The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2016

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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
WELL PHOOEY!  I was sure there were two quotes, or mentions, or a mention and a quote...can't find a second one, so I'm grousing about it now, just to not have lied about back-to-back posting.  So there.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I thought I had Murphy completely broken of the sucking on me thing, but he was doing it again last night.  I was in a mood last night, though - just feeling really sad and anxious for no reason whatsoever.  So I wondered if he was trying to help me relax or something.  I don't know.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I thought I had Murphy completely broken of the sucking on me thing, but he was doing it again last night.  I was in a mood last night, though - just feeling really sad and anxious for no reason whatsoever.  So I wondered if he was trying to help me relax or something.  I don't know.
Or else it makes him sad for you to be sad, so he was comforting himself.  Hey, if it works one way, it ought to work the other way, right?



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Or else it makes him sad for you to be sad, so he was comforting himself.  Hey, if it works one way, it ought to work the other way, right?

Yep.  If it sounds good, it must be true.  LOL.
No one has ever claimed that cat logic actually works, but that doesn't mean there's no method to it.  I'm sure cats feel the same way about human logic.  After all, what purpose could possibly be served by shoving a thermometer up the cat's behind?  But humans still seem to think they're helping when they do it. 



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
No one has ever claimed that cat logic actually works, but that doesn't mean there's no method to it.  I'm sure cats feel the same way about human logic.  After all, what purpose could possibly be served by shoving a thermometer up the cat's behind?  But humans still seem to think they're helping when they do it. 



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Well, one of my little sister's friends is pregnant.  Normally, I wouldn't tell people how to raise their kids, but this woman needs to be slapped.  The girl is 14.  Her mother buys her all the cigarettes she can smoke.  The girl lives in a 1 bedroom house with her mother.  She has an 18 year old boyfriend.  The mother allowed him to move in with them.

I just can't figure out how she would have gotten pregnant.  I don't have a clue.



Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Well, one of my little sister's friends is pregnant.  Normally, I wouldn't tell people how to raise their kids, but this woman needs to be slapped.  The girl is 14.  Her mother buys her all the cigarettes she can smoke.  The girl lives in a 1 bedroom house with her mother.  She has an 18 year old boyfriend.  The mother allowed him to move in with them.

I just can't figure out how she would have gotten pregnant.  I don't have a clue.

I feel sorry for the poor baby to be.... being brought into that kind of environment is terrible...

I will not comment on the environment which resulted in the conception of this child.. the only thing I have to say is that is sounds like borderline child abuse...and neglect....

I have always said that to be a parent, you should be required to pass a test and be licensed for it....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I'm back! I had a great honeymoon, but I really am very happy to be back. Carrot and Ruby broke cat tradition and came for snuggles and petting right away when we returned last night. Angua held off until this morning. She is still shunning my husband but she's been chilling in my lap. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I feel sorry for the poor baby to be.... being brought into that kind of environment is terrible...

I will not comment on the environment which resulted in the conception of this child.. the only thing I have to say is that is sounds like borderline child abuse...and neglect....

I have always said that to be a parent, you should be required to pass a test and be licensed for it....
I agree.  I wouldn't be surprised if the girl's mother and boyfriend both went to prison for a while.  Missouri has a statutory rape law which I feel makes a lot of sense.  Someone over 18 can date someone under 18 as long as there isn't more than a 3 year age difference.  In this case, there is.  I just can't understand it.  Why would a mother put her child into that kind of position?
I'm back! I had a great honeymoon, but I really am very happy to be back. Carrot and Ruby broke cat tradition and came for snuggles and petting right away when we returned last night. Angua held off until this morning. She is still shunning my husband but she's been chilling in my lap. 
Congratulations!!!  I'm glad you had such a good time.  :)

My twin* got engaged!  She was already pretty much unofficially engaged.  A couple months ago, he put a ring pop on her finger and asked her if she would wear it until he got the real ring.  LOL.  So, the actual proposal was pretty much just a technicality.  But Natalie said she was nervous and shaking so bad, he couldn't get the ring on her finger.  And I said, "Why was he nervous?  He knew you were going to say 'yes.'  The actual asking was just a technicality."  And Natalie said, "I asked him the exact same thing."  Our twin juice was going there, apparently.  LOL.  I'm so excited!  She got the wedding dress last week and I have to get to David's Bridal pretty soon to get the bridesmaid dress she picked out the same day she got the wedding dress.  The nearest one is an hour and a half away, but that's not too bad.

*Not a twin by blood, we just look somewhat alike, have so many similarities it's almost scary and have the same birthday, just 3 years apart.  She's my sister from a different mister.  LOL


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Just finished up with my volunteer shift at the humane society...

I took a couple pictures of Diamond.. he is a silly, energetic boy of 2 years old or so.. He has a black diamond on his nose!!  Such a character...and a big mouth...He really does react when I call him 'big mouth".. He looks at me and turns his head to the side..and then MEOWS!!!!  

sorry fir th blurriness.. I had to catch him on the 'run'!

