First New Kitten, Would Like Some Advice!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 20, 2017
Hi everyone,

Firstly apologies for what is going to be a long post, I've made paragraphs and bold formats to hopefully make it easier to read!

I just gotten a kitten from a friend, basically his cat produced a litter of 6 kittens and after the kittens are litter trained and weaned, I received one. My previous pet ownership experience has just been cat sitting a friend's rather aggressive cat. So I must admit that I have no actual knowledge in raising a pet long term and I have some questions I'm hoping you guys can help me with!

A little bit about my situation, I live in a 2 bed room apartment sharing a room + ensuite bathroom with my girlfriend, the other room is unoccupied. The entire apartment is carpet, apart from the bathrooms and the kitchen. Our little kitten is a short haired domestic, he's cute with his mouth in a permanent Y shape which makes him look like he has no clue as to whats going on! We named him Wu Kong, after the mischievous Monkey King from Chinese folk lore (Same Monkey in Journey to the West, fun fact - Goku from the Japanese anime Dragon Ball Z is actually the Japanese translation of Wu Kong, sharing many similarities, like the nimbus cloud)

Our relationship so far in 4 days -
We picked him up in the evening, first night he was very afraid of the new area, so he'd run around and hide, we figured that was normal, so we laid out the kitty litter and his feeding area, picked him up showed those areas to him and left him to his own devices. He used the litter for a bit, had some water, didn't touch the food (dry) and meowed throughout the night as we tried to sleep!

Next morning as we were waking up he decided to jump on to our bed and he hasn't been shy with us ever since, now he comes around and hangs out with us all the time and sleeps in our bed every night (getting in between my girlfriend and I haha)

Q1: Litter Box Placement
The kitty moved in with us whilst my ensuite bathroom was getting it's tiles repaired, so we haven't been using that bathroom, I placed the litter tray there because I figured it'll be easier to clean litter off tiles rather than carpet. Would it be ok to shower in the same room as the kitty litter? I know cats are generally protective of their litter box, will my kitten freak out at the prospect of us humans cleaning ourselves in the same room as his poo box? We already brush and use the toilet in there.

Q2: Opening up the apartment
Thus far we've kept little WuKong to the confines of our bedroom and the bathroom, he has his designated eating and littering corners and toys, but I think eventually we would want to let him roam about the apartment, he's been good so far about furniture, not clawing anything other than card boards, and occasionally nibbles on cables. Maybe I'm over reacting but I'm actually a little scared that he'd get lost around the apartment and won't be able to find his way back. Follow up to that, I'd like to start feeding him in the kitchen and have his litter tray in the other bathroom that we don't use, how do I go about doing that without confusing the poor cat?

Q3: Nibbles
I've searched for this one and I actually get more confused, I feel like everything a cat does he's doing it because he's either stressed or happy, like nibbling my hand when I pet it. Apparently it's a way of showing affection, play, but another site tells me that it's his way of telling me to bugger off, so I don't actually know! When I go to pat him, on his usually on his head, around his neck, back etc, he'd roll over, try to grab my hand/finger with his paws and give it a bite, not breaking the skin, but just a bite, sometimes one bite and one lick, sometimes it feels like he's chewing my finger (several biting motion). It doesn't hurt a lot, if it's his way of showing affection, I'd like to let him keep doing it, I'd only stop him if he's biting too hard, but I just want to know why he's biting me?

Q4: New Toy
He has a toy that he loves, I wanted to give him a couple of different ones so he won't be bored while I'm out at work. I purchased a new mouse toy, a small white mouse with a string attached, it makes a whirling/squeaking sound when in motion... my kitty is TERRIFIED of it, so much so when I first brought it in, he quickly ran away and hid in a corner, even when I put the toy down and approached him, he hissed at me (about the only time that he will). I try to play with the toy myself so he can see that it's harmless, but no dice... Should I give up on that toy and try another one? Should I try catnip?

Q5: Meowing when using the littler box
He meows when using the littler box and I'm not sure why!

Q6: Residential Switcheroo
There are a few places that I'd like my kitten to get used to, the apartment, the car, the vet and my girlfriend's apartment for when other people arrives (my mother is allergic to cats). How do I go about making the transition as easy as possible between the two apartments? Would a cat ever "own" two separate territories and feel at home in both locations?

