Alone 20 Hours A Day On A Cats Mental Health.

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  • #41


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2017
After fighting a brave fight my little peanut has found his angel wings. He is the sweetest bravest cat I know. He was beautiful even in death. I hope he is now in peace. I left work early today to take him to the specialist one last time before taking him home. But peanut refused to be put through the stress and he left me. His passing away is one of the most difficult ones for me. I loved him so but I never could give him a good life. He didn't even burden me with making the tough decision and went off on his own terms at a place he knew and next to his mum. I buried him in the garden and brought Yaz to my place. I wish I could hold him one last time. He was eating well until yesterday. I didn't think he would leave me so soon. I had my place ready for him. Packed his stuff. I hope he is in a happy place now with angels to love him. My poor darling peanut. Life will never be the same without him. He gave me so much joy in his short time on earth. I hope I don't have to deal with this horrific disease again. Praying someone finds a cure or a vaccine. Sorry I'm rambling. Besides myself with grief.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
Precious, courageous little Peanut. Bless his soul. You gave him a wonderful life. He fought so hard to survive against a cruel disease which would not let him. He did not even know a life of pain. If you think about being born and living a short life with an illness, not knowing what good health feels like, then you think that everyone feels the same way you do. He fought hard and had a good life.

Now he is in a place where he does know freedom from pain and illness. He can run and play and chase butterflies in the sunshine. Know that he is grateful for all you did for him, and he will see you at the bridge.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
After fighting a brave fight my little peanut has found his angel wings. He is the sweetest bravest cat I know. He was beautiful even in death. I hope he is now in peace. I left work early today to take him to the specialist one last time before taking him home. But peanut refused to be put through the stress and he left me. His passing away is one of the most difficult ones for me. I loved him so but I never could give him a good life. He didn't even burden me with making the tough decision and went off on his own terms at a place he knew and next to his mum. I buried him in the garden and brought Yaz to my place. I wish I could hold him one last time. He was eating well until yesterday. I didn't think he would leave me so soon. I had my place ready for him. Packed his stuff. I hope he is in a happy place now with angels to love him. My poor darling peanut. Life will never be the same without him. He gave me so much joy in his short time on earth. I hope I don't have to deal with this horrific disease again. Praying someone finds a cure or a vaccine. Sorry I'm rambling. Besides myself with grief.
May you be many times blessed for your caring and for doing all you could for dear little Peanut. My sweet little Koala Naomi left exactly the same way. We had planned to take her in that day, and in the morning when I woke up, she had already left us. My sweet Sun, who was just about one for the record books for having a normal life span with dry-form FIP, needed help to go to the Bridge, and the veterinary hospital personnel who helped him made a donation in his name to find a cure for this terrible scourge, which of course we still have to this day. The intranasal vaccine for this is what caused Koala Naomi to get it, I believe, so I never used it again. That vaccine was very controversial for that reason, and I do not know if it is still being made, but I hope not.
Peanut is watching over you always, until you are reunited in due time. <3 ((((((((^^)))))))) <3 Fly free, whole, healthy, and forever Loved, sweet little Peanut.
And may Yaz thrive in your care and your love.
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  • #44


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2017
Thank you @orangeblossom and tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 . Peanut is buried in my garden and I hope he is in a happier place. Although I miss peanut and think of him everyday I can't deny Yaz is much happier now at my place. I get to play with her more and I'm slowly taking steps to introduce her to lily. Sometimes I wonder if I could have done something more for peanut. Would he be alive if I didn't rescue Yaz. I dont know. But life goes on. I think donating for the research is a wonder idea. Thank you for the suggestion. I really pray that I don't have to deal with this awful disease again and someone finds a cure. Attached is one of the last pictures I took of little peanut. He was resting his head on his toy to ease his pain. Rip my sweet little peanut.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Thank you @orangeblossom and tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 . Peanut is buried in my garden and I hope he is in a happier place. Although I miss peanut and think of him everyday I can't deny Yaz is much happier now at my place. I get to play with her more and I'm slowly taking steps to introduce her to lily. Sometimes I wonder if I could have done something more for peanut. Would he be alive if I didn't rescue Yaz. I dont know. But life goes on. I think donating for the research is a wonder idea. Thank you for the suggestion. I really pray that I don't have to deal with this awful disease again and someone finds a cure. Attached is one of the last pictures I took of little peanut. He was resting his head on his toy to ease his pain. Rip my sweet little peanut.
As when I had the same thoughts about my beloved Sun and tiny Koala Naomi, the hard truth is that there is STILL no cure for the scourge of FIP, and the wet form is a far more ruthless taker of lives than the dry form, especially in little kittens. If you can find any comfort in knowing this, and in knowing that little Peanut was loved and cared for and surely knew it and knows it always, I hope you can. And the love and caring you can still give deserving cats, you are now giving to Yaz, who deserves it very much as well, and Lily, also. That is a precious picture of a precious angel who is now watching over you all, free of all pain. Remember this always.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 12, 2017
I'm really sorry for your loss.

I do want to say that I absolutely love your words of such courage and dedication to your wonderful kitties. Blessings to you.
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  • #47


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2017
Today i received an enquiry about Yaz. This lady has just lost an elderly cat and wants to adopt Yaz as a companion for her one year old. Im just starting to get used to having Yaz at my own place. Although Lily is a bit sulky, i try to divide my time between the two. The situation now is. Yaz is in my room while Lily has free reign over the rest of the house. Unfortunately she doesn't prefer any of the other rooms and sleeps under the sofa all day and night. She stopped coming to my room since she heard Yaz mewing. Given Lily's history with other cats i try to give her more attention now. I sit with her till late and go down at 6am to feed her and stay with her another hour or so (lily needs to be fed in small portions as she eats too fast and vomits her food out).

I see Yaz when i go to sleep (when i work) and few intervals a day (if im on leave). She is such a sweet gentle cat, i feel i am not giving her the love and attention she deserves. On one hand i want to keep her and make her part of my family. On the other I am afraid Lily may never accept her. Is this fair to Yaz or should i just set her free to get the love of a new family?

What really caught my attention with this lady is that her one year old's is named Peanut. Is this just a coincidence or is it a divine message. Everything is happening so fast i cant even think anymore. Any advice is greatly greatly appreciated.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
Awww, her other cat's name is Peanut. That brought a tear to my eye.

It's so easy to get attached to every cat. Objectively, your goal was to bring Yaz home so she'd be more comfortable (and it's easier for you to not have to constantly drive between two places) until you found her an adopter to give her a forever home. Sounds like she has that chance now, sooner than expected.

On the other hand, you have gotten to know Yaz and feel like your home may be her forever home. Would the potential adopter wait for one or two weeks while you see if Lily warms up to Yaz, or will she find another cat to be her cat's companion? If you lose her as an adopter and Lily ends up not liking Yaz there, then you are back to square one trying to find her a home. If the woman will wait a week or two while you decide that would be the ideal scenario.

Also, do you plan to continue to rescue and foster cats in your home(s), and would your decision about keeping Yaz make you more or less likely to do that? It is nice that you have the second apartment for more space to house some kitties, but how much of a drain is that on your time and energy?

I trust that you will make the right decision. Either answer will be good for Yaz; she's going to get a good home with you or with the woman who owns a Peanut. Start by asking her if she will wait a week or two.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Today i received an enquiry about Yaz. This lady has just lost an elderly cat and wants to adopt Yaz as a companion for her one year old. Im just starting to get used to having Yaz at my own place. Although Lily is a bit sulky, i try to divide my time between the two. The situation now is. Yaz is in my room while Lily has free reign over the rest of the house. Unfortunately she doesn't prefer any of the other rooms and sleeps under the sofa all day and night. She stopped coming to my room since she heard Yaz mewing. Given Lily's history with other cats i try to give her more attention now. I sit with her till late and go down at 6am to feed her and stay with her another hour or so (lily needs to be fed in small portions as she eats too fast and vomits her food out).

I see Yaz when i go to sleep (when i work) and few intervals a day (if im on leave). She is such a sweet gentle cat, i feel i am not giving her the love and attention she deserves. On one hand i want to keep her and make her part of my family. On the other I am afraid Lily may never accept her. Is this fair to Yaz or should i just set her free to get the love of a new family?

What really caught my attention with this lady is that her one year old's is named Peanut. Is this just a coincidence or is it a divine message. Everything is happening so fast i cant even think anymore. Any advice is greatly greatly appreciated.
orange & white has given some excellent suggestions, but it takes longer than two weeks in many, if not most, cases for cats to adjust and acclimatize to new environments and family members, and if you are bonding with Yaz, I would hope that you would keep her. That's my feelings.
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  • #50


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 13, 2017
Hi everyone. I thought i should update on Yaz's situation and also would love your kind advice on my dilemma - how to choose the right family for a pet.

