My cat was diagnosed with mesenteric mass lymph node


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 15, 2012
My 16 year old cat had been rapidly declining and I made an emergency vet visit.

Back in March he had been urinating frequently and getting vomiting and some blood in diarrhea, also losing weight. The vets found nothing wrong.
Two weeks who I noticed my cat had trouble eating and barely ate for days, and he had become skin and bones, so I made a vet appointment. The vet felt his stomach and felt a mass. He used to be 18 pound two years ago and was now 6 pounds. He had an ultrasound done and they found a lymphoma mass I believe located in the bowel area.
I cannot afford cells taken to test for cancer or any chemo/surgery so at this point I’m just trying to keep him comfortable. He had an injection of Cerenia last week and the next day he began eating and drinking vigorously holding the food down and seemed much happier. He gained 4 pounds in two weeks.

My vet had prescribed him prednisolone 1 ml liquid twice a day to start and said he suggests he stays on the steroid the rest of his life. He mentioned this could help decrease swelling in the bowel or possibly the mass and help his appetite but nothing can cure the cancer which I knew. However I read the long term side effects of steroids especially in older cats are scary, and could lead to other scary side effects or make him feel sicker. I’m not sure I want to put him through that knowing it won’t cure him. He is mostly an outdoor cat and I cannot afford monthly testing to make sure the steroids aren’t negatively affecting his organs so it’s very risky to do this to him. The vet mentioned because this is a digestive issue the steroids could even make him eat so much it further irritates the bowel causing vomiting and weight loss, which is the last thing he needs.

I was also given liquid cerenia to mix in wet
as I can’t pill or inject him reliably. So far from what I saw if he is uninterested in eating giving a dose of this (as needed) might allow him to keep eating and put on weight, he seems happier and healthier after the injection of it already. I know it won’t help the mass or cancer, but I don’t see many side effects from it and if he can have a happy quality of life instead of feeling sick from steroids wouldn’t that be better for him? I never gave liquid cerenia yet so I don’t know if side effects are same as injection form?
I’m having a hard time deciding to experiment with steroids or only give cerenia as needed, I hate that my cat has cancer but due to my financial hardships, him mostly being outdoors, and the diagnosis I’m very limited in what I can do for treatments. I thought it’s quality, not quantity of life that is better and as long as he is eating, walking, bathroom, and acting mostly typical that’s ok, but if he no longer can eat or is in severe pain than I know euthanasia is the humane option.
I added his vet results below.



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Sweetie, this is SO, SO HARD! If he were my cat, I would go with whatever made him feel better for as LONG as it made him feel better, and when it did not, if another medicine did not help, I would say goodbye, but BEFORE his "worst day." That's just me. But please know that my heart is breaking for you. No matter what you decide, you are going to second-guess yourself. That's the human part of us.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 15, 2012
Sweetie, this is SO, SO HARD! If he were my cat, I would go with whatever made him feel better for as LONG as it made him feel better, and when it did not, if another medicine did not help, I would say goodbye, but BEFORE his "worst day." That's just me. But please know that my heart is breaking for you. No matter what you decide, you are going to second-guess yourself. That's the human part of us.
I was hoping others who went through this could offer some advice and how their cats reacted to the medications

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I have had several cats on prednisolone who had cancer and it was a miracle. They averaged about 18 months and were still doing well, but then something else came along, one a broken pelvis (? how did that happen)And the others finally just were in too much pain the masses got too big over time. But they had good time and good quality of life until the very end. Just love that sweet boy until the end and then take away his pain. I go by how THEY act, not my feelings. If they hide, stop eating and the quality of life just isn't there, it is time. My heart goes out to you, I know how much this hurts.......


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
I've had a few cats with cancer, but not that type. I am not familiar with that particular medication. With Paws, who had a malignant tumor that was visible on his side, the vet told us we would know when he was in pain and ready to go. I'm so sorry of what you are going through and also sorry that I can't provide any information on the medication. Maybe one of the Mods could change the title of your thread and someone who is familiar with the meds will reach out. mani mani , jcat jcat , AbbysMom AbbysMom .
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 15, 2012
I just got the anti nausea medication in, $130.00 for 30 days only! To be given as needed, but the price is insane! 😥 Was hoping someone knows the difference in the liquid form my vet gave no instructions other than daily dose amount, nothing about side effects, expiration time, or that it can’t be used a certain amount of consecutive days


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
Oh goodness! I would recommend calling the vet and asking for specifics. Also, did you buy the medication from the vet or from a pharmacy? We have a compounding pharmacy locally that saves us money on Daisy's medication. The vet calls it in and we pick it up. They even put a tuna flavor in the liquid, and I really don't think she minds it much.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 15, 2012
Oh goodness! I would recommend calling the vet and asking for specifics. Also, did you buy the medication from the vet or from a pharmacy? We have a compounding pharmacy locally that saves us money on Daisy's medication. The vet calls it in and we pick it up. They even put a tuna flavor in the liquid, and I really don't think she minds it much.
I purchased from the vet which said they must send out to get it compounded, but it arrived from the vet office address? Oddly, when they gave me the liquid steroid they had no trouble compounding that on the spot for cheap. They never mentioned anything to save me money and even though I explained I’m on disability with limited income they just kept trying to get more money out of me 😥


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Absolutely, or call a compounding pharmacy in your area, ask the price, and if it is significantly cheaper, tell your vet that you want a written prescription. Sometimes you MUST be your own advocate! And that is not an outrageous request in the least.