Question Of The Day. Saturday The 13th Of January


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Hello, Happy Saturday.

Here`s a question we can all answer this week: what silly, crazy or dumb thing has your cat done recently?

I decided to have a big clean and reorganize of the house this week. In my office there is a big closet that stretches the length of one wall and on top of that there is a cardboard box shanty town where the cats like to sleep. I decided to move their cat tree from one end of the closet to the other. Not a huge change, it was only moved about 2 meters away from it's original position.

The cats all acted like I'd turned their world on it's head! They kept trotting in, going to the spot the tree usually was and then screeching to a halt. Then they'd look at me in absolute horror, trot out and then trot back in again as if they expected the cat tree to magically reappear in it's original place.

How do these animals survive in the wild if they can't find a familiar object that's just been moved a short distance to the left?


How about your cats?


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
Something that comes to mind is Grischa a few days ago. He and Shenka share Dad's room at night. Grisch is a real daddy's boy, and loves to snuggle up, often lengthwise alongside, with his head on Dad's shoulder. Well, dad snores. A lot. And loudly. He must've been being extra loud on this occasion, because he was woken up by Grischa very deliberately and firmly putting his paw on dad's mouth! I don't know how much more clearly a cat could say "For goodness sake, SHUT UP!!!" :lol: It worked though :evilgrin:

I'm sure the boys especially must've done a ton of other crazy, funny things, but all I can think of is how naughty Grisch was this morning, chasing Asha all the way upstairs and cornering her under the bed :nono::angrywoman::bat::angrycat: (he and his brother got put back in their room for a while after that, so Asha could calm down. Poor baby was really rattled by the experience - Grisch is twice her size now :frown:).


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Mowgli has always pulled out my husband's clean socks and put them on the floor. For the past few days he's been focusing on a particular tan T-shirt. It doesn't matter whether it's on a hangar or folded on a shelf - he's keeps pulling it out and putting it on the floor in front of the wardrobe. I thought it might smell odd to him for some reason, but washing it hasn't stopped him. :dunno:

Boris Diamond

Cat Valet
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
A few days ago, Diamond went behind my monitor. I'm not fond of that as bad things happen when he goes back there. Sure enough, when he came out, he knocked over my computer! The computer knocked over a stack of CD's, which knocked over a stack of DVD's. One of the DVD's slid across the table the computer is on and hit another stack of DVD's on the stereo stand, knocking it over. Sigh. :help: He sure is cute, though!:redheartpump::clapcat:

Edited to add: I just went into the kitchen and saw my little Diamond jump up and leave this footprint in the chocolate cake I made last night:
Cake footprint 001.JPG

This may have been my fault, as I had momentarily put this cake on a stool that I let him sit on to watch me cook. How was he to know I had put a cake on his stool! :lol:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
To me, it's not silly or unusual. Like when Samai is on the prowl and jumps my Schnauzer, grabs him by the throat and brings him down like a stag. (she doesn't ever draw blood or leave puncture marks). Or when Onsa gets on the table and jumps on the back of the Beagle and 'rides' him across the room. Or when they chase each other and slam into the door jam.
To me, this is just being kitten.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
Fudge discovered tea for the first time... and liked it!

Toffee was trying to climb up the shutters, but ended up falling down them instead.
Poor Toffee :frown: I hope he's ok?
That reminds me - Grischa is obsessed with coffee! Every time I have a cup I have to guard it and fight him off...he'll even lick the residue on the cup when I'm done! (and yes, I know coffee is toxic for kitties, and I stop him when he tries it ;)).

Shadow :rbheart: was obsessed with cigarettes/tobacco (in my smoking days), and would come running every time I lit up. I regularly had to stop him licking out my ashtray too :barfgreen:

ETA - Oops, just re-read the question and saw the 'recently' bit :oops: :doh:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
Poor Toffee :frown: I hope he's ok?
That reminds me - Grischa is obsessed with coffee! Every time I have a cup I have to guard it and fight him off...he'll even lick the residue on the cup when I'm done! (and yes, I know coffee is toxic for kitties, and I stop him when he tries it ;)).

Shadow :rbheart: was obsessed with cigarettes/tobacco (in my smoking days), and would come running every time I lit up. I regularly had to stop him licking out my ashtray too :barfgreen:

ETA - Oops, just re-read the question and saw the 'recently' bit :oops: :doh:
Toffee is completely back to normal now - he was a bit shocked by the fact he fell, but he's being his usual self :)

Haha, it's funny you should mention coffee because when I was given some coffee today, Fudge jumped right up to try and grab it off me! Fudge gets excited by any food item, regardless of whether or not he can eat it. We're in the middle of redecorating the house and as such the dining table is unusable right now, so we have to eat our meals on the sofa, which means that the kittens try to eat them for us! I had to eat my dinner virtually in the air tonight otherwise they would've finished it off.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
A few days ago, Diamond went behind my monitor. I'm not fond of that as bad things happen when he goes back there. Sure enough, when he came out, he knocked over my computer! The computer knocked over a stack of CD's, which knocked over a stack of DVD's. One of the DVD's slid across the table the computer is on and hit another stack of DVD's on the stereo stand, knocking it over. Sigh. :help: He sure is cute, though!:redheartpump::clapcat:

Edited to add: I just went into the kitchen and saw my little Diamond jump up and leave this footprint in the chocolate cake I made last night: View attachment 213995

This may have been my fault, as I had momentarily put this cake on a stool that I let him sit on to watch me cook. How was he to know I had put a cake on his stool! :lol:
:crackup::lol: :lolup: :lol2: :bliss:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2016
Phoenix, AZ
Off-topic a bit, but your story reminded me of something my brother did when he was about 5. Mom had falsies that were dome-shaped (of course!) and inflatable. Brother put one on his head, marched out to the living room when they had company, and said, "Look at Mommy's flying saucer!"
How old were you? Old enough to know what it was and be embarrassed?


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Our previous cat, Neely, who is at the Bridge was without a doubt the smartest and most mischievous cat we've ever known. When someone would knock at the front door the dog would bark but Neely being part-human and an acrobat would literally jump up to the peep hole. :flail:Needless to say, life with Neely was always interesting.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
Boris Diamond Boris Diamond , bless little Diamond, that is the cutest!

A few days ago, Diamond went behind my monitor. I'm not fond of that as bad things happen when he goes back there. Sure enough, when he came out, he knocked over my computer! The computer knocked over a stack of CD's, which knocked over a stack of DVD's. One of the DVD's slid across the table the computer is on and hit another stack of DVD's on the stereo stand, knocking it over. Sigh. :help: He sure is cute, though!:redheartpump::clapcat:

Edited to add: I just went into the kitchen and saw my little Diamond jump up and leave this footprint in the chocolate cake I made last night: View attachment 213995

This may have been my fault, as I had momentarily put this cake on a stool that I let him sit on to watch me cook. How was he to know I had put a cake on his stool! :lol:
Speedy this week put her claws into some kiwis. Speedy does not do anything too mischievous but has a liking for groceries that I leave on the counter in plastic bags or wrapped in plastic. She loves to dig her claws through the wrapper and just decorate with a few claw marks. In the past she has dug her little claws in bread, bananas and styrofoam coffee cups, enough so that my morning coffee has on occasion sprung a few leaks. :catrub: