Need Litterbox Location Help


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 29, 2003
Elgin, TX
Morning TCS! I'll try to keep this brief but we've been having an exhaustive battle with litterboxes and I'm running out of ideas.

After trying SO many different things our current set up is 5 cats, 6 automatic boxes. We've got 2 littermaids in a covered cabinet, 3 littermaids outside of a covered cabinet and a litter robot. We previously only had 1 littermaid and 2 litter robots so this is a large increase in the quantity of boxes, but we've still got one cat peeing and pooping outside the box.

I've purchased a pet door that we've talked about installing in the living room to give the cats a second entrance/exit to access the litterboxes but we're hesitant to do this as 1) we aren't sure it will help and 2) it will create a space for heat and smells to come into the main room from the garage so it's less than ideal.

This particular cat will pee and poop consistently on the rug by the back door, so it seems they are ok with going in the same spot over and over. As an experiment I put a litterbox in the tiny guest bathroom's bath tub to see if they could be retrained to use a box in a different spot. This seems to work, until the door gets closed and they are unable to access the box at which time we find a pile on the rug again.

Should we try adding the pet door to give them a different way to access the boxes or is that unlikely to work? I've been wracking my brain about adding a second litterbox location but with 2 adults and 2 kids our 1 story house is pretty full. We were just about to add a litterbox to our patio with access through a window until we temporarily set a box out there and found the sweet smelling lavender litter swarmed by wasps. That put the brakes on that creative approach.

I'm willing to run some more experiments but the only way to test whether the second entrance/exit will work is to put a big old hole in our living room wall. We're willing to do that if it resolves the issue but we aren't 100% that it's the solution.

Any suggestions/advice?



Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Have you tried an ordinary open litterbox just in case that is the issue for your one cat? Difficult I know with kids running around but maybe that kind of box is what he would prefer.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 2, 2017
is it feasible to put a litter box in the area where he is going, at least for a little while to get him used to it? I would also try an open litter box, I know my cats hated the enclosed ones, I think with a lot of cats (we have four) sometimes they may feel like they are going to get ambushed.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
justplainheidi justplainheidi Sorry you are dealing with litter box avoidance issues.

Are all the litter boxes in the same room/area? If so, I would try moving at least one to another room, especially since your experiment of putting one in the guest bathtub worked. Could you put a cat flap door in the guest bathroom door?
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 29, 2003
Elgin, TX
Have you tried an ordinary open litterbox just in case that is the issue for your one cat? Difficult I know with kids running around but maybe that kind of box is what he would prefer.
We have tried a basic sterilite (open) container but that only seems to help if it is in a secondary location. It really seems to be more of an issue with location than quantity or type of box, but thanks for the suggestion!
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 29, 2003
Elgin, TX
is it feasible to put a litter box in the area where he is going, at least for a little while to get him used to it? I would also try an open litter box, I know my cats hated the enclosed ones, I think with a lot of cats (we have four) sometimes they may feel like they are going to get ambushed.
This particular troublemaker is happy to use a box as long as it is located in a secondary location (near their favorite mat, in the guest bathtub etc). I'm sure this implies that they are not comfortable going in the primary location but I'm left wondering if they truly need a separate spot, or if they would be ok with an additional entrance/exit to the current boxes. I've searched the house for a spot we could put a separate box but this house is pretty full with these kiddos and all of their stuff. It's a frustrating situation for all of us :p
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 29, 2003
Elgin, TX
justplainheidi justplainheidi Sorry you are dealing with litter box avoidance issues.

Are all the litter boxes in the same room/area? If so, I would try moving at least one to another room, especially since your experiment of putting one in the guest bathtub worked. Could you put a cat flap door in the guest bathroom door?
The boxes are currently in two adjacent areas so probably close enough to feel the same.

I've literally walked the house multiple times looking for a spot the might work for a second box (hence the failed experiment to put one outside hehe). We used to have one in the closet in our office, but then we had babies and the office became a nursery. I really wish I could find a magic second spot that works for everyone but even thinking outside the box so to speak ehhe there aren't any good options I can find.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 29, 2003
Elgin, TX
You could put puppy pee/training pads on that rug to help with cleanup while things get worked out.

How about a non scented litter.
I actually had to throw the rug out the other day because even the daily cleaning was no longer able to contain the smell :p

Oddly enough, they haven't taken to using that spot again. Now I'm left wondering if 1) They were just going back to the rug over and over because the biological cleaners were still leaving an odor or 2) If they've started using another spot I just haven't found yet.

The saga continues...
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 29, 2003
Elgin, TX
OK I'm back and looking for any more suggestions you can offer. A lot has happened since early June so here is where we currently stand:

1) We went ahead and put a cat door in the wall (even though my husband hated that idea) so the cats now have 2 different ways to get in and out of the main litterbox area. This should eliminate any bullying or fear of getting trapped. It should also make it more convenient since they can use the entrance closest to their current location. This did not fix our problem.
2) Our foster dog left in June. She was not a good fit for our family and needed some canine companionship and a female only, cat free home. I believe she was adding some stress to our feline population. This did not fix our problem.
3) We had to put our 16 year old cat Chase down last Monday so we now only have 4 cats.
4) We have 2 littermaids in a covered box, 2 littermaids in an open area and a litter robot. We have a littermaid sitting by itself in the laundry room. We've added an additional enclosed area with a littermaid into our living room. We now have 6 litterboxes of various forms for the 4 cats. We also have a few different types of litters and the boxes are in 3 different areas of the house. This did not fix our problem.
5) I bought some unscented litter and we added some cat attractant in the hopes of luring her back to the box. That didn't seem to work at all.
6) The cat in question has no known medical conditions and is healthy (although a smidge overweight).
7) I've got feliway plug-ins all over the house and I've started using some homeopathic drops to decrease feline anxiety. This has not fixed our problem.
8) Most mornings and evenings we are finding the pee on the same spot in the kitchen near the island (but there have been a few occasions where we thought we had fixed the problem only to find a wet spot elsewhere in the house). The poop locations tend to vary from day to day however. Some days it is by the back door, some days near the kid's kitchen. She's gone at least once on our daughter's bedroom floor, in our entry way etc.

I just stepped in a puddle of pee on the floor in the kitchen. I am about at my wit's end. My husband is not a cat lover so this is causing a lot of tension in our household.

What am I missing? Is this just a bad habit that is nearly impossible to break, or have I missed the message she is trying to send?



Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I'm so sorry to hear about Chase!!

This particular troublemaker is happy to use a box as long as it is located in a secondary location
Going back over your thread, I was wondering about this, in conjunction with your next comment...

We were just about to add a litterbox to our patio with access through a window until we temporarily set a box out there and found the sweet smelling lavender litter swarmed by wasps.
Did you try this with unscented litter?

Looking at the whole thing, there's been a myriad of very stressful things going on, one right after the other. The dog, an old cat not doing well, your stress, your husband's stress. Add to all that the fact that feliway doesn't always help because some cats just don't react to it. I mean, the entire living space has been filled with stress and that's bad for everybody. You indicated she's healthy, you've had her in to a vet?

Now that a couple of large changes have occurred, I so wish for you that there was a way to hit a reset button. Speaking of and thinking out loud here, is there any way you could have someone take her for a little while, like a boarding situation - I don't know, something, where you could test the theory of whether this is all going on because of your lives and living situation somehow, or if it's something that's related only to her? Does your vet board cats? ...I don't know, but something...

Hopefully the homeopathic drops help eventually, but what about a different product like Calm-a-mile? What about a calming product with valerian in it, or casien? What about something from your vet like gabapentin? I'm just tossing out thoughts.

What about CBD oil?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 13, 2018
I haven't got a chance to read the whole thread and I don't know if my advice would help, but...
How about changing the type of litter?
My kitty use to do her business outside her litter box( she was very young) so I switched to Costco brand litter. .. once she pooped outside her litter box I picked it up and put it inside the litter box and put her in it too. It worked for us.
I'm not sure if this would help, it's just a suggestion/idea. I hope it helps.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Sorry you're still dealing with litter box avoidance issues. Are you sure it's just the one cat? How old is she? And does she ever use a litter box? Also, does she get along with the other cats?

Sorry about about Chase. :alright: RIP sweet boy. :angel3: