Referral Needed, Re. Rescue Organization, Or Tnr Group

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  • #41


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Dec 14, 2017
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 ; good suggestion! Once the trap arrives, I'll see how this trap is made. Then go from there! Presently my stomach is in knots!

OK, time to TRY an get some Z's.

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  • #44


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Dec 14, 2017
Thanks Norachan!

I tested the Tru-Catch tonight. Well, I guess no cat so it didn't go so well, but it wasn't the trap. Tru-Catch is a simple, but effective design. Real nice trap, with the trap door closing via gravity in lieu of a (high tension) spring. I guess it would be less stressful for the cat, not having the force of the trap door closing, as well as a loud snapping sound behind him/her (well until he knows he/she's trapped ... lol).

But then again, as they say. "It's the batter, and not the bat, that hits the home runs". I think that's what they say! Awh well, I think you know what I mean.

I should have some help this evening, or Saturday evening. So, I won't mess around until then. It's just so darn hot here, I worry about her! I mess up, she suffers!

I did however miss a chance tonight, as the Man Upstairs placed her right in the palm of my hand. Although I would've needed a second pair of hands / help with a carrier to get her in (which I left at home anyways, but still).

I don't know how you'all do this! Hat's off to all of you!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Thanks Norachan!

I tested the Tru-Catch tonight. Well, I guess no cat so it didn't go so well, but it wasn't the trap. Tru-Catch is a simple, but effective design. Real nice trap, with the trap door closing via gravity in lieu of a (high tension) spring. I guess it would be less stressful for the cat, not having the force of the trap door closing, as well as a loud snapping sound behind him/her (well until he knows he/she's trapped ... lol).

But then again, as they say. "It's the batter, and not the bat, that hits the home runs". I think that's what they say! Awh well, I think you know what I mean.

I should have some help this evening, or Saturday evening. So, I won't mess around until then. It's just so darn hot here, I worry about her! I mess up, she suffers!

I did however miss a chance tonight, as the Man Upstairs placed her right in the palm of my hand. Although I would've needed a second pair of hands / help with a carrier to get her in (which I left at home anyways, but still).

I don't know how you'all do this! Hat's off to all of you!

When everything is right, I pray you will be able to catch her and help her. :vibes:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Oh, and I almost forgot -- if you have a towel or other covering to put over the trap to disguise it, so much the better. It can be something of similar color to the surroundings, but cats reportedly don't see red or orange like humans do, so it may not matter. Just something to "hide" the trap.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
For some reason I haven’t been getting alerts on your new posts. Glad I came to check in. I see it has been a little rough going. It does take time to get them with the traps. Don’t give up. I have met cats that just manage to avoid them. Cats are smart but if they get hungry they are likely to go in. I have received tips about putting the trap inside a cardboard box. Cats love boxes. I seem to have good results, don’t know why, by putting the food in carriers and catching them that way. I let the cat see me several nights running as I lay behind the carrier and allow them to eat uninterrupted. (No that is not comfortable and I have to remain very still) I suggest that if you try this you lay on a tarp or something to avoid the ants. I let them eat until they feel safe in the carrier. I make sure to use a carrier that can hold a plate at the back and a little distance away from the door. Once they trust the carrier I reach over and shut the door. I make sure to cover the openings around the sides so they can’t see my movements. It has worked for me many times for the cats that won’t go in traps. I use different baits. Good old tuna is smelly and some cats love it. Canned chicken seems popular. Meat baby food that I warm to enhance the scent has worked, especially with kittens. I have used KFC. The other thing I have had great luck with is an inexpensive sandwich meat. It is Carl Buddig Ham. I’m not sure why that is a favorite but it has lured in many kitties. I like it too! We all run into cats that are tough to trap. You are not alone. I have one female that literally threw her kitten to the ground to stop it from going in the trap. I was amazed! The kitten was confused! Poor kitty didn’t know what it had done to make Mom do that. I am still after her but have changed tactics. We’ll see if it helps. I share your frustration. Lol I will try to send you good cat catching vibes!:vibes:
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  • #49


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Dec 14, 2017
I really don't know how to start this update, as I've been beating myself up since Friday night. I messed up, now she's in the heat. It's going to hit 107 + again today!

Have to move forward, so after a brief description of what happened. I'll have a few questions I'd like to ask you'all. I really need the help / advise!

I met with one of the volunteers for a local rescue who stopped by the property this past Friday, to give me a few pointers. He wasn't allowed within the property's perimeter fence, so he watched from one of the gates which has a direct line of sight to where I feed her, and were I'd set the trap.

Did what he suggested, and after a few minutes, she went in. However, I made a rookie mistake, and she backed right out!