Lastly I just want advice on general bonding with the cat... so that he likes me more! Thats so much for reading!
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Proud Mommy to Ariel and Snowy :-)
Adult Cat
Aug 13, 2017
Hi there and welcome to the forum!
Congratulations on your new fur baby you will absolutely adore him!
I have been a cat owner basically all my life and have loved every moment!
Answers to your questions:
Q1) Yes, you can shower in the same room as your cat litter and most cats don't mind at all. Just make sure that the litter box is safely away from the bath so no water splashes on the litter. Make sure that your little kitten has been to the toilet before you shower so he won't be meowing at the door for you to let him in.

Q2) When getting a new kitten you should gradually introduce them to their new home room by room. From what i have read your little fur baby has already been introduced to your bedroom and the bathroom which are the main two places which as you say he currently stays. What i would suggest is letting him into the rooms one by one and letting him explore them individually. Don't worry about him getting lost, cats love to explore and have excellent senses! There is no chance he will get lost. He might start to hide in the rooms but he won't get lost. I think that you should let him explore your bedroom and bathroom for one week then let him out to explore the rest of your apartment - he will love it!

Q3) Kittens love to play around - the only reason why he is on his back and grabbing your hand/fingers with his paws is because he is (1) showing you love and (2) wants to play with you. He is no way telling you to "bugger off" and just is showing affection. This just goes to show you are currently doing excellent job if he is already playing with you and not hiding in some corner. Good job!

Q4) I think that the poor thing is just scared. I would say you should invest in some little kitten balls, some balls with bells, some ping pong balls, that stick with feathers attached and make him chase it, some string or you could just scrunch a bit of paper up and chuck it around. I would keep the mouse toy in his room (where he stays) so he can see that its harmless but don't put it on until he starts to actually play with it when it off (if that makes sense!).

Q5) I think with this question i am not really the right person to answer. But from what you are saying he might have an infection or have a UTI (urinary tract infection). Monitor his weight by investing in some digital scales and weigh him everyday- this ensures that he is putting on weight and eating properly. This is always a good indication of an illness because if his weight decreases then something is wrong. If he continues to meow and if he has diarrhea, vomits or stops eating i would definitely take him to the vets and get him checked and just in case.

Q6) About this last question...
I would not feel comfortable in moving my kitten around. Cats hate moving around it makes them anxious and scared and it can be way too much for them all at once. I would pick one apartment and keep him there. The car issue- when you take your cat to the vet for his check-up's, vaccinations, neutering etc... he will gradually get used to it. Just make sure you calm him down but don't let him out of the carrier- cat's are sneaky and he will just get even more scared and attempt to run off. Keep the music off/radio off and just console him with your voice.

Lastly, bonding with your cat is fairly easy from what i have read you have already bonded with him - he loves you. Just play with him, cuddle him, stroke him, feed him etc.. and he will love you forever.
I hope i helped you and if you ever need any more advice you can just click my name and click "start conversation" and i would be more than willing to help!
Good luck!
P.S: we love pictures!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Congrats on your new family member. Sounds like things are going great so far. My response to a few of your questions.

Q3. Nibbles. He is just playing with you and it sounds like he knows to be gentle. But as he gets older and stronger he may scratch or bite harder or decide to play with your hand while you are trying to sleep. So you might use a toy for him to grab and bite rather than using your hand.

Q4. If he is afraid of a certain kind of a toy put it away and try a different kind. When he is older give the scary toy another try and he may like it then.

Q5. Lots of kittens meow, especially when they poop when using the litter box. Most outgrow it but I wouldn't worry about it.

Q6. If you start when your cat is still a kitten and expose them to different environments like the car and another apartment, they will most likely be okay with it as adults. Most hate the vets regardless of what you do.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 20, 2017
Hey guys,

Thanks so much for the replies! I've updated my Avatar to show the little guy, but the file upload seems to be a little slow, but I'll get to it eventually! Thank you for your suggestions, I might wait until I get an enclosed kitty litter before I start using the shower, stops water getting in and also little Wu Kong likes to really dig into box and spray kitty litter all over the floor...

Some follow up questions though!

Last night I start to really observe his biting behaviour, usually he'd only roll over and attempt to give us a nip if we pet him, but when we go to sleep, his body clock must be just waking up, he is super active, like literally running from one end of the room to another end like he's chasing something. When we are in bed he'd come on to the bed, which is fine, but he'd do a perimeter around the bed before deciding to sneak in under the blankets.

