5 Week Old Kitten Always Hiding


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 13, 2017
Hi everyone, I couldn't find answers elsewhere so I decided to post here.

I have three 5 week old kittens. Two seem to be behaving normally, the other one is constantly hiding, sleeping, usually won't be interested in eating unless I physically pick her up and put her with the other kittens and mom when it is feeding time (still drinking milk from the mother). I have started weaning, one kitten is doing very well, one is showing good signs of interest, but the other does not care for food and runs away from the bowl.

She is not always hiding and sleeping, not 24/7. She does play with the other kittens especially in the morning. But I would say she spends a good 90% of the time sleeping, usually in a place where I cannot reach her, or see her. She is definitely not afraid of me at all, I can pick her up with no problems, put her on my lap, she approaches me when she isn't hiding. But she will most of the time not come out of hiding to greet me when I get home from work at night, like the other two do. Right now she is sleeping under an end table by my bed where I can't reach her. The mother cat occasionally will walk over and scratch at the floor by it like she is trying to get her to come out. I have also noticed she gets startled by noises that aren't necessarily loud. The other kittens don't really react but she will 9 times out of 10 run and hide.

She also seems to be having trouble figuring out the litter box. She will pee beside it on the rug, not in it, usually. I know she is still a little young to get the idea completely but my other two do just fine.

Maybe she is just developing a little more slowly? Is this something to be concerned about this early?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 24, 2016

It is normal for a kitten to sleep alot; however usually kittens are very active and energetic around 5 weeks old when they are awake. This is a period where they started to have full control over their body and no longer stumbling when they move/run too fast. Kitten around 5 weeks old usually love to fight with their siblings or explore the world around them. Is she the runt of the group, does she look smaller than other two kittens? I would take her to a vet to have her check! What also concerns the is that cat usually don't hide if they are sleep in a familiar/safe place.
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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
How is her total weigh, compared to the others? and or the daily gaining?

I suspect the total food intake is an issue. If not by other reason, so being undernourished lower down her energy level. She must conserve the few reserves she has.

So, I think some sort of active supplement feeding is necessary. I would suggest goats milk, as its cheaper than KMR, and also, its by itself a nice supplement feeding also for adult cats, if you by any reason think an adult cat needs milk instead of common drinking water.

Begin also the transition to foods. For example, wet food you let her lick from your fingers.

Of course, continue to let her eat and learn from momma.

She seems to be shy, definitely more than the others. A shy cat is usually shy to visitors, not the owner, so it doesnt needs to be so important as long as its the right owner. Anyways, she prob wont get a children family as her future owners. (even if there ARE nice, animal friendly kids too).

You could try with a Feliway spray or even feliway diffuser, to lower down her anxiousness...

And yes, its very possible she is a little slower. Possibly an equivalent to what in human child would be called for a child with special needs. Being a home cat, she should anyways do OK, if you pick the adequat home.
But dont use her in any breeding programme! (joking only in half)

Hi everyone, I couldn't find answers elsewhere so I decided to post here.

I have three 5 week old kittens. Two seem to be behaving normally, the other one is constantly hiding, sleeping, usually won't be interested in eating unless I physically pick her up and put her with the other kittens and mom when it is feeding time (still drinking milk from the mother). I have started weaning, one kitten is doing very well, one is showing good signs of interest, but the other does not care for food and runs away from the bowl.

She is not always hiding and sleeping, not 24/7. She does play with the other kittens especially in the morning. But I would say she spends a good 90% of the time sleeping, usually in a place where I cannot reach her, or see her. She is definitely not afraid of me at all, I can pick her up with no problems, put her on my lap, she approaches me when she isn't hiding. But she will most of the time not come out of hiding to greet me when I get home from work at night, like the other two do. Right now she is sleeping under an end table by my bed where I can't reach her. The mother cat occasionally will walk over and scratch at the floor by it like she is trying to get her to come out. I have also noticed she gets startled by noises that aren't necessarily loud. The other kittens don't really react but she will 9 times out of 10 run and hide.

She also seems to be having trouble figuring out the litter box. She will pee beside it on the rug, not in it, usually. I know she is still a little young to get the idea completely but my other two do just fine.

Maybe she is just developing a little more slowly? Is this something to be concerned about this early?