I honestly do not know why he is still not adopted!! He has been there for a month....I guess "Karma", is just waiting for his purrfect Mom or Dad.....such a crazy cat....

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Yesterday was the big day.  My neighbors small grand kids (6 & 8) came over to play with Jerry.  I wanted to see if he would hiss at the kids.  Nope, no hissing some running away but the little girl picked him up a couple of times and there was no problem at all.  He is so totally adoptable.  Neuter appt is 2 weeks away.

He is a cutie.  Loves to run around downstairs when the big kitties are napping upstairs.  He isn't afraid of Fluffy even when she is charging the screen door and he is right next to it.  Eclipse is still afraid of him but they had some nice nose-to-nose action last night with the screen door open. 

I have had a cold for the past 4 days.  I feel miserable
.  It's trying to become a sinus infection.  DS has been walking Eclipse for me.  Yesterday he was so mad that he swiped at my feet as I was going upstairs to check on the kitten.  Then he ran to the back door in hopes I would take him out again.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
So, I'm a smart one.  I was setting up a follow up call because someone wanted to complain and blah blah blah.  I've got my laptop sitting here with my work computer next to me and I'm trying to type in the instructions for the callback on my laptop keyboard and staring at the work computer screen wondering why the words I was typing weren't appearing there.

Sadly enough, this is NOT the first time I've done this.



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Wasn't sure I'd get here tonight.  I've been a little off today.  This time of year, the second wave of allergies starts, and that kicks in my vertigo.  Several small dizzy spells, but nothing earth-shattering.  I'll call Dr. DeSantis tomorrow and get my prescription called in.  Thank goodness, they deliver! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I think I missed something.  Why is this a Real Life Crime drama photo?

I got a phone call from a cousin I haven't heard from in ages this morning.  She's putting together a family history and wants to come over and spend a day with me early next month, to go through pictures and stories.  I need to go through some of the stories my mother wrote down and put them on a flash drive for her, along with dredging up as much as I can remember of the stories my dad told me while he was dying (he would never talk about his childhood before then, but when I took him to a travel agent looking for cheap airfare to New Jersey to see a specialist he had me drive around so he could show me places he remembered from his childhood, and told me the stories that went with them -- I don't remember the places that well, but I do remember the stories and it's way past time I wrote them down).  It's going to be a busy month.

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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I got a phone call from a cousin I haven't heard from in ages this morning.  She's putting together a family history and wants to come over and spend a day with me early next month, to go through pictures and stories.  I need to go through some of the stories my mother wrote down and put them on a flash drive for her, along with dredging up as much as I can remember of the stories my dad told me while he was dying (he would never talk about his childhood before then, but when I took him to a travel agent looking for cheap airfare to New Jersey to see a specialist he had me drive around so he could show me places he remembered from his childhood, and told me the stories that went with them -- I don't remember the places that well, but I do remember the stories and it's way past time I wrote them down).  It's going to be a busy month.

That sounds so interesting!  I've found a cousin on Ancestry, and shot a note off to her.  Hopefully she will get in touch with me.  She's the granddaughter or great granddaughter of my Uncle Arch.  I never knew much about Dad's side of the family, as Mom was insistent that we go to her family for EVERY occasion.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I got a phone call from a cousin I haven't heard from in ages this morning.  She's putting together a family history and wants to come over and spend a day with me early next month, to go through pictures and stories.  I need to go through some of the stories my mother wrote down and put them on a flash drive for her, along with dredging up as much as I can remember of the stories my dad told me while he was dying (he would never talk about his childhood before then, but when I took him to a travel agent looking for cheap airfare to New Jersey to see a specialist he had me drive around so he could show me places he remembered from his childhood, and told me the stories that went with them -- I don't remember the places that well, but I do remember the stories and it's way past time I wrote them down).  It's going to be a busy month.

That sounds so interesting!  I've found a cousin on Ancestry, and shot a note off to her.  Hopefully she will get in touch with me.  She's the granddaughter or great granddaughter of my Uncle Arch.  I never knew much about Dad's side of the family, as Mom was insistent that we go to her family for EVERY occasion.
Jodie is just five years younger than I am, and I hadn't realized how much difference that made in what we knew.  She asked me this morning about the "rumor" she'd been told "as a kid" that Uncle Harold killed himself.  I remember that very well, and I know for certain that I was married when it happened, but then I was only 22 when I married Roger so I guess she might have still considered herself a kid at the time.  I didn't realize it was that long ago, though.

(For the record, Uncle Harold only kind-of-sort-of killed himself.  He was suffering from chronic pain and was trying to get his doctor to prescribe stronger drugs for it, so he staged two or three classic cry-for-help suicide attempts, the kind meant to be caught in time and get the doctor to take him seriously.  The final one wasn't caught in time.  I hate the kind of diseases that kill by suicide.  I've lost two friends that way, as well as a beloved uncle.)

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