Coconut Cat Litter


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Dec 13, 2017
I got my coconut litter in today :) I maybe should be embarrassed that i get excited about cat litter? :) Has anyone else used a coconut litter?

It the Catspot litter, made totally from coconut. It is the lightest weight litter i have ever seen, and a very fine grain, will be soft on cat feet.. There is no smell to the litter. Have not seen any dust yet. i put about 1 1/2 inches in a box today, we shall see.

The cats like it, they are using it more today than the other boxes. it tracks a little, but no worse than any other litter, and better than a lot of them. Its kind of amazing when you stir it, the wet just disappears. Just day one, been used 5 times, no smell yet. Very Hopeful :)

CatSpot Litter | Organic Cat Litter Delivery Service
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TCS Member
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Dec 13, 2017
I've never heard of coconut litter, but I'm glad it's working for you :) I definitely get excited about litter or new litterboxes too (especially when I find brands/designs I really like) so you are not alone ;)
This coconut litter is very soft, and dust free. The cats all seem to like it, it is my most used box right now. Its kind of wild, you just put about 1 1/2 inches in the box. scoop the poo, and stir up the wet spots, they disappear immediately. Seems to cover urine and poo smells really well. I like it a lot, if my one weird kitten will just quit playing in it :)
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Dec 13, 2017
Wait ... you just stir the wet spots and they disappear?? Where do they go?
yes, so easy, no clumps of pee to deal with. scoop the poo, and stir it up, the wet spots just total disappear, its wild to watch. They say coconut can hold over 500% of its on weight in water, so it sucks it up, then releases the moisture. My cats are really liking this litter, its the only box they want to use right now :) and the odor control seems to be really good so far. i just have one weird kitten that wants to play in it :(

CatSpot Litter | Organic Cat Litter Delivery Service
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Dec 13, 2017
I would assume that the odor will accumulate over time, then it will be time to change it out. ;) But it sounds pretty interesting.
I think you are right, i will have to use it a bit to see how long it takes. The cats have used it quite a bit yesterday, and today, so far i must say no odor. and with 4 cats that's quite a bit of use, as its the only one they seem to want to use right now. you only put an inch and a half or so in the box, so a little goes a long way, i think online they say for one cat change it every 15 days or so. one bag is suppose to last a month. I will let you guys know how it works for 4 cats, 2 of which are big males.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I maybe should be embarrassed that i get excited about cat litter?
Anywhere else but here :lol:

i just have one weird kitten that wants to play in it :(
I can almost hear him.... "Awww, thanks mom - just for me?" :clapcat:

Seriously, though, I hadn't even heard of this until I read your post just now - it's kinda crazy, what will they think of next?
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  • #9


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Dec 13, 2017
Anywhere else but here :lol:

I can almost hear him.... "Awww, thanks mom - just for me?" :clapcat:

Seriously, though, I hadn't even heard of this until I read your post just now - it's kinda crazy, what will they think of next?
Right? lol

It is easy to use, and i think im going to like it, have to see how long it lasts. I do like the eco friendly litters :)


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 25, 2018
I saw the pic you posted of your cat sitting in the litter box over on the Cat Behavior forum. Too funny! :happycat:

Thanks for sharing your experiences with coconut litter. Always good to know about new and exciting litter options....
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Dec 13, 2017
Ok, still early days on the coconut litter. but i have figured out a few things, if you are interested.

The cats, all 4 absolutely LOVE this litter. I changed out all 4 upstairs boxes, clean boxes clean litter, used their regular litter that they like in 3 and the coconut in 1. Maybe a big mistake for testing purposes, lol this one box of coconut litter is all they use, their other 3 boxes are still untouched. If you have a cat that has litter box aversions i would recommend trying this litter. my 4 LOVE it. It is the softest, lightest weight litter i have ever used. seems to be dust free, and no smell.

However 1 bag is suppose to last 1 cat 30 days. use half of the bag, then toss it in 15 days and use the other half. I dont know how well this would work for odor control, since all 4 of my cats have done all their business in this one box. I also think i would use 1/3 of the bag and change it every 10 days. about 1 inch of the litter seems to work better, both for tracking out of the box, and the odor control seems the same, i think the less litter may be better too as it dries a bit better maybe.

The litter dries the wet spots quite well when you stir. but after 3 days with all 4 cats using the one box, it starts to smell like ammonia. Not in the room, but when you bend over and stir you can smell ammonia. Not a fair test of the litter, as this amount is for 1 cat, not 4, 2 of which are big males that eat almost all wet food. If you had only 1 cat, or had this litter in all boxes, so they didn't all just use the one box it might be fine for odor. There is no poop smell, my guys all cover, but some litters still you can smell they pooped. you cannot with this one.

I think when i use my stash of their other litter i may order enough to do all my boxes with the coconut, and test it out that way. It is very nice to not scoop pee clumps to throw out, just scoop the poo and stir. A litter worth trying if you like to change out your boxes more than once a month. If you like to fill them up and only change every month or so you probably would not like this one.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
This looks really interesting!! One of my Mom's cats avoided the box but preferred lighter/softer litters. She crossed the bridge a few months ago or I would be calling Mom right now to see if she wants a bag! :lol:

Please let us know how it goes if/when you get it in more boxes!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 14, 2017
That sounds so interesting. I checked their site out but they didn't really go into details on how they get the coconut and their process. Please let me know how it works out. I'd like to try it out with my cat. But I think I would need to get a new litter box, a smaller one since half a bag won't fill it up.
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Dec 13, 2017
That sounds so interesting. I checked their site out but they didn't really go into details on how they get the coconut and their process. Please let me know how it works out. I'd like to try it out with my cat. But I think I would need to get a new litter box, a smaller one since half a bag won't fill it up.
i can say it is the favorite litter of all of my cats, this box is the only one they want to use. I have one box of coconut, and 4 boxes of their old favorites. the old favorites have not been touched in over a week. If i only had one or maybe two cats i would continue using it. with 4 cats im afraid i need the clumping of the grass and the walnut litter. 4 cats doing all of their business in this one box i need to change it every 2 days, as it starts to smell. weird, i don't smell it in the room, but when i scoop i do.

I have a big box, you dont fill it with this litter. The instructions say 1/2 bag, only 1 1/2 inches deep. change every 15 days. so 1 bag /1 cat/ 1 month. This might work. but i think i would go 1/3 bag and change every 10 days were it me. Nice litter, and the cats LOVE it very much. I just dont know as i can keep up with it for 4 cats. Maybe if i had 5 or 6 boxes with just the coconut it might work.

I would definitely say if you have 1, maybe 2 cats give it a try. If you have a cat with tender feet give it a try. If you have a cat with litter box avoidance it would be worth trying!
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 14, 2017
i can say it is the favorite litter of all of my cats, this box is the only one they want to use. I have one box of coconut, and 4 boxes of their old favorites. the old favorites have not been touched in over a week. If i only had one or maybe two cats i would continue using it. with 4 cats im afraid i need the clumping of the grass and the walnut litter. 4 cats doing all of their business in this one box i need to change it every 2 days, as it starts to smell. weird, i don't smell it in the room, but when i scoop i do.

I have a big box, you dont fill it with this litter. The instructions say 1/2 bag, only 1 1/2 inches deep. change every 15 days. so 1 bag /1 cat/ 1 month. This might work. but i think i would go 1/3 bag and change every 10 days were it me. Nice litter, and the cats LOVE it very much. I just dont know as i can keep up with it for 4 cats. Maybe if i had 5 or 6 boxes with just the coconut it might work.
I have a Catit Jumbo so I don't think half a bag would even be 1 1/2 inches. And my cat likes his box to be at least four inches because he digs to China. I think I'll have to test it out in two months since I just bought Feline Pine to test it out. Thanks for posting this!
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Dec 13, 2017
I have a Catit Jumbo so I don't think half a bag would even be 1 1/2 inches. And my cat likes his box to be at least four inches because he digs to China. I think I'll have to test it out in two months since I just bought Feline Pine to test it out. Thanks for posting this!
I may need to check out the catit jumbo. I like big litter boxes! I have a digger too, he always digs to the bottom of the box to pee, i don't care how deep the litter is. He didn't have a problem with this 1 inch or a bit more, he loves this litter too. let me know what you think if you give it a try.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 14, 2017
i may need to check out the catit jumbo. i like big litter boxes! i have a digger too, he always digs to the bottom of the box to pee, i don't care how deep the litter is. He didn't have a problem with this 1 inch or a bit more, he loves this litter too.
Yes, please do! It's honestly the biggest hooded litter box I've ever seen. Three versions of my cat fits in there quite nicely. Mine only digs deep when it comes to pooping lol
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Dec 13, 2017
Yes, please do! It's honestly the biggest hooded litter box I've ever seen. Three versions of my cat fits in there quite nicely. Mine only digs deep when it comes to pooping lol
That is one great thing with this litter. I have not been able to smell poop. No poop smells at all. My guys do cover, but normally you still get a little smell in the room right after, not with this litter.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 14, 2017
That is one great thing with this litter. I have not been able to smell poop. No poop smells at all. My guys do cover, but normally you still get a little smell in the room right after, not with this litter.
Mine used to be in a full raw diet but since he became picky there has been a hint of smell. If you figure out how they process it, please let me know. Thanks ~


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 12, 2013
I use Blue walnut shell litter. It’s very messy and the red dust covers everything in the vicinity. I saw the coconut litter recently but was hoping I’d find some reviews here before I bought it.
You’re not supposed to scoop the urine but can you? Is it justn a matter of the litter not lasting long enough?