Leash Training Cat, But She’s Terrified Of Cars.


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 23, 2017
Hi, I’ve been trying to leash train my cat recently and she’s gotten to the point of being perfectly fine wearing her harness, but will try and bolt and hide if a car ever drives down the road. Luckily I live in the suburbs so there aren’t many cars. But even if the car is super far away, she will still have a heart attack every time one passes. She seems hesitant about being outdoors in the first place but I think with diligence she will realize it’s not so scary. But she’s just terrified of cars driving down the road. And that makes me hesitant to take her outside because she bolts whenever she sees one and I’m terrified that she’ll wiggle out of her harness and be gone forever. Luckily she hasn’t tried to back out of her harness yet. But it still worries me because she’s an indoor cat.

But I don’t know if there is anything I can do to remedy this. When I see a car coming I will hold her tight so she can’t bolt and hopefully will realize that cars are not all out to get her. But I don’t know if that method is bound to fail.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Oh, that's tough. Do you have a backyard, or even a park or somewhere you could take her where it's car free?
I'm not sure about a park, that's somewhat the same where if she is frightened, she might get out of the harness...
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 23, 2017
Yeah it’s just that she absolutely loves watching the birds and seeing things going around her outdoors, that’s the reason I wanted to acclimate her to outside. My other cat that I used to have wasn’t interested in looking out the window and was more terrified of the outdoors so I didn’t even bother trying after a couple times because I knew it wasn’t his thing. Mia however is obsessed with looking out the window.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Cats are not travelers like dogs, they are the most content in their own territory close by the things and places they are familiar with. She would be a lot more happy just exploring her own back yard. I would just stick with right out the door, and close by the house, and walking on your own if you want exercise or to see more. Let her take the lead, if she wants to go a little further, fine, but keep in mind exactly what you are afraid of, they can and will wriggle out of a harness, my little Chrissy was a Houdini! If you stick close to the house, you can quickly get her close to going inside. You are so nice to take her out, I'm sure she loves you for it! Eventually I put my Chrissy on a long lead and let her explore the back yard, but you have to be present at all times, because they get wrapped around something very quickly. The worst was when she got scared by a dog and climbed way up a tree, then got her lead tangled on a high branch, try NOT to let that happen! :eek2:


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
I just have one suggestion: build a catio, one that gives her access to the indoors (like a window into your house, or a cat flap on a door). When she hears cars while being safe in the catio, she can make quick visits inside... and eventually she'll become used to the idea that the loud cars going by will not hurt her. (The cars won't hurt her, that is, if she remains in her lovely, screened-in catio.) She'll eventually just stay in her catio area when cars go by, and not want to bolt into your house.

She'll love it, and be able to enjoy the birdies and the fresh air and outdoor excitement quite safely.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 14, 2016
Yeah it’s just that she absolutely loves watching the birds and seeing things going around her outdoors, that’s the reason I wanted to acclimate her to outside. My other cat that I used to have wasn’t interested in looking out the window and was more terrified of the outdoors so I didn’t even bother trying after a couple times because I knew it wasn’t his thing. Mia however is obsessed with looking out the window.
Our Jasmine loves looking out the window to watch the birds, squirrels, and lizards but she is terrified of the outdoors. I think the key thing is she can watch all the outdoor activity from the SAFETY AND SECURITY OF BEING INSIDE. If being outside is stressing your girl, I would not put her through it. If you think she could get out of her harness and bolt in a panic, the results could be tragic. If she is happy with watching "window tv" just let her do that.:)


Emotional Support Cat "Owner"
Alpha Cat
Sep 15, 2014
Our Jasmine loves looking out the window to watch the birds, squirrels, and lizards but she is terrified of the outdoors. I think the key thing is she can watch all the outdoor activity from the SAFETY AND SECURITY OF BEING INSIDE. If being outside is stressing your girl, I would not put her through it. If you think she could get out of her harness and bolt in a panic, the results could be tragic. If she is happy with watching "window tv" just let her do that.:)
This is exactly what I was going to say. I think she likes looking out from the safety of indoors. Before I adopted my cat, I bought a harness to walk her at the park so she could feel grass under her pawsies and experience some of nature close-up. She was a stray/feral, so I thought she'd like it. Turns out she hates going outdoors. Hates her carrier because she knows what it means, so the harness hasn't been used and is still in its original packaging. I think my cat had enough of living outside and loves the safety of indoors. I think we have to tailor indoor/outdoor around our cats to some extent.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 14, 2016
This is exactly what I was going to say. I think she likes looking out from the safety of indoors. Before I adopted my cat, I bought a harness to walk her at the park so she could feel grass under her pawsies and experience some of nature close-up. She was a stray/feral, so I thought she'd like it. Turns out she hates going outdoors. Hates her carrier because she knows what it means, so the harness hasn't been used and is still in its original packaging. I think my cat had enough of living outside and loves the safety of indoors. I think we have to tailor indoor/outdoor around our cats to some extent.
Same situation! Jasmine is a former feral as well. I think she had her fill of the great outdoors before she came to us.
When we moved to our current house, we didn't realize the back door didn't latch properly. I was in the yard and looked up to see two of our indoor only cats walking on our patio. I quickly herded them back inside the wide open door then began doing a head count to make sure they were all there. Jasmine was huddled on top of the cat tree shaking with fear. It broke my heart to see her so scared. That was about 8 years ago and to this day she won't get within 3 feet of that door even when it is closed.
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 23, 2017
Yeah I really want a Catio!! I would love to build one, but seeing as it would have to install in the window without having external support against the building I’m not sure how I can make one that I believe is secure but also not too much of an eye sore. I was looking at ones to buy but they’re all like 300 dollars, which seems a bit steep for a box you got on your window.

