.
I couldn't agree more! :agree: I didn't have a GPt when I was younger, only an OB/GYNE when I was pregnant and delivered my children. It wasn't until I was middle-aged that I thought it would be a good idea to have an Internist. With the recent changes since COVID and the pandemic I'm glad I have a doctor just in case because so many GP's here have closed their practice to new patients.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
My primary care doctor is amazing. She is always listed in a local magazine as one of the best doctors in the Twin Cities. It's difficult to get an appointment with her, but I mainly see her for physicals, so it's not a huge deal if I have to wait. I will see other doctors in the clinic if I have a more pressing need, because they are good too.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I don't know if I like my doctor or not... :lol: Well; my 3rd doctor in 5 years is retiring in 2 days. I do like this guy. He's retired army and not into "Oh this minor symptom....could be normal but better refer you for extra testing and care!!" He's very practical and I like his calm demeanor. My last doctor was quick to push weight loss surgery...and she wasn't much smaller than me. Heck no. That's NOT where you jump to first.

I wasn't going regularly but then it took m FIVE months to get a new patient appointment with someone; so I figured I should just deal with annual visits in order to retain services. It was just such a pain to drag 2 little kids with me. And now it's a pain to drag 2 big kids with me. They no longer fit in one chair with their kindles. Plus covid has complicated things yet again...

The doctor before that was the one I waited 5 months for and she was great but quick to refer. I'd have been happy with her for a long time; but she moved because her husband was being transferred. I just got the call last week that my doctor is retiring and they'll be calling to schedule me with the new doctor coming. Right at the time my first doctor moved the group she was with joined the hospital system. That was really sad because they were all awesome there. They operated like an old fashion clinic where you can feel confident in their knowledge and care. I got really sick after we had traveled and I was in there several times seeing various providers to keep an eye on me. They even wrote my DH a note to stay home from work for a week to take care of me!

Now my OBGYN? I LOVE him! Everyone does! Hes consistently voted a top doc in the state. Most of my friends see him and hes delivered most of my friends kids now. He's got an amazing bedside manner. He was recommended by the doctor who delivered DD when he was moving out of the area. But this one; he's so sweet and caring. He delivered a friend who lost her baby at 18 weeks due to a genetic condition. She said he couldn't have been kinder or more supportive. (I've had a friend basically be told to "get over it" by an OBGYN when she miscarried...) He's the doctor who discovered my BFF's cancer had returned for a 2nd time and he was really kind with that too. DD's delivery was a bit traumatic (no fault of anyone) and he was really diligent with my care so I had a much better experience the 2nd time around.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 29, 2002
We have a primary care doc whom we both like very much.She takes care of my blood pressure quite well and is very easy to talk to if I have any other concerns (which I usually don't.She's done a great job with hubby's diabetes (and so has he!) and with both of us she's good about keeping on top of our yearly exams.He has a cardiologist who is new to us and we like him quite a bit.Why?We found him as his original cardio guy moved out of state,and they found before his colonoscopy (here they do an ekg beforehand) that he was in a-flutter/ a-fib.We had no clue!He got in to see him quickly,was put on apixaban and dropped him down 30 mg on one of his b.p. meds.Went back to see him in 3 change and it wasn't long til he was scheduled for a cardioversion,which worked and he's back in proper rhythm. (YAY!)He doesn't sugar coat anything,which I appreciate greatly,and so we know if it comes back,we're probably looking at a pacemaker......he sees him again in 3 months.


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
I recently dumped my Primary Care Doctor for another doctor. She tried to push statins on me real heavy, and it really turned me off. :nono: Not one word about diet change, exercise, and losing weight which I think should have been mentioned. Anyway, I cleaned up my diet, exercised regularly and lost 35 pounds. I got tested by my new PCP and I got for the most part a good report, but still need to work on my Cholesterol which I brought down by over 30 points. I will be losing more weight in the near future and will try to eat more plant-based foods. Hopefully when I get tested again I will beat this health problem. I have come along way from where I started out. TG for that!🙂


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
I like my PCP well enough, but he has missed a few things. But I've been going to him for 25 years or so and he knows my history, so I don't really want to switch. He is not one to push the latest designer drugs and if he suggests something and I say no (like statins) that's the end of it. I'm diabetic and he manages that with 6 month blood tests and my annual checkup. Since he doesn't take medicare and medicare won't pay for an annual physical, I haven't decided if I will continue havng them or not.

I loved my GYN because he would sit and talk about any concerns you have and not rush you in an out, but he has retired. I went to one in the same practice last year and he barely said anything to me, very quick exam. But before he rushed out of the room, he did tell me that at my age I no longer had to go for annual exams and pap tests, so I'm happy about that.

I loved by optomitrist. He was kind and funny and knew his stuff. He explained things to me in ways that were not technical and I could understand and didn't try to get me to buy new glasses if my prescription hadn't changed. He is also retired. The new one is nice, I like him well enough, but have only been there once.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
I loved by optomitrist. He was kind and funny and knew his stuff. He explained things to me in ways that were not technical and I could understand and didn't try to get me to buy new glasses if my prescription hadn't changed. He is also retired. The new one is nice, I like him well enough, but have only been there once
I loved mine, too! I kept going to the Lenscrafters by my parents' house because he was funny and clearly remembered details about my life (and always asked about my brother, lol), and I felt so comfortable with him. He left the practice and I believe is now retired, so I moved to a closer Lenscrafters the last time I went, and it just wasn't the same.
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May the purr be with you
Thread starter
Dec 22, 2005
i dont like any of my doctors who want to run tests/exams etc. especially the ones who want fasting involved testing.:shocked: deny me my coffee i will be grumpy:lol:
I hear you on the fasting, I get a migraine if I can't eat or have caffeine first thing in the morning but I've been told your results are more accurate if you fast. Maybe you can do what I do, i.e. bring a snack with you and the biggest coffee thermos you can find for after the fasting test(s). :biggrin: