Belly Still Big After Giving Birth. Is It Normal? And Other Issues....

Elizabeth Varghese

TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 11, 2020
A street cat used to visit our house everyday since the past few months, and we used to feed her whenever she came. She was pregnant since the last 2 months. Day before yesterday, on 9th August, she came very tired, we brought her inside our home and gave her food. She din't want to leave at all. We finally made her comfortable as she seemed very tired. Finally by around 8:00pm on 9th August, she gave birth to her first kitten and by 8:45pm she gave birth to the second kitten. After that she din't give birth to any kittens. Both the babies and the mother cat are safe at my home.

But I am little worried by looking at her belly. Even after giving birth to 2 kittens, her belly still looks big. I can feel her belly moving sometimes, I am not sure whether the movement is because of the breaths that she is taking. Her belly is smaller than what it was before giving birth, but bigger than her normal belly. She is eating and drinking and taking care of her kittens, but I am a little worried by seeing her big belly. Can someone give any advice on this, please.....It's the first time that I am experiencing something like this.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
If she hasn't birthed any more in a few hours, a quick x-ray at the vet to determine if there are any more that are stuck might be a good idea.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
A street cat used to visit our house everyday since the past few months, and we used to feed her whenever she came. She was pregnant since the last 2 months. Day before yesterday, on 9th August, she came very tired, we brought her inside our home and gave her food. She din't want to leave at all. We finally made her comfortable as she seemed very tired. Finally by around 8:00pm on 9th August, she gave birth to her first kitten and by 8:45pm she gave birth to the second kitten. After that she din't give birth to any kittens. Both the babies and the mother cat are safe at my home.

But I am little worried by looking at her belly. Even after giving birth to 2 kittens, her belly still looks big. I can feel her belly moving sometimes, I am not sure whether the movement is because of the breaths that she is taking. Her belly is smaller than what it was before giving birth, but bigger than her normal belly. She is eating and drinking and taking care of her kittens, but I am a little worried by seeing her big belly. Can someone give any advice on this, please.....It's the first time that I am experiencing something like this.
I agree with the others. As long she is OK, no visible troubles, you do observe closely but can wait and see.
It can be the usual swollen interior, it can be one more kitten... If you arent very used to palpitate, it may be difficult to feel. It may be her breathing as you say. One foumist whom felt positively movements, the cat was empty, and movements were probably gases...

IF you have access to a vet, the playing safe is to let him check up if nothing happens for a time...

During the time, be sure you give her calcium rich food. goat milk, youghurt, cheese, kmr - whatever she takes. Because it happens lack of enough calcium causes the delivery work is weak.
You can also put a droplet of white caro syrup or honey on her gum. (or real glucose sugar / dextrose if you have), gives quick energhy, if she seems to be tired.