I took the trap out on Saturday evening while setting up. I offered her a piece of KFC, as a snack while I prepared her food. She sniffed it, looked at me, didn't accept it. I walked back to the Jeep, and when I turned around (asking if she was hungry), she was gone.

I decided to place the trap back in the Jeep. She returned after midnight, so I went ahead an fed her. Which I've been doing since (left the trap at home).

Side note: I purchased, and stored in the Jeep, a small dog size soft sided carrier, which zippers in the front. I figured I should have one on hand should I needed to transport her to Blue Pearl Emergency for example.

Now I'm thinking of a solution in regards to;

I'm on my own (only person on property / no second pair of hands), so how do I to get her to safety?

Now that she's savvy of the trap. What am I going to do if she won't get into the trap. I may have to pick her up, and place her in a carrier? If I try that method, how can I do it safely (for her and me)?

So, this is what happened;

On Monday evening, after feeding her, she was really friendly. Walked between my legs, then rubbed herself on my slacks. So, I figured I'd see what would happen if I picked her up. She struggled a bit, claws out, but did not attack me (?). When I released her, she jump forward.

I thought she'd run off, instead she stayed close by, so I gave her a few snacks.

If I had another pair of hands, and with the right carrier. I'm confident I could have placed her in it.

I did notice while entering the Tru-Catch 30LTD Light Duty Animal Trap, it seemed tight (as in she had to crouch down to get in). OK, I know, if I didn't mess up. SHE'D BE TRAPPED! So what's the point?

Anyways I ordered the larger size trap; 30FCD Fat Cat Animal Trap this morning.


1. What carrier would you recommend? Since I am alone, I would need a carrier with a large opening, and single door (no zippers). While setting up, I would have the carrier next to the Jeep with the opening facing up, and door open.

When the time presents it's self. I'll pick her up, walk quickly to the carrier, get her in, and close the door. Hopefully without getting either of us hurt in the process.

I don't know her history (however I'm confident both her and her kitten were abandoned), so I'm gonna have to use my lightning fast ninja skills to accomplish this idea.

2. What is the best method (if it is a good idea) to carry her?

3. Now that she's scared of the trap. How do I / or will I be able to get her into the trap? Or is it now impossible to achieve?

Since the heat (air temp, and temp from the asphalt) dries the food fast (within a half hour, the food looks dried up), I'll order a few small ice packs to place under the Dixie Bowl on to keep the food fresh longer. Small enough not to interfere / slide under the trigger plate (?).

I better try an catch some Z's! Thank you in advance for your thoughts on this situation!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I would wear really thick gloves and long sleeved jacket. If you pick her up, keep her claws faced away from you and don't let her turn towards you. And don't let her get her claws into your wrist. Sometimes cats will take several paws and wrap them around your wrist, be careful of that.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I really don't know how to start this update, as I've been beating myself up since Friday night. I messed up, now she's in the heat. It's going to hit 107 + again today!

Have to move forward, so after a brief description of what happened. I'll have a few questions I'd like to ask you'all. I really need the help / advise!

I met with one of the volunteers for a local rescue who stopped by the property this past Friday, to give me a few pointers. He wasn't allowed within the property's perimeter fence, so he watched from one of the gates which has a direct line of sight to where I feed her, and were I'd set the trap.

Did what he suggested, and after a few minutes, she went in. However, I made a rookie mistake, and she backed right out!

I took the trap out on Saturday evening while setting up. I offered her a piece of KFC, as a snack while I prepared her food. She sniffed it, looked at me, didn't accept it. I walked back to the Jeep, and when I turned around (asking if she was hungry), she was gone.

I decided to place the trap back in the Jeep. She returned after midnight, so I went ahead an fed her. Which I've been doing since (left the trap at home).

Side note: I purchased, and stored in the Jeep, a small dog size soft sided carrier, which zippers in the front. I figured I should have one on hand should I needed to transport her to Blue Pearl Emergency for example.

Now I'm thinking of a solution in regards to;

I'm on my own (only person on property / no second pair of hands), so how do I to get her to safety?

Now that she's savvy of the trap. What am I going to do if she won't get into the trap. I may have to pick her up, and place her in a carrier? If I try that method, how can I do it safely (for her and me)?

So, this is what happened;

On Monday evening, after feeding her, she was really friendly. Walked between my legs, then rubbed herself on my slacks. So, I figured I'd see what would happen if I picked her up. She struggled a bit, claws out, but did not attack me (?). When I released her, she jump forward.

I thought she'd run off, instead she stayed close by, so I gave her a few snacks.

