The 2017 Exercise Motivation Thread

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  • #221


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May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
@Norachan  that's not funny. What a cruel April Fool's joke Mother Nature played. Is it warm enough overall that your snow will melt fairly quickly? 
Lord, I hope so! 
 I'm so sick of snow. It's below freezing at night but when the sun comes out the snow starts melting.
 I did 45 minutes of shoveling last night. we got 12+ inches of HEAVY wet CRAP. 
You too, huh?

People in these parts say that the heavy wet snow is a sign that spring is almost here. The dry powdery stuff only falls when it's way below freezing. Not that it's much consolation to us.

So, I have yet another cat disaster. Sometime either late Saturday night or early Sunday morning Fynn realised that the weight of the snow had caused the fence to sag in one corner. He worked out that he could take a run up to it, jump on top of the fence and escape. I noticed he wasn't here for breakfast Sunday morning, but thought he might be having a snooze somewhere. It wasn't until lunch time when I had chance to look around properly that I noticed he was gone. Paw prints on top of the fence and in the woods on the other side, but they disappear into the slush and mud when he reached the lane.

He's been out dozens of times before. He was coming on daily walks with me and Little Boy up until October. He's never been out on his own before though.

Four 30 ~ 40 minute walks in different directions to look for him today, plus 90 minutes of yoga.

What is it with my cats and their disappearing acts? It seems like every few months one of them takes off into the woods.

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  • #222


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Fynn came home!

Strolled in this morning looking very pleased with himself. The others gave him a good sniff over, he must smell as if he has been somewhere interesting. I'm so relieved, there is nothing more depressing than trudging around a frozen forest looking for a lost cat.

90 minutes of yoga and a 60 minute walk today.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Yay, Fynn! Welcome home!

I got 13 of 13 hours with 250 steps per hour yesterday.

I know.....not much, but it's a start. I'm going to try this this week and see how things go with the knee. If it seems OK, I'm going to start walking next week. There's not really been much of a change, but I need to get off my butt. It's killing me. Since I stopped walking, my average resting heart rate has increased by 8 points. Not a good thing.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
13 of 13 hours with 250 steps per hour. It's only adding up to a little over 5,000 steps. I need to actually walk.
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  • #225


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May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
It's better than nothing @Winchester  , although I can understand why your feeling frustrated. How does your knee feel these days?

One hour of yoga and then 30 minutes on my bike this afternoon.

As soon as the snow is all gone I've got to work on that fence. Now that Fynn has realised he can get out he's climbing over there about 20 times a day.



In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Pretty much the same. It really only hurts at night in bed. During the day, I get a twinge or two, but nothing major. Still wearing the brace. Thanks.

Good luck with Fynn!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Glad Fynn came back! And sorry he's been annoying you with see ma I am going to do this because I know how much it
 you off!!

Gym last night. Cut back on calories. I ate almonds instead of cheezits but then later in the day I gave in and ate cheezits but only half the bag.

Bike- 10 miles 43 minutes. I was booking it. was coming out to be a mile every 5 minutes. I sat in the very corner away from everyone and away from distractions of the windows and focused on my breathing to stop huffing and puffing. I also kept water in mouth to force me to breathe out my nose. I am trying to train myself to control my breathing so I can control my heartbeat and obviously not go too insane. I kept the heart beats around 135-142. If I let it get to 150 or higher I sweat super stupid crazy and huffing and puffing so I don't do it. My knee only had a tad bit of pain near the 40 min mark. Then went on elliptical to just stretch out. not even a mile. .75 miles for 10 minutes. Just to move my legs after sitting so long. That's the only downside of the bike. my back and butt hurt after 30 minutes so I have been working up to an hour on the bike..that will take another month. I add on a minute or two every session then stop.

I was insane soaked and couldn't stand it anymore so I left. Drank two liters of water. No cramps either from drinking. Maybe my breathing is helping stop that. I used to get runners cramps all the time until I work on my breathing. Yeah I was an animal last night. Felt so good after being out of the gym for 3 days. and only twinges in my foot. It's slowly healing.

Winchester sounds like the knee needs time to heal. Is there nothing they can do? Or is it the surgery that you are trying to avoid? Did you try dasquin


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I should try Boo's Dasaquin! We still have some left. I've thought about it. I am taking Osteo-BiFlex twice a day. 

