I Just Ran Over A Kitten And I Think I Killed It

Areeb Hussain

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 9, 2018
I was on my bike and suddenly i saw kitten trying to run across the street my speed was too much to stop until i reached the kitten . I tried all i could to save it and i managed to sway my bike to the left at the last moment but still i think there was some part of the kitten that came under. I looked back ,the kitten was lying on the road but then suddenly it was not there. I wanted to stop but i couldn't see it oozing blood and its suffering in pain and i escaped the scene like a coward.A part of my brain says that i when i swayed my bike to the left i managed to miss his head and hit his arm or something and just after being hit it ran so fast that kinda makes me think that its still in good shape . I know ive done a wrong thing i could have pushed the braked hard , i could have crashed my bike before reaching to it. It happend so fast i cannot forgive myself i need to serve some form of punishment tell me what should be my punishment .I am feeling guilty.
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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Your bike wheel likely knocked the wind out of the kitten for a moment, and it recovered quickly which is why you didn't see it when you looked back. It is ok and you are ok.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I agree with Furballsmom Furballsmom . You likely just stunned the kitten and it ran away. You do not deserve to be punished. Even if the worst had happened it would not have been your fault. They call these things accidents for a reason. I went through the same thing once. I hit a rabbit and my end result was the worst. I had never hit an animal before and cried my eyes out. I felt horrible. My husband just looked at me and asked me, "would you have ever hurt that rabbit on purpose?" I said no, of course not. He said, "Then let it go. It was an accident." He was right. It would not have helped anyone if you had crashed and possible caused yourself (or someone else) great harm or worse. You didn't do anything wrong. Sometimes these things happen. Hopefully the kitten will be OK. :alright:


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 28, 2017
I was on my bike and suddenly i saw kitten trying to run across the street my speed was too much to stop until i reached the kitten . I tried all i could to save it and i managed to sway my bike to the left at the last moment but still i think there was some part of the kitten that came under. I looked back ,the kitten was lying on the road but then suddenly it was not there. I wanted to stop but i couldn't see it oozing
blood and its suffering in pain and i escaped the scene like a coward.A part of my brain says that i when i swayed my bike to the left i managed to miss his head and hit his arm or something and just after being hit it ran so fast that kinda makes me think that its still in good shape . I know ive done a wrong thing i could have pushed the braked hard , i could have crashed my bike before reaching to it. It happend so fast i cannot forgive myself i need to serve some form of punishment tell me what should be my punishment .I am feeling guilty.
Your punishment should be a generous donation to your local no-kill animal shelter.