If I had another pair of hands, and with the right carrier. I'm confident I could have placed her in it.

I did notice while entering the Tru-Catch 30LTD Light Duty Animal Trap, it seemed tight (as in she had to crouch down to get in). OK, I know, if I didn't mess up. SHE'D BE TRAPPED! So what's the point?

Anyways I ordered the larger size trap; 30FCD Fat Cat Animal Trap this morning.


1. What carrier would you recommend? Since I am alone, I would need a carrier with a large opening, and single door (no zippers). While setting up, I would have the carrier next to the Jeep with the opening facing up, and door open.

When the time presents it's self. I'll pick her up, walk quickly to the carrier, get her in, and close the door. Hopefully without getting either of us hurt in the process.

I don't know her history (however I'm confident both her and her kitten were abandoned), so I'm gonna have to use my lightning fast ninja skills to accomplish this idea.

2. What is the best method (if it is a good idea) to carry her?

3. Now that she's scared of the trap. How do I / or will I be able to get her into the trap? Or is it now impossible to achieve?

Since the heat (air temp, and temp from the asphalt) dries the food fast (within a half hour, the food looks dried up), I'll order a few small ice packs to place under the Dixie Bowl on to keep the food fresh longer. Small enough not to interfere / slide under the trigger plate (?).

I better try an catch some Z's! Thank you in advance for your thoughts on this situation!

Cats do have excellent memories, but I wouldn't think negatively about her returning to the trap, especially when she's hungry and there's something good in it for her. For safety, if you could keep a pair of those heavy leather/fabric gardening gloves nearby and put them on before handling her, you should be okay. YOUR emotions are picked up on by her, as cats are probably more intuitive and sensitive than people, so try not to be stressed, nervous, etc., when you are around her. Be confident and caring, and she will pick up on this. You are trying to help her. You care about her. Let her know that.
As far as carriers are concerned, we've always trusted and relied upon the hard-sided double-doored PetMate 2-Door Deluxe models, and I recommend the larger size. You can get them at Petco onsite or online. The choice of doors is great for vet visits as well as going in/out of the carrier as you can put her in feet-first, which usually works. The doors are easy to open and close and very secure.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Ninja confidence! I know this is very stressful for you but she is rubbing against you. I think you have already established a relationship with her. You might be able to start petting her as though she is your kitty. I fully expect her to allow you to get her. Maybe in the trap, maybe by feeding her in a carrier of just by picking her up. Follow suggestions on protective gear and how to hold her. You really can do this unaided. You have already gotten past the most difficult part. She sees you as a good guy! If she is not running from you that truly is the biggest hurdle. Relax and let her come to you, the trap or carrier. Try to imagine the feelings you would have if she was your pet kitty. You would welcome her as soon as you saw her and it would be a good and calm feeling. Do that. :catlove:
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  • #53


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Dec 14, 2017
M maggiedemi ; Thanks for the tip on the gloves. However, if I wear any type of glove. I'm confident she won't come near me. I guess I'll have to pick her up as I did on Monday, and hope for the best. I picked her up by the scruff of the neck with one hand, and the other hand supporting her rear.

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 ; Excellent advise / reminder in regards to controlling my emotions. Thank you! I received a shipping conformation from Tru-Catch for my Fat Cat Trap order.

I may have to do some tough love, sorta thing, and not give in (as in feeding her outside of the trap). If she wants to eat, she's gotta go in to eat. Sounds so easy don't it? ... As I take a deep breath typing that sentence! ... lol

I will check out the PetMate 2 door Deluxe Carrier.

OK, did a Google search, and guess what? Chewy's has a bunch of them on sale. This is getting expensive. The large and extry large is listed at $95 buck-a-roos. But hey, it comes with a free, 1-2 day shipping. May have to order one this morning.

Ninja confidence! I know this is very stressful for you but she is rubbing against you. I think you have already established a relationship with her. You might be able to start petting her as though she is your kitty. I fully expect her to allow you to get her. Maybe in the trap, maybe by feeding her in a carrier of just by picking her up. Follow suggestions on protective gear and how to hold her. You really can do this unaided. You have already gotten past the most difficult part. She sees you as a good guy! If she is not running from you that truly is the biggest hurdle. Relax and let her come to you, the trap or carrier. Try to imagine the feelings you would have if she was your pet kitty. You would welcome her as soon as you saw her and it would be a good and calm feeling. Do that. :catlove:
Thanks Jcatbird! She let me pet her while she was eating. For a few pets that is, then backed off, went back to eating after I stepped back. I will have a talk with the man-upstaris to give me a hand when I, or if I have to revert to picking her up to place her in her carrier. As mentioned, I can't wear a glove, as I'm confident she won't let me near her if I do.

