Indoor cat would rather be an outdoor cat

marshall m.

TCS Member
Thread starter
May 7, 2020
I'm really not an outdoors person but my cat Ben very much is. Generally when his crying to go outside gets too much to ignore I will go out with him and follow him as he wanders my small yard a bit, keeping a close eye on him to make sure he stays safe, before taking him back inside. Lately, however, his crying has been near constant, and I simply don't have the time and energy to be out with him as often and as long as he wants. I try to keep him entertained with toys and playing and lots of attention but he just doesn't seem interested. What should I do? Should I keep letting him out when I can and try not to let his crying bother me too much the rest of the time, or should I stop letting him out at all to teach him that whining won't work? Or should I just stop worrying so much and start letting him out unsupervised? (I don't want to do this as I'm aware it can be very dangerous but I'm seriously at the end of my rope here)
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marshall m.

TCS Member
Thread starter
May 7, 2020
Hi. Is it possible to consider buying or building a catio/cat enclosure? Even a handyman could probably do that for you!
Potentially, yes, however I do still live with my family and getting my parents on board would take some doing. I have mentioned the possibility to them a few times but cash is a bit tight and getting the money and time to have one bought/built/installed is pretty low on their priority list right now.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am not saying that this will work for your cat, but I have simply never reopened the door to the whining cat who wants out again. Eventually they accepted that condition. Having said that, if you are able to do any type of secure harness/lead where he could walk around with you, or even stay outside safely on a tie out with you someplace where he could be observed, that might help. I am not a far of letting the unsupervised cat out, especially one who is inclined to possibly wander.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS. :wave2:

Unfortunately some cats, once they get a taste of outdoors, want to be out all the time. And letting them outside by themselves is generally not a good idea, due to all the obvious dangers outside. As FeebysOwner FeebysOwner mentioned, a catio is a good compromise if possible.

If you plan to continue going outside with him, you might want to consider harness training, just to prevent him from dashing off on you. That, however, won't solve the "let me out" meowing though. So try to make indoors as interesting for him as you can.

TCS has some articles that might have some tips for you.

Harness And Leash Training For Cats | TheCatSite

How To Make Your Home Bigger (at Least For Your Cats)

How To Prevent Your Cat From Darting Out The Door | TheCatSite

Bored Cat? What Cat Owners Need To Know (including 10 Actionable Tips) | TheCatSite


TCS Member
Apr 24, 2016
New York
I'm really not an outdoors person but my cat Ben very much is. Generally when his crying to go outside gets too much to ignore I will go out with him and follow him as he wanders my small yard a bit, keeping a close eye on him to make sure he stays safe, before taking him back inside. Lately, however, his crying has been near constant, and I simply don't have the time and energy to be out with him as often and as long as he wants. I try to keep him entertained with toys and playing and lots of attention but he just doesn't seem interested. What should I do? Should I keep letting him out when I can and try not to let his crying bother me too much the rest of the time, or should I stop letting him out at all to teach him that whining won't work? Or should I just stop worrying so much and start letting him out unsupervised? (I don't want to do this as I'm aware it can be very dangerous but I'm seriously at the end of my rope here)
I really feel your pain.. i rescued three cats three different shelters and times. my older two frankly are happier when i let them out. However I do not let them out everyday although they cry and try to run out when the door is open. I let them out for a while in the yard once a week They explore stay out for about an hour and come in. they do come in I am afraid if i let them out everyday they will leave the yard I know there are dangers..... the cats come in so much calmer andhappier . Let me add that also they only go out when my retired husband is tending his garden and keeps an eye on them dont want them killing birds etc. I dont know if i should do this.. we love our cats and struggle with this decision but they are animals and the instinct is to go o ut and explore and hunt. I have tons of toys and scratching posts. inside. i dont want them to die young ,, but i do want them to be happy and content.. I am still struggling with this.. can you tell?

Floyd and hendrix

TCS Member
Young Cat
May 26, 2020
Northern NSW australia
our human takes us for a leashed walk most days depending on the weather and what she has to do.
one of us, floyd throws funny tantrums and meows and paces and goes through a menu of 'let me out there now" antics. hilarious. (she accepts that she initially encouraged them to go walking and get leash and harness trained for future use e.g car trips etc) until the meowing drives her nuts...she'll tell me if we are eventually going and will let us see the lead out and ready or put our collars or harnesses on or she will explain that we might go later or...tomorrow? anyway, once the walk is done floyd is happy to just do other cat stuff for the rest of the day...mostly. meow



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Give a cat an inch, they want a mile. This is a known problem.

The best bet is either to never give the inch - don't let the cat out - or to build a clear ritual, like only do it at the same time every day. You could even set an alarm, that the cat will hear. In time, they hopefully realize that they *only* go out when it is that time and the alarm goes off.

I don't believe a catio would end the whining. Its a nice thing for a cat, but they will still whine at the door for a while seeking to have the actual freedom to go where they will. If you continue to allow out the door, they will continue to whine, catio or no.