The problem is, at that time, even if I don't attempt to pet him, if my hand is near him, he'd go after it, just a light nip, no blood or skin broken, but if I don't withdraw my hand he'll keep on chewing it for about 10~15 seconds like he's enjoying eating my finger, I'm slightly concerned about that, if it's an affection thing, or if he's hungry and wants to eat me... another problem is that for some reason he really likes to lick his paws when snuggled up against us, I would say more so than usual, somewhat annoying when you're trying to sleep!

Other than that, I'm really enjoying the cat ownership, it feels so much different having a critter around the house! He's cute and we love him to bits!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 20, 2017
Just wanted to add some pictures as promised! I've attached it!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Hey guys,

Some follow up questions though!

Last night I start to really observe his biting behaviour, usually he'd only roll over and attempt to give us a nip if we pet him, but when we go to sleep, his body clock must be just waking up, he is super active, like literally running from one end of the room to another end like he's chasing something. When we are in bed he'd come on to the bed, which is fine, but he'd do a perimeter around the bed before deciding to sneak in under the blankets.

The problem is, at that time, even if I don't attempt to pet him, if my hand is near him, he'd go after it, just a light nip, no blood or skin broken, but if I don't withdraw my hand he'll keep on chewing it for about 10~15 seconds like he's enjoying eating my finger, I'm slightly concerned about that, if it's an affection thing, or if he's hungry and wants to eat me... another problem is that for some reason he really likes to lick his paws when snuggled up against us, I would say more so than usual, somewhat annoying when you're trying to sleep!

Other than that, I'm really enjoying the cat ownership, it feels so much different having a critter around the house! He's cute and we love him to bits!
No, he isn't hungry, kittens like to chew, and fingers are about the right size, but I would suggest you not allow it. Tell him no and put him down or push him away if he continues. Cats and especially kittens are nocturnal. They sleep during the day and get the wild and crazies at night. You can train your little guy to not pester or bite you at night by starting with a warning in a loud voice, such as "no biting!", "settle down!" or whatever word or phrase you can remember to use consistently. If he continues, you set him on the floor. If he comes back and continues you shut him out of the bedroom for a short while. If you do this consistently he will learn what he can and can't do if he wants to remain in the bed and bedroom with you.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 6, 2016
What a sweet little thing! Congratulations. He's lucky to have you- it seems like you will be a wonderful owner.

He is biting you to play. He is playing with your hand the same way he would rough house with a sibling. While you certainly don't want to punish him, it's a habit that I always try to break with kittens early. I know he isn't biting hard, but I promise you it won't be cute when he's a full grown cat. When he tries to do that, take your hand away and give him a toy to bite or dangle a wand toy for him to grab. If he's still being too nippy, simply get up and walk away. He will figure out that play time ends when he starts biting.

About the traveling, I think it depends on the individual cat. I know some cats would be extremely stressed by travel. My Finn isn't the biggest fan of his crate or the car, but LOVES to explore new places so I often bring him with me to see friends and family. It is most certainly possibly to have a cat that is acclimated to traveling and it will definitely be easier to try to acclimate WuKong as a kitten through positive exposure.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
It sounds like he might be getting his big teeth in. Be careful, electrical cords are a major temptation for kittens.
Tie a knot in a straw and let him have that. Also, I had this idea about a month ago, and they still play with it. I put 4 pennies in a 16 oz water bottle. (empty) and sealed it back up. They love it.


TCS Member
Jul 25, 2017
Regarding travel,
Depends on the cat, both our cats have been introduced to my parents house and did slow introductions at theirs. Luckily they both are fine with both houses. It depends on the cat but I'd try once he's settled in yours maybe try a second location. Make sure to take things that smell of him and you do it makes him feel more comfortable. My kittens love going to "nanas" but does take some introductions etc like when you bring them home.

Rei's Mom

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 4, 2017
You may be able to train your kitty to sleep when you sleep or at least leave the room for playing. I have 2 and they sleep in the room with my boyfriend and me. It was relatively easy. Shut them out one night they were playing and they lost their minds (I work from home so they tend to stay near me). Now if they're wide awake at 3a and I'm not they'll make their way downstairs. On occasion Soul, my youngest, will pounce on my feet thinking it's a toy but she's getting better about it. But most nights they'll sleep with me since I bring them up when I go to bed
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 20, 2017
Thanks for the suggestions guys! I think I do need to start training him to play outside or sleep when we sleep, first few nights it's kind of cute, but I can tell it'll get a bit annoying if he does this every night! He likes to run around, go under the sheets and 'play' as in scratching my back, or travel over my face and neck...

Once I introduce him to the rest of the apartment I'll put some of his toys outside and maybe let him play when we are asleep