So for the past 2 odd weeks i have tried orange&white orange&white 's advice and tried to get Lily and Yaz to get to know each other. I did the slow introduction from getting them used to each others scents to slow visual contact. feeding on each side of the door etc. Read tons on it and saw a number of videos. Only problem is Lily is just not willing to even try! she doesn't want to even come near the room and when i do put Yaz around her she almost gets violent. Yaz on the other hand is a little more open to try new company but Lily is not having any of Yaz.

So i have decided to let Yaz find her own family who will love her 100%. The family with the other peanut couldn't wait for Yaz and found another cat. But i now have 3 different inquiries. A local family (i am meeting them this Saturday), an Irish couple and an expat teacher.

Here is the dilemma. The teacher came first. she is single and very approachable. Friendly and loves animals as much as i do. But the catch is her contract is only 2 years. she has no intention of taking Yaz with her when she leaves but said she will give me the option or pass Yaz to her friend who loves animals too. Her friend is a local resident. The teacher travels a few times a year and i may have to look after Yaz when she is away, which i would love to.

The Irish couple are slightly longer term. They intend to be here for at least 4 to 5 years and when they do move back to Ireland they intend to bring Yaz back. She seems pretty nice too and I'm meeting them this weekend to introduce Yaz. Again the couple travels 3 times a year for at least 2 weeks. But she said she will get a pet minder or i have an option to care for Yaz which i welcome again.

The local family is looking for a pet as a friend for their indoor cat. They are not super friendly but i have not met them yet (spoke to them over the phone). I guess they are a big family with kids. But i suspect once i give them Yaz i would lose touch. I doubt they would give me constant updates.

At the end of the day I just want whats best for Yaz. I am really lucky to be spoiled for choices with so many who are willing to love Yaz. I will never know what will happen in the future but i need to do my best now. And i need to do it fast as i have already another stray i need to give me attention to soon. Can anyone give me tips on what they would do to choose the best fit?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
I don't think that any of those adopters sound right! That's ok, because you will keep Yaz while you keep looking. I would not give an animal to someone who wanted them temporarily. The australian couple is the only one I would consider, but how stressful would the trip to Ireland be? After that trip, Yaz would be far away and you would not be able to take her back if needed.

You definitely want a warm, friendly family that you are excited about. Ideally you can speak to them about past pets and how they cared for them.

I will say that two weeks is really not a lot of time to acclimate two cats. What is the reaction while you have been feeding them on either side of a door?

Are both spayed?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
Personally, I think the Irish couple would be my first choice, and the single teacher as a second choice. If Yaz is shy at all, I wouldn't want her going to a big family with a lot of kids. If she's a really social, friendly cat then that would be all right for her. I'm just thinking, "too much noise and stress" with the third, big family option.

Having the teacher pass Yaz on to a friend after two years is not optimal, but if the friend is going to be visiting Yaz a lot for the next two years and getting to know her then it's not so bad. Plus, you have first option.

My vote is for Irish couple. Yaz is awfully lucky to have so many people interested in her. :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
I don't think that any of those adopters sound right! That's ok, because you will keep Yaz while you keep looking. I would not give an animal to someone who wanted them temporarily. The australian couple is the only one I would consider, but how stressful would the trip to Ireland be? After that trip, Yaz would be far away and you would not be able to take her back if needed.

You definitely want a warm, friendly family that you are excited about. Ideally you can speak to them about past pets and how they cared for them.

I will say that two weeks is really not a lot of time to acclimate two cats. What is the reaction while you have been feeding them on either side of a door?

Are both spayed?
I meant Irish above. Brain fart.

I really do think you could give this more time, though, and give lily time to adjust, or wait for a more perfect adopter. Having them both fixed could make a world of difference.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Hi everyone. I thought i should update on Yaz's situation and also would love your kind advice on my dilemma - how to choose the right family for a pet.

So for the past 2 odd weeks i have tried orange&white orange&white 's advice and tried to get Lily and Yaz to get to know each other. I did the slow introduction from getting them used to each others scents to slow visual contact. feeding on each side of the door etc. Read tons on it and saw a number of videos. Only problem is Lily is just not willing to even try! she doesn't want to even come near the room and when i do put Yaz around her she almost gets violent. Yaz on the other hand is a little more open to try new company but Lily is not having any of Yaz.