OK, I'll keep thinking positive thoughts and have ... "good calm feelings"!

BTW, wish I was in a position to fly one of you's, or all of you's to AZ. It would sure make this endeavor / project a heck of a lot easier! And most importantly, she'd be safe! ... lol

PPS Thanks again for your help, advise, and support! ... two thumbs up!
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I would try it with gloves on at least once, my cats are never afraid of gloves, they only run away if I have a blanket in my hands, somehow they always know that I'm gonna grab them in the blanket...Yeah, a lot of those traps look too small for my cats, they are really long cats. Try a dog carrier. Make sure that it has those twisty things keeping it together. Don't get the ones that just snap together, they fall apart and people lose their pets at the vet. :eek2:
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  • #56


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Dec 14, 2017
Oh, and I almost forgot -- if you have a towel or other covering to put over the trap to disguise it, so much the better. It can be something of similar color to the surroundings, but cats reportedly don't see red or orange like humans do, so it may not matter. Just something to "hide" the trap.

Thanks for the heads up! I know it's late, but I just ordered the "trap cover" for the Fat Cat Trap!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
M maggiedemi ; Thanks for the tip on the gloves. However, if I wear any type of glove. I'm confident she won't come near me. I guess I'll have to pick her up as I did on Monday, and hope for the best. I picked her up by the scruff of the neck with one hand, and the other hand supporting her rear.

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 ; Excellent advise / reminder in regards to controlling my emotions. Thank you! I received a shipping conformation from Tru-Catch for my Fat Cat Trap order.

I may have to do some tough love, sorta thing, and not give in (as in feeding her outside of the trap). If she wants to eat, she's gotta go in to eat. Sounds so easy don't it? ... As I take a deep breath typing that sentence! ... lol

I will check out the PetMate 2 door Deluxe Carrier.

OK, did a Google search, and guess what? Chewy's has a bunch of them on sale. This is getting expensive. The large and extry large is listed at $95 buck-a-roos. But hey, it comes with a free, 1-2 day shipping. May have to order one this morning.

Thanks Jcatbird! She let me pet her while she was eating. For a few pets that is, then backed off, went back to eating after I stepped back. I will have a talk with the man-upstaris to give me a hand when I, or if I have to revert to picking her up to place her in her carrier. As mentioned, I can't wear a glove, as I'm confident she won't let me near her if I do.

OK, I'll keep thinking positive thoughts and have ... "good calm feelings"!

BTW, wish I was in a position to fly one of you's, or all of you's to AZ. It would sure make this endeavor / project a heck of a lot easier! And most importantly, she'd be safe! ... lol

PPS Thanks again for your help, advise, and support! ... two thumbs up!
"Experts" suggest feeding cats in the trap without the tripper for awhile, so that they get used to the fact that their food is in there. Then you set the trap and voila! You have cat. :yess: *I wish I COULD come to AZ to visit! Last time I was through there, it was beautiful. I'm not travelling any more, though, because I am the caregiver for my cats.*
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Just keep petting. I find the more I pet , the more they let me pet.
My cats are scared of gloves but I have learned with new cats to leave the gloves out where they can play with them before I use them. I put catnip them. The first few times I wear them around kitty I tie a string to a finger and play with them by having them chase the string.
I have found carriers for less by looking around and price comparison. Some stores will match prices if you ask.

I wish I could come there! Would love to help and I always wanted to see Arizona! Many neat things there. I just don’t know who would be willing to do what I do here. Lol I know you can do this though!
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  • #60


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Dec 14, 2017
Well, found out last night, actually confirmed that she's a he! ... lol ... So he's been taking care of the kitten. He's been through a lot. ...

The more I think about it. I may have to stop playing games with this fella, and just go ahead an pick him up. Then place him in a kennel.

But who am I kidding right? I'll give the trap one last shot when it arrives. If he's still hard headed, I may have to resort to plan B, and use the kennel trick. ... lol

Now if I can just catch the fly with my chopsticks, like Mr. Miyagi did in the movie "The Karate Kid". We'd be golden!


PS a thought came to me last night, actually the night before. I saw my uncle's faces, telling me. "What, you scared of a little cat? You scared he's gonna bite you?" ... "Just Pick'um up, put'um in the kennel!" ... "Simple? Right?" ... "Like me show you how it's done?" ... "You act like it's a Jaguar, or something!".

OK, you have to imagine couple of tough Hawaii'an guys telling me the above. .... lol ... Anyways, I thought it was funny!

PPS Just trying to throw in some humor into this situation. I need to get him out of there!
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