Complaint From Neighbor...


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 27, 2014
Hi everyone,

I live in a suburb area that is not apart of a home development or association. I have lived on my street for 20 plus years. I currently teach (new profession out of college) and to save money, I live with my parents (really nice people). I have never left home. A few years ago, a kitten ended up in my backyard. I tried to grab it but it evaded me. The kitten lived through scraps until i realized it was alive. So i fed it, and by the time I got a hold of it to neuter (yes neuter, because I thought it was a boy), it had a couple litters. By the time I spayed and neutered everyone, I had a colony of 12 community cats. Yes, they were sterilized and vaccinated, and even developed a feeding system with them. They kept their distance from me but lived in the big backyard.

Fast forward to the next year, a white cat (A) appeared and started hanging around my front yard. It turns out, its neighbor left it and her two small kittens behind after an eviction but they survived. Mom was pregnant so we spayed her and neutered her two boys (B) and (C). They spent half of their time in the house and the remaining time outside, so we microchip them. They act like my dog. I have one dog and a disable cat that prefers to have the house. She tolerates the other three cats but only for half days. The other cats are fine with this because they will stay outside my house on the porch or cross the street and stay by my brother.

Okay, so here's the problem. There are a lot of cats in my neighborhood. Several of these cats are spraying and in heat. None of my cats are because they are all sterilized. They are also non-aggressive. A few houses down, my neighbor sets a trap and manages to catch B. I spent the morning driving my car and walking and managed to call out to him and get a response a few houses away. I look and the neighbor is outside, he is not happy. B is in a trap and neuter cage. Neighbor says he was going to drop him off at the Animal Control Agency (not the Humane Society :0). He says there are tons of cats running around spraying in his yard. His dog can't come outside because of them. He says there are leash laws (Florida) and you can't have your animal running around. If he catches my cat, B, running around again he will drop him off at the Animal Control Agency.

So, I am not sure what to do. I know my cat is not aggressive and he is not spraying because he longer possesses his balls. I have seen bigger and stronger feral cats that are running around the neighborhood that are not neutered and I'm pretty sure B is getting blamed for it. I am angry because I had these cats, spayed or neutered, and vaccinated. Those that are feral have the chipped ear and I keep track of them every single day. So I don't know what to do. I love A,B, and C. What we have works. They spend time in and out, they are healthy, up to code, and safe. But i was so frightened and flabbergasted to day, I am afraid I'll have to give them up? Am I legally wrong and do I have any choices?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2006
London, England
I hate to say it, but neutered cats, male or female (and the word "neutered" applies to either, the gender specific terms are "castration" for male or "spay" for female - but either can be neutered) - can and DO spray, especially males that were neutered after reaching maturity.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 27, 2014
B and C were neutered when they were kittens and before maturity. C stays home and does not leave the property. B will travel a few houses down, and then make it back to the porch. Most of the time B is on the porch. But I have seen multiple cats, males that were in heat, around my neighborhood.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I have to admit to being a bit confused, or maybe in truth really confused. Why in the world would you have to give them up? You have worked with these cats quite a bit already, and by the way, thank you for that.

However, if you want B and C to stay safe from an unhappy neighbor, I would strongly advise that you go the rest of the way, do a proper introduction with your cats so that the disabled cat becomes more comfortable (yes, it is possible and in addition you're already half way to the goal), and thereby ensure that B and C will be able to live their lives in safety.

Also, I would suggest for you to begin a thread here in the Feral Cats forum and find out what the feral experts suggest regarding the other cats. Or speak with a local TNR/feral colony person - I guarantee that the neighbor means what he says and isn't going to be interested in listening to explanations of the differences between the various cats. What he might come to appreciate is if he sees that you are working to address his concerns, since he lives nearby and a cranky neighbor is an incredible hassle no matter the reason.
Hang in there.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
You should familiarize yourself with your local ordinances. They vary widely by community so there's no way for anyone else to know what's legal in your town. You might be able to find your local ordinances online, if not go to City Hall and ask for a printout of the relevant ordinances.

Do you think your neighbors would be amenable to learning more about TNR? I understand Florida has a lot of TNR programs, and if your neighbors aren't total jerks they may be happy to find out that there's a way to get the cats to calm down a bit and not spray as much, without having them put down.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I would set up a room with a gate and try to integrate the cats inside. Are the cats that are spraying the neighbor's yard feral? Is there any way that you could work on getting them spayed/neutered? That would help.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 27, 2014
I would set up a room with a gate and try to integrate the cats inside. Are the cats that are spraying the neighbor's yard feral? Is there any way that you could work on getting them spayed/neutered? That would help.
You should familiarize yourself with your local ordinances. They vary widely by community so there's no way for anyone else to know what's legal in your town. You might be able to find your local ordinances online, if not go to City Hall and ask for a printout of the relevant ordinances.

Do you think your neighbors would be amenable to learning more about TNR? I understand Florida has a lot of TNR programs, and if your neighbors aren't total jerks they may be happy to find out that there's a way to get the cats to calm down a bit and not spray as much, without having them put down.
It's funny that you ask . There are two houses behind me and closer to the neighbor who also do TNR. These folks are good at it too. I'll talk to them about it today and see what they say. I'll also contact some local TNR groups as well and see what they suggest.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Awesome - GO YOU. Let us know what happens, and all the best of luck regarding getting B and C inside!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 3, 2017
I don’t know where you live in FL and yes there are a lot of communities that support TNR. However, this neighbor also has the right to complain that cats are coming onto her property and spraying. In most places that neighbor does have the right to trap strays that come onto their property. Your cat may not be the one spraying but was obviously on the other person’s property if the trap was in her yard and your cat was caught in the trap. Hopefully some communication can help you all find solutions.