No, I want an appt with an ortho. My family doctor says, "Well, take it easy for a couple of weeks, wear the brace, do the icing, blah, blah, blah. Then we'll talk about an ortho." And I need him to refer me because of my insurance. Meanwhile the knee really doesn't seem to be getting much better, although I will say that I am sleeping better at night; either it's not awakening me when I move anymore or I'm that tired that I'm sleeping through it.

I want to see an ortho. And I'll take the surgery, if that's what's necessary. Anything to get me back out on the road. I am so tired of sitting at my desk over lunch, I could scream. Especially now that the weather has gotten so much nicer. Talking serious cabin fever. I'm going to try the treadmill next week and see what happens. Will start slowly, with one mile.

13 of 13 hours with 250 steps yesterday. I hit 7,000 steps. 

I won't get it today because I have a hair appt. Hoping to get 11 hours anyway. And I'll make up the 500 steps throughout the day (even though I know that doesn't count).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Good Job Winchester!! Hey you have to keep range of motion. Any Ortho worth their salt will tell you to keep moving it just don't overdo it. That's why I wondered if pedaling would help keep the range of motion without the weight bearing on the joint.

Last night Gym.

Kicked it up. 53-56? forgot how many minutes 10 miles. Did HIIT. 1 min fast. 1 min medium pace. Then on the uphill parts punched out my arms while pedaling to see if it raises my heart rate more than climbing high hills. it came out to be the same but helps keep my arms moving.

then did some weights-just arms. overhead press and forward bent rows. Just enough to see if I still had strength. I could go 5lb higher on the overhead press so it's not completely gone. it was 6:30 and I knew I had to quit.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I'm trying to keep moving, at least a little bit. I did say something to Rick about buying an exercise bike; did not go over well at all. And I can't say that I blame him because we have all this execise "stuff" in the house as it is. 

Good work, @foxxycat  . Just be careful. 

Thursday - 11 of 13 hours with 250 steps an hour.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
One thing I notice I sweat a TON more on the bike than on the elliptical. Kind of odd isn't it? I rested last night.

Jog at lunch yesterday 25 minutes. Ankle acting up=rested last night or rather played with the cat Honeybee. She was in the mood to play fetch so we flung stuff all over the home looks like a cat bomb of mice went off! LOL

Going to the gym tonight. My buddy that I met last summer there is going to be there. So I will finally have someone on the weights to compete against. He's strong in areas that I am not-like abs. And I am stronger in areas he isn't= arms. so it's kind of cool.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Gym last night-I found out I don't do workouts well with a partner. We rode the bike for half an hour but I couldn't focus on my workout so only got 4.5 miles done. Then we went to do stretches and we ended up sitting on the floor stretching our legs and gabbing about families and stuff-before I knew it it was already 5:15. I said we got to get a move on! So we did the universal weights with the pulleys. Did arms/back/shoulders and tried a few different things I have seen others do but not done. Then it was 5:45 and I needed to get home to put something together for dinner..but no one was hungry so just ate a slice of pizza.

Today lunchtime jog/squats etc. Followed another youtube video LisaMarie BodyRock video. I don't know where she get's her energy from.

I am planning to do a redo tonight at the gym..but really need to buy some food...we got nothing much to eat other than staples..we ate all the salad food and all I have left is broccoli, ham and bread and a tomato...if I could be more creative with food but I am just boring...maybe I will just make a BLT and buy a salad in a bag...and a tv diet dinner for lunch tomorrow.
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  • #233


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Glad Fynn came back! And sorry he's been annoying you with see ma I am going to do this because I know how much it
 you off!!
You're right! I went for a walk the other day and when he saw me coming home he jumped over the fence and ran down the lane to meet me. Which is very sweet, but I really wish he wouldn't.

2 hours of yoga on Thursday, 90 minutes yoga and a 30 minute walk on Friday, 90 minutes yoga yesterday. I've been looking at fencing material online. I want something that has holes too small for a cat to fit through but big enough to let snow through to recover the top of the fence. Probably won't keep Button Moon in, but as long as I don't have to worry about it collapsing every winter I'll be happy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
@Winchester  I thought of you today during my lunch break-and decided to go walking. It was 60 out with a nice breeze and I don't know how far I walked but I just walked up one way and came back the other and timed it just right. 30 minutes of walking. I saw the first flowers of the season- forsythia bushes along the road are just starting to bud with a few I know why my allergies are going haywire.

