

TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
Western Massachusetts, USA
My husband and I are both nearing retirement age. We are both 64. I had hoped to retire this year in October when I qualify for medicare BUT that is now up in the air. My husband had planned on working full time until he was 67, but I am afraid that isn't going to happen. He is having health issues. While they aren't life threatening it does interfere with his work. I carry the health insurance through my job so I may have to stay on for that and to supplement the income if he has to go part time. I have to say that lately my job has been tough for me. I run the floral shop in a regional supermarket. Most people think that all I do is play with flowers. It is a physically and mentally demanding job - heavy lifting, on my feet on concrete floors 8 hours a day, pulling U-boats fully loaded with cases of plants/flowers not to mention the stress. Planning holidays, ordering correctly, dealing with help problems (usually no help at all!) etc. This is why I am not active much around holiday times here on the site. Don't mind me, I am just having a pity party - things will go the way they are supposed and we will deal with it.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I always did wonder about the individual florists behind the flower counter that I see every time I'm in my local grocery store, --there's always only one person there...
Hang in there! :vibes::sunshine:


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 30, 2018
Not a pitty party at all
You post is very very understandable
My wife and I were married at 18, that was 23 years ago
She has always been a hard worker and put up with so much
Abusive disgusting child life, family issues, job she hated but always went too etc

I finally was blessed with a very very good job at a industrial plant a few years ago
Got our living expenses low and simple
And carried out my dream of getting her to get out of her job

Then a few months ago I was diagnosed with MS
- in real life I don't tell people all this lol

Anyway, my wife always looks on the bright side and tells me always things can always be worse....

When I get frustrated I remember my walking is 100% etc etc
Don't get me wrong, there are times I want to say to the poor woman ahhhhh shut up haha

But a couple months ago she got upset and wasn't her all ways everything is good self

I realized I'm thankful she is the way she is
And I really should try and be more like her

We are very much Christians , i know that's not always welcomed and in NO way do I want to offended
I will say a prayer for u and your husband as soon as I hit post
Wow.. I babble a lot when I can type on a phone
Take care


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I'm sorry your DH is struggling with health related problems and that you may not be able to retire this year. :hugs: My husband retired several years before me. I am semi-retired which suits our lifestyle for the time being. I completely understand about the health insurance quandary. It seems unfair that we look forward to retirement but it's not as simple as we expected. I also understand about your job putting physical stress on you. Don't worry about not being able to participate on the forum as much as you would like especially around the holidays. Life, health and personal commitments naturally get in the way. I think we all feel like we're having a pity party sometimes, can I join the party too? ;)
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
Western Massachusetts, USA
Prayers are also very welcome here too. We are also Christians so no offense taken. That is why I said it will work out the way it is supposed to- just maybe NOT how I would want it! Thanks for the encouragement. I needed that this morning. The Easter holiday really took a toll on me. I am having trouble getting up and am walking very slowly and stiffly this morning. Thank you for the nice things you said about my cats too!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 30, 2018
Prayers are also very welcome here too. We are also Christians so no offense taken. That is why I said it will work out the way it is supposed to- just maybe NOT how I would want it! Thanks for the encouragement. I needed that this morning. The Easter holiday really took a toll on me. I am having trouble getting up and am walking very slowly and stiffly this morning. Thank you for the nice things you said about my cats too!
I don't know how I would be without knowing God's in control , and even if he doesn't cause bad things, that they will be used for his putpous and he ALWAYS has our best in mind. Even if I sometimes think Really Jesus are u paying attention this???? Haha
Anyway so glad to here and you are in our prayers. I mean that , specifically that he will give you peace and joy and for your husband health - I don't say that and just don't follow through
Take care :0)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
I totally understand what the OP is going through. My husband has been "retired" for well over 10 years (combination getting laid off, not finding anything else, going through depression, and health issues). I'm 67, still working, and no sign that I will be able to retire unless/until my company "eliminates my position." We've looked into how much insurance would cost if I did retire and it's way more than we can even think about. Mine is expensive with a huge deductible, but Medicare would be a whole lot more (since we would have to buy separate policies), and to try to afford it on social security would not even be possible. It always kills me when people say oh just go on Medicare! It's free! Umm.. not so much.

Good luck, and hopefully everything will work out!


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
Sending prayers for you and your husband. God is in control. It will all work out like it is supposed to, in your best interest. Hugs.