Post Your Unpopular Opinions

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TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
My opinions

Game of Thrones - WHY aren't you gone yet?
The Beatles are the most overrated group of all time and Paul the most overrated member
Peanut butter and chocolate do NOT belong anywhere near each other
Cheesecake is disgusting
Cilantro. Is. Not. Food. It is leafy soap
Facebook is really Fakebook
Mustard on a hamburger? NO. NO. NO. NEVER
At no time should ketchup or mayonnaise ever touch a hot dog
Hard boiled eggs, mustard and pickles should never, ever, ever be added to potato salad (my Grandma's potato salad is the best of all time- I have been making it since I was 12. I am 49. My dad (the pickiest eater EVER) and my late DH would not eat any other. )
Green bell peppers are gross and overpower the taste of anything they touch
Ketchup should be illegal as it is the condiment version of green peppers. It overpowers everything it touches
Superhero movies are lame
Comic books are fine if you are 12 or under
Bananas are also not food. They are vile. They smell horrid, they taste horrid and the texture is gross
Milk chocolate is for people who aren't sure if they really like chocolate or not. Dark chocolate is for those who are sure
I don't trust anyone who doesn't like cats
I find the majority of children annoying
American football is boring and annoying
Baseball is even worse
Basketball is underrated
All beer is nasty
Peeps are awesome
More younguns should be introduced the the beauty and wonder that is the vinyl record
I agree with @di and bob on all points but if you don't want to wear makeup don't. I agree about the makeup thing when it comes to me far more than anyone else if that makes sense
I wish more restaurants and stores would have hours when children are not allowed in
Disney World is NOT the happiest place on earth. Not even close
Starbucks is not good coffee. It is the 3 O's. Overrated, over-roasted and overpriced
Monogamy is not human nature. We have been brainwashed into thinking we should be - mostly by religious groups
Marriage is highly overrated
The vast majority of people who go to church do so not because they want to. It's because their parents made them and guilt is what keeps this circle going. NO? Ever take a good look at the people around you at service if you go? How many are REALLY paying attention? Most are physically there but mentally anywhere else
TCS is the best site on the web. It's a popular opinion here but most other people are not aware of its awesomeness. That's probably a good thing though
Money is NOT the root of all evil. SNOW is
Lima beans are yummy. Especially with butter, salt & pepper
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Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
My opinions

Game of Thrones - WHY aren't you gone yet?
The Beatles are the most overrated group of all time and Paul the most overrated member
Peanut butter and chocolate do NOT belong anywhere near each other
Cheesecake is disgusting
Cilantro. Is. Not. Food. It is leafy soap
Facebook is really Fakebook
Mustard on a hamburger? NO. NO. NO. NEVER
At no time should ketchup or mayonnaise ever touch a hot dog
Hard boiled eggs, mustard and pickles should never, ever, ever be added to potato salad (my Grandma's potato salad is the best of all time- I have been making it since I was 12. I am 49. My dad (the pickiest eater EVER) and my late DH would not eat any other. )
Green bell peppers are gross and overpower the taste of anything they touch
Ketchup should be illegal as it is the condiment version of green peppers. It overpowers everything it touches
Superhero movies are lame
Comic books are fine if you are 12 or under
Bananas are also not food. They are vile. They smell horrid, they taste horrid and the texture is gross
Milk chocolate is for people who aren't sure if they really like chocolate or not. Dark chocolate is for those who are sure
I don't trust anyone who doesn't like cats
I find the majority of children annoying
American football is boring and annoying
Baseball is even worse
Basketball is underrated
All beer is nasty
Peeps are awesome
More younguns should be introduced the the beauty and wonder that is the vinyl record
I agree with @di and bob on all points but if you don't want to wear makeup don't. I agree about the makeup thing when it comes to me far more than anyone else if that makes sense
I wish more restaurants and stores would have hours when children are not allowed in
Disney Word is NOT the happiest place on earth. Not even close
Starbucks is not good coffee. It is the 3 O's. Overrated, over-roasted and overpriced
Monogamy is not human nature. We have been brainwashed into thinking we should be - mostly by religious groups
Marriage is highly overrated
The vast majority of people who go to church do so not because they want to. It's because their parents made them and guilt is what keeps this circle going. NO? Ever take a good look at the people around you at service if you go? How many are REALLY paying attention? Most are physically there but mentally anywhere else
TCS is the best site on the web. It's a popular opinion here but most other people are not aware of its awesomeness. That's probably a good thing though
Money is NOT the root of all evil. SNOW is
Lima beans are yummy. Especially with butter, salt & pepper
HA!!!!!!!:flail:You made my day with that post. :D


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2017
Olives - I hate them yet when having dinner why do people insist on ordering first
Game of thrones - have watched a second of it , saw a flying dragon or something silly so had to switch off - like lord of the rings which I thought was boring
Star Wars - found it boring as a child in the 80s , still can’t bear now


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2017
I like the romance parts of movies like that.
Haha I forgot to add weddings !! Why think your guests enjoy it too I just grin and bear it until the reception then you can go party ! It’s even worse when you spend tons of money to attend and the bride and groom split within a year or two later !


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
I love this and I so so so agree! I don't wear makeup unless it's for an event that I consider to be about costumes ie. weddings, stage performance etc. I save hundreds of dollars and an incredible amount of time not doing makeup, buying makeup etc.
I agree. I'm always bare-faced because it is how I look. One of my weird fears is that I'm not my authentic self and I feel that I'm being fake if I wear makeup. I have no problem with other people wearing it, but it definitely isn't for me.

Mother Dragon

Cat slave
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2006
Suburban Houston, TX
Screaming, howling children who are running around. No, make that ALL children.
Babies are not cute and cuddly. Ever.
Liver is food (never, not even I were starving.)
Religion is a security belief I don't need, so keep it to yourself.
Baseball is like watching paint dry.
Basketball is like watching baseball in double fast forward.
People who are always on their cell phones (I think they're forgetting how to talk.)
People who look things up on their phones when you're eating dinner or trying to have a conversation.
Doctors who hear but don't listen.
Reality TV.
Kale tastes good (not).
Selfies (they're self-aggrandizement.)
People who say,"In your heart, you know there's God."
I don't even want to talk about current politics.
Fads (a waste of money)
Flat earthers
It's NOT OK for Jehova's Witnesses to disturb you (it's my house and my property. if I want to talk to you, I'll approach you.)
Current entertainers can sing (if you need reverb to cover your inabilities, you shouldn't open your mouth.)
It's OK to put people clothes on your pets (absurd and uncomfortable for the animals.)
It's NOT OK to carry pets everywhere, including restaurants and stores.
Comfort and companion animals, especially on airplanes.
The F word is OK to use everywhere.
Drinking and driving are OK (never!)
Bottled water is better (a lot of it is just tap water.)
There are golden years (getting old is not for sissies)
Teenage years are the best (never)


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
What do you put in it?
It's perfect (IMO) because it's so uncomplicated. I have brought it to countless potlucks and everyone loves it.

Potatoes (I usually use russets but have used red potatoes and Yukon Golds and they work great too)
Mayonnaise (I prefer Hellmann's but Duke's is really good too)
Celery and onions finely chopped
White vinegar

That's it. My Mom used to sprinkle a bit of paprika on top for color but I don't. She also used to sprinkle the top with caraway seeds. I didn't like them when I was a kid but I do now. I don't add them though. I might for fun next time I make it.

The O&V are used in equal parts and the vinegar is what adds a brightness/tang to it. It's assembled kind of in layers. Potatoes, some celery/onions, some of the O&V, mayo and then stir. Add more potatoes, then the rest, stir until all the ingredients are incorporated.

I like to let it sit in the fridge for a few hours to let everything settle before I taste to see if I need to add anything. Then it sits in the fridge overnight before I serve so the flavors can marry.

I don't make it often anymore. DH loved it so much. He was so funny. Sometimes when we were at the grocery store, he would pick up a container at the deli, sigh way too loudly and start to put it in the cart. I'd ask, "Do you want me to make potato salad?" He'd brighten up and say, "OK!! What do I need to get for it?"

I remember the first time I made it by myself. I was 12. When dad got home from work, he had some and thought Mom had made it. I knew I had nailed it. :yess:

Thread now unhijacked. back to unpopular opinions. :wave3:


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
At no time should ketchup or mayonnaise ever touch a hot dog
How do you feel about peanut butter? My elder spawn wants to know. I, personally, think that peanut butter on hot dogs is about as good as "Game of Thrones." Dear GOD...and as bad as the show is, THE BOOKS WERE WORSE! AND HE'S WRITING MORE OF THEM!


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
Johnny Depp is not attractive.

The Princess Bride is an awful movie.
I knew you felt this way about Johnny Depp! I already knew but :bawling:now you've made me cry! You have broken my heart! :bawling::bawling::bawling: What about the Soup Man? What about him!

Okay, so calming down a bit. Let's take a deep breath. I've never been able to make it through the Princess Bride movie so I understand.

My seemingly unpopular opinions:

Snow is the most wonderful thing next to...I don't know! It's so great that maybe it could be compared to parasailing? No, it's much better than parasailing.

Goat meat is delicious. (To my mother-in-law, I have not always lived in this country.) Don't know that I could eat it now, want to go back to not eating anything that walks on land.

Eating nothing that walks on land is great. Some people say it's unhealthy but it certainly did wonders for me. I felt like a teenager again. (I don't give medical advice - this is strictly opinion, following topic.)

Withdrawing from alcohol is more dangerous than withdrawing from heroin. I used to work for a doctor who was a withdrawal specialist. This is something most people aren't trying to hear. I don't advocate alcohol or heroin use - both are extremely dangerous - just stating a fact.

E-readers are terrible.

Okay, back to response from the quote above, which I am sure must have been a typo:

Johnny Depp is handsome! He is gorgeous! That is a fact! :bawling::bawling::bawling:
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