So i have decided to let Yaz find her own family who will love her 100%. The family with the other peanut couldn't wait for Yaz and found another cat. But i now have 3 different inquiries. A local family (i am meeting them this Saturday), an Irish couple and an expat teacher.

Here is the dilemma. The teacher came first. she is single and very approachable. Friendly and loves animals as much as i do. But the catch is her contract is only 2 years. she has no intention of taking Yaz with her when she leaves but said she will give me the option or pass Yaz to her friend who loves animals too. Her friend is a local resident. The teacher travels a few times a year and i may have to look after Yaz when she is away, which i would love to.

The Irish couple are slightly longer term. They intend to be here for at least 4 to 5 years and when they do move back to Ireland they intend to bring Yaz back. She seems pretty nice too and I'm meeting them this weekend to introduce Yaz. Again the couple travels 3 times a year for at least 2 weeks. But she said she will get a pet minder or i have an option to care for Yaz which i welcome again.

The local family is looking for a pet as a friend for their indoor cat. They are not super friendly but i have not met them yet (spoke to them over the phone). I guess they are a big family with kids. But i suspect once i give them Yaz i would lose touch. I doubt they would give me constant updates.

At the end of the day I just want whats best for Yaz. I am really lucky to be spoiled for choices with so many who are willing to love Yaz. I will never know what will happen in the future but i need to do my best now. And i need to do it fast as i have already another stray i need to give me attention to soon. Can anyone give me tips on what they would do to choose the best fit?
I agree with talkingpeanut posting above. And I would not adopt to any of these people.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
:wave3: Bless you for being such a kind and loving person. I know you will make the right choice after meeting all the people. If none of them 'feel' right to you don't let Yaz go. :winkcat: We are all thinking of you. Thanks for keeping us updated.:lovecat2::catrub:
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  • #57


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 13, 2017
Hi everyone. Thank you for ur kinda words. Thought I should update on Yaz. After much deliberation I gave Yaz up two weeks ago to the expat lady. The Irish couple felt she was a bit too skittish for them. The other family was not right for her I felt. So I gave her to the expat lady. Ideally I would have loved to keep her with me but i need space. I had to rescue an old male cat with severe wounds from fights. I also now have another one month old kitten abandoned by its mother. Poor thing was stuck in the drain for 2 days. Due to limited space I didn't have the option of keeping Yaz. Plus lily and Yaz didn't seem to get along. Surprisingly lily seems to get along better with the old male. Probably because he mostly ignores her. She is not overly friendly but she can stay in the same room with him and still eats when I feed them. She didn't do this with Yaz.

And Yaz is thriving at her new place. She has the whole apartment to herself and in the pics and videos I received she seems so happy. I'm happy for her and I still take comfort that I still have access to Yaz. I'm looking to move out to a bigger place where I can have more space for my rescues and my own Lily and now Lozzy (the stray male I'm afraid no one may want). Until then Im trying to do the best under the circumstances.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Hi everyone. Thank you for ur kinda words. Thought I should update on Yaz. After much deliberation I gave Yaz up two weeks ago to the expat lady. The Irish couple felt she was a bit too skittish for them. The other family was not right for her I felt. So I gave her to the expat lady. Ideally I would have loved to keep her with me but i need space. I had to rescue an old male cat with severe wounds from fights. I also now have another one month old kitten abandoned by its mother. Poor thing was stuck in the drain for 2 days. Due to limited space I didn't have the option of keeping Yaz. Plus lily and Yaz didn't seem to get along. Surprisingly lily seems to get along better with the old male. Probably because he mostly ignores her. She is not overly friendly but she can stay in the same room with him and still eats when I feed them. She didn't do this with Yaz.

And Yaz is thriving at her new place. She has the whole apartment to herself and in the pics and videos I received she seems so happy. I'm happy for her and I still take comfort that I still have access to Yaz. I'm looking to move out to a bigger place where I can have more space for my rescues and my own Lily and now Lozzy (the stray male I'm afraid no one may want). Until then Im trying to do the best under the circumstances.
SO glad and grateful that Yaz is thriving and loved in her new home! and also that you have been able to rescue, shelter, and give loving care to Lozzy and the kitten as well as Lily. *PRAYERS* for the new rescues and for your continued success in giving this very important care to cats and kittens in need. Please keep us updated on everyone's progress and growth! Would love to see pix of new rescues.