Gym last night-only 30 min on the bike-my friend showed up again so I will either have to tell him I can't talk and ride or something because I just can't concentrate. I found out I play best by myself unless I can find someone to go faster than I can. I guess I am weird..I see those workout videos online and see groups of people going along doing their thing but I am too uncoordinated. I can't chew gum and walk....and I proved it this morning. Walking out to the truck and tripped on a stone. Granted it's not in the way but I tripped enough I landed on my left knee and actually rolled onto my back..kind of embarrassing! Luckily no one picked up my bruised self and scuttled away before anyone saw me. It sure stung but so far so good. Hahaha I can't even walk holding a bag without tripping..I walked today because I didn't want to jog-wanted to see how bad the damage is-it's kind of sore so I don't think I am doing the gym after work. I just have to wait once more for another injury to heal. Stupid Idiot.  
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  • #235


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
my friend showed up again so I will either have to tell him I can't talk and ride or something because I just can't concentrate. I found out I play best by myself unless I can find someone to go faster than I can. I guess I am weird..I see those workout videos online and see groups of people going along doing their thing but I am too uncoordinated. 
I'm the same. I really don't like exercising with other people. I always think of it as "Me-Time". I can't be bothered with making small talk, I just want to focus on what I'm doing and let my mind switch off.

I did two one hour yoga sessions yesterday. One focusing on inversions and arm balances, the other to work on losing up and strengthening my hips and obliques. 90 minutes yoga so far today.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I don't want to deal with others when I'm out walking. This is my time, so stay away. I've been asked by others in the building if they could walk with me and I always find a nice way to say no. I'm sorry, but no. I don't wave to people in cars, I seldom respond to drivers honking their horns, etc. I walk. That's what I do. My time, my iPod, my music. Leave me alone.

Every once in a while, work will have a walking contest. People sign up, then form into little groups of walkers. And then they all go out. Whichever group has logged the most miles during a period of several months wins prizes. I have been asked to join several of the groups, but I never sign up for anything. I'm on my own and I like it that way. No small talk with people and I don't have to listen to people whine about their significant others.

@foxxycat, kudos on your walk! You probably got close to 2 miles in and that's excellent!

1 mile on the treadmill this morning. I started out at 3.2 with a 2% incline. There were twinges in the knee, but overall not too bad. I'll get as many hours as I can in with 250+ steps today, too, but I do have a meeting from 4:30 until 6:00 and that will screw me over step-wise. (I mile is better than 0 miles. 
 ) I'm wearing the knee brace when I walk, but other than that, I'm not wearing it anymore. It's been three weeks and I was only supposed to wear it two weeks.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
@Winchester  I think it was only a mile. I walked slow because the knee was hurting when bending..last night I didn't walk but made supper and couldn't wait to lay down with an ice pack. It hurt more laying down than standing. This morning it wasn't too painful but I have two spots on the left knee that are pretty tender. I packed my clothes for the gym tonight-it's supposed to be 70 out today so hopefully it will be  a ghost town.

And I agree-leave me alone!! ME TIME!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
half an hour walk at lunchtime. Grabbed my earbuds from my truck and booked it. Forgot to change my shoes. I walked in one direction to the second street intersection-was 12:45 then. so turned around. Got back at 12:57. I even tried jogging for 15 seconds three times. It was hot out 70. Next time going to bring a towel soaking wet around my neck to keep me cool. brought my liter of water-sucked down half of it. Still hitting gym tonight-knee is ok. It seems it's best if I am standing or walking. Sitting down makes it ache more. So tonight no bike just the elliptical and my upper body workout stuff.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
I don't want to deal with others when I'm out walking. This is my time, so stay away. I've been asked by others in the building if they could walk with me and I always find a nice way to say no. I'm sorry, but no. I don't wave to people in cars, I seldom respond to drivers honking their horns, etc. I walk. That's what I do. My time, my iPod, my music. Leave me alone.
Pam, interesting. I am just the opposite though I NEVER want a walking partner. That would drive me nuts. For one thing, almost nobody walks as fast as I do.

I never use an iPod because I do like to talk to folks on the street. During my 2 hour daily walk, depending on the route, I am going to meet people I know. In fact, most of my friends are people I met while I was out walking. Connecticut folks are sedentary, to put it mildly, so I attract a lot of attention because I don't drive.

I always wave to people in cars even if I have no clue who they are. Lots of the mailmen in town wave, then there are police officers who want to chat ... and on it goes.
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