But I’m sure she would love something like that! I know I have the skills to build one but would be afraid that it wasn’t sturdy enough and therefore not safe for her. Because the cat tower I made once worked, but was very wobbly. I mean Mia didn’t care and it wasn’t about to topple over, it was just rather wobbly. But I feel like making a non perfect window box would be much more disasterous. Seeing as it would be a 2 story drop if it fell.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
I think a 'catuary' would be an ideal solution. We are building one right now that is 24 X 30 with access to the inside of the shop through a small door. It has perches. climbing posts and a pond! I'll post pictures when we are done.
I really envy the people who are able to build catios (or a "catuary") for their cats! I'm in an apartment building, and this isn't an option. I sure would love to have one for my kitty. I doubt the building owner would let me construct a 'portable window catio' sticking out from the side of the building.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I have no idea if this would help, but what about a calming product? Some companies have treats or collars, and/or a baby buggy type of wheeled unit that is for pets?
I don't know, I'm just thinking out loud...


Young Cat
Jun 27, 2018
I almost took a nose dive into the grass, when Beans snuck by me into my backyard. I just felt my heart drop! Luckily he got distracted and stopped to smell something, otherwise I am positive I would have eaten grass.....I was dying laughing the first time I put the leash on him, it was like he was going thru military training, all he did was crawl and tip over on his side. I've taken him out now maybe 3 or four times and each time, he gets more confident. Its amazing...he's amazing! .....My Beans :heartshape:


Young Cat
Jun 27, 2018
Only one downside of taking him outside, is that he meows by the door once I bring him back in.....and he gives me that look =( My little explorer!
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 23, 2017
The only calming product that I know for sure works is feliway. I’ve never tried it but I’ve heard good things.

I might have be up getting a stroller to see how she likes it. Though I wish I could “test drive” one beforehand so I don’t end up buying one that never gets used. I mean o guess I could donate it to my parents to wheel around their elderly dog so they can still take him on their longer walks. Though I doubt my dad would want to do that
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 23, 2017
Hmm I’m in upstate New York and I couldn’t find one there.

But I’ve been looking at them on Amazon, and do cats tend to take better to strollers then leash walking? Is it less scary for them because they can remain in their cozy stroller? Mia doesn’t mind being in her carrier really which I assume would feel similar to her. And She doesn’t mind it because I did the thing where you leave it out for them to explore before putting them in there. Which I would also do with the stroller if I got one.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Yeah I really want a Catio!! I would love to build one, but seeing as it would have to install in the window without having external support against the building I’m not sure how I can make one that I believe is secure but also not too much of an eye sore. I was looking at ones to buy but they’re all like 300 dollars, which seems a bit steep for a box you got on your window.

But I’m sure she would love something like that! I know I have the skills to build one but would be afraid that it wasn’t sturdy enough and therefore not safe for her. Because the cat tower I made once worked, but was very wobbly. I mean Mia didn’t care and it wasn’t about to topple over, it was just rather wobbly. But I feel like making a non perfect window box would be much more disasterous. Seeing as it would be a 2 story drop if it fell.
That's the issue. I would be uncomfortable having one that was not firmly planted on solid ground.
But then again, this used to be a "thing" for babies...!

If she's scared of cars, do not try to get her past that...fear of cars is a GOOD thing and if God forbid she ever got outside on her own, she wouldn't be viewing cars as potential friends.
Does the window she look out of have a safe screen so she can hear/smell stuff?
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 23, 2017
Well funny story it DID have a screen and we would open it so she could smell the outside smells and hear the birds and such.

However a couple days ago she must have leaned against the screen and the corner popped out. Luckily she’s only allowed upstairs because the dogs, and poisonous plants that my mom doesn’t want to get rid of, are downstairs.

But anyways she must have felt safe enough to go on the roof that’s below the second story window. Because she hopped out and was exploring the roof. Luckily my mom was home and out gardening. Because eventually when Mia realized she couldn’t get back in the house she got rather frightened and started frantically meowing. My mom almost had a heart attack seeing her on the roof, but she rescued her and Mia was fine once she was inside the house. So now all the windows are open only at the top so Mia can’t lean against them and escape.

But I’m so glad that she didn’t jump off the roof or anything and I’m so glad my mom was home at the time! I don’t know if cats tend to jump off surfaces that are too high to be safe, but